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Interface between ChimeraX and Schol-AR. Allows for creating and editing Schol-Ar projects and augmentations inside of ChimeraX.

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ChimeraX Scholar

Create, edit, and export your ChimeraX models to Schol-AR's augmented reality projects. User interface and commands support project creation, augmentation creation, and augmentation editing capabilities.

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Command: scholar

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Schol-AR is a website and associated software that allows users to create augmented reality overlays for their publication images. Users can create a Schol-AR account free of charge and upload 3D models from ChimeraX, which can then be linked to figures in a publication for viewing the associated 3D augmentations with a smartphone or web-based PDF viewer. Schol-AR is described in:

Integrating data directly into publications with augmented reality and web-based technologies – Schol-AR.
Ard T, Bienkowski MS, Liew S, Sepehrband F, Yan L, Toga AW.
Sci Data 9(1):298 (2022).

See also: Schol-AR YouTube videos

The scholar command interfaces with the Schol-AR website to allow:

  • creating a user account
  • for a user, creating one or more projects, each corresponding to a single publication, poster, or presentation
  • within a project, creating one or more augmentations, each consisting of a 3D model to show in augmented reality and the corresponding target image that appears in the project (e.g., a figure in the paper)
  • generating QR codes for each project:
    • a permanent, public QR code that should be included in the publication, poster, or presentation so that viewers can access the associated Schol-AR augmentations
    • a private QR code that acts like a password to edit the project; it should be kept private and is not guaranteed to be permanent

Deleting projects and augmentations, however, can only be done at the Schol-AR website.

The most common approach will be to use the ScholAR graphical interface. However, its functions are implemented as several scholar subcommands:

Users who do not yet have a Schol-AR account should first go to the Schol-AR website, register for an account, log in to the account, go the Profile settings, and then click “Get API Token.” The username, password, and API token should be noted down for future access to the account.

scholar login local-username [API-token]

Log in to the associated Schol-AR account and set up local files as needed. Users who have obtained an API token as described above but not yet created a local username must supply both a local-username and the obtained API token.

The local username is used by ChimeraX as a convenient alias to the API token and does not need to be the same as the username at the Schol-AR website. However:

The local username and any other user-supplied strings in scholar commands must not contain any characters other than letters, numbers, and spaces.

Note also that strings containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks.

Users who have already created a local username and linked it to their API token can simply give that local username to log in.

scholar user directory

Technical details: Creating a new local username creates a directory inside of app_dirs_unversioned called Schol-AR if it does not already exist. Inside the Schol-AR folder, a user_info.json file that stores all usernames and API tokens for one Chimerax installation will be created/updated, and a folder titled with the username will be created. Inside the username-titled folder, projects_info.json is created/updated to store data for all of the projects of that user.

scholar project local-username project-title [projectType paper | poster | book | other] [discUrl project-URL]

Create a new project by giving a new project-title or choose an existing project by giving a project-title that was created earlier. Specifying the project type and supplying an URL to be associated with the project, such as a link to a publication or institute, are optional.

scholar project directory

Technical details: Creating a new project updates the projects_info.json in the user folder, and a folder inside of the username folder will be created and titled with the project’s 10-character identifier string. Inside that folder, an augmentations_info.json file is created to hold data for all of the project's augmentations. If an existing project is specified, augmentations_info.json will be updated as needed to synchronize with the project status at the Schol-AR website.

scholar augmentation local-username project-title augmentation-title [augmentationType model]

Create a new augmentation by giving a new augmentation-title or choose an existing augmentation by giving an augmentation-title that was created earlier. The project must already exist. Currently only one type of augmentation can be created via ChimeraX (3D model in GLB format), so augmentationType does not need to be given.

scholar project directory

Technical details: Creating a new augmentation automatically runs scholar uploadAugFiles to upload the associated files and information to the Schol-AR website. Locally, the project augmentation_info.json file is updated, and a folder named with the 4-character augmentation ID is created. In turn, it contains three more folders: augmented_file (for the 3D model GLB file), cxs (for an associated ChimeraX session file, see scholar saveAugSession), and target_image (for the target image PNG file). Finally, scholar saveAugSession is automatically run to save the current ChimeraX session to the cxs folder. A current limitation is that the GLB file size cannot exceed 30MB. Specifying an existing augmentation will update local files if/as needed to synchronize with the Schol-AR website.

scholar downloadQR local-username project-title

Download the project QR files from the Schol-AR website to the local directory structure, within Schol-AR/username/project_id/qr and then /admin or /pub for the private and public QR code images, respectively. This is done so that the QR codes can be displayed by the ScholAR graphical interface.

scholar downloadAugFiles local-username project-title augmentation-title [targetImage true | false] [augmentedFile true | false]

Download augmentation files from the Schol-AR website to the local directory structure, either the target image (default true), or the 3D model (default false, do not download), or both.

scholar uploadAugFiles local-username project-title augmentation-title [targetImage true | false] [augmentedFile true | false]

Upload augmentation files from the local directory structure (such as after modifications in ChimeraX) to the Schol-AR website, either the target image (default false, do not upload), or the 3D model (default true), or both. A current limitation is that the 3D model file size cannot exceed 30MB.

The target image must match that in the media seen by the viewers (e.g., the corresponding publication figure), so it is very important not to accidentally update/overwrite it when the appearance in ChimeraX is different. There is no way to recover the previous target image with the ChimeraX ScholAR tool, scholar command, or at the Schol-AR website. If the target image no longer matches the published image, others will no longer be able to view the associated augmentation.

scholar saveAugSession local-username project-title augmentation-title [filePath existing-session-file]

Save a ChimeraX session file in the augmentation's /cxs folder, either generated from the current state of ChimeraX (default) or by copying an existing session file specified with the filePath option, where existing-session-file is the desired pathname (directory location and filename) or the word browse to specify it interactively in a file browser window.

scholar openAugSession local-username project-title augmentation-title

Open the ChimeraX session file, if any, found in the augmentation's /cxs folder.

scholar storeTargetImage local-username project-title augmentation-title pathname

Save a copy of the augmentation's target image PNG file to a location specified by the user, where pathname is the desired pathname (directory location and filename) or the word browse to specify it interactively in a file browser window.

scholar storeModel local-username project-title augmentation-title pathname

Save a copy of the augmentation's 3D model GLB file to a location specified by the user, where pathname is the desired pathname (directory location and filename) or the word browse to specify it interactively in a file browser window.

scholar storeQRImage local-username project-title pathname

Save a copy of the project's public QR code image file to a location specified by the user, where pathname is the desired pathname (directory location and filename) or the word browse to specify it interactively in a file browser window.

scholar storeAllAugFiles local-username project-title augmentation-title existing-directory

Save copies of the augmentation's target image PNG file and 3D model GLB file as well as the project's public QR code image file to an existing directory (folder) specified by the user.

scholar cleanLocal [username local-username]

Remove all local files corresponding to augmentations and projects that have been deleted by the users at the Schol-AR website. Currently, such deletions should be initiated at the website; deleting files locally does not change what is in the website account. Specifying a username argument will remove all local files associated only with that username.

scholar removeUser local-username

Remove a ChimeraX Schol-AR user and all related ChimeraX stored data. This action cannot be undone.

Tool: ScholAR

ChimeraX docs icon

Schol-AR is a website and associated software that allows users to create augmented reality overlays for their publication images. Users can create a Schol-AR account free of charge and upload 3D models from ChimeraX, which can then be linked to figures in a publication for viewing the associated 3D augmentations with a smartphone or web-based PDF viewer. Schol-AR is described in:

Integrating data directly into publications with augmented reality and web-based technologies – Schol-AR.
Ard T, Bienkowski MS, Liew S, Sepehrband F, Yan L, Toga AW.
Sci Data 9(1):298 (2022).

See also: [Schol-AR YouTube videos](" _blank"")

The ChimeraX ScholAR tool interfaces with the Schol-AR website to allow:

  • creating a user account
  • for a user, creating one or more projects, each corresponding to a single publication, poster, or presentation
  • within a project, creating one or more augmentations, each consisting of a 3D model to show in augmented reality and the corresponding target image that appears in the project (e.g., a figure in the paper)
  • generating QR codes for each project:
    • a permanent, public QR code that should be included in the publication, poster, or presentation so that viewers can access the associated Schol-AR augmentations
    • a private QR code that acts like a password to edit the project; it should be kept private and is not guaranteed to be permanent

Deleting an augmentation or project (if desired) should be done at the Schol-AR website. After that happens, the local copies of the associated files can be removed by choosing Clean Project Files from the context menu of the ScholAR tool.

The ScholAR tool is also implemented as the scholar command. See also: save

Schol-AR Login
Project Specification

Schol-AR Login

The ScholAR tool can be opened from the General section of the Tools menu and manipulated like other panels (more...). The initial panel is for logging in to Schol-AR.

Users who do not yet have a Schol-AR account should first go to the Schol-AR website, register for an account, log in to the account, go the Profile settings, and then click “Get API Token.” The username, password, and API token should be noted down for future access to the account.

  • Users who have already logged in to Schol-AR on the current device can simply choose their existing local username from the drop-down menu, then click Select Existing User.
  • Users who have not yet logged in to Schol-AR on this device should Create New User by entering the following and clicking Submit:
    • Username – a local username to be used by ChimeraX as a convenient alias to the API token; this does not need to be the same as the username at the Schol-AR website
      • The local username and any other strings input to this tool must not contain any characters other than letters, numbers, and spaces.
    • API Token – the API token obtained from the Schol-AR website as described above

A successful login switches the panel to the projects section.

Project Specification

An existing project (if any) can be specified by choosing its title from the dropdown menu and clicking Select.

Alternatively, a new project can be specified by entering a title etc. and clicking Create:

  • Project Title (*required)
  • Project Type (*required), with choices:
    • Scientific Paper
    • Poster or Other Presentation
    • Book or Chapter
    • Other
  • Project URL (optional) – link to publication or institute

Specifying a project switches the panel to the augmentations section. Other buttons:


A new augmentation (a 3D model in GLB format) can be created from the current contents of the ChimeraX scene by giving it a name and clicking Create New. A current limitation is that the GLB file size cannot exceed 30MB. Alternatively, an existing augmentation (if any) to modify can be specified by choosing its name from the dropdown menu and clicking Select.

Specifying an augmentation shows its target image and additional buttons for modifying the augmentation:

  • Update Target Image – update the target image in the thumbnail and at the Schol-AR website
    • The target image must match that in the media seen by the viewers (e.g., the corresponding publication figure), so it is very important not to accidentally update/overwrite it when the appearance in ChimeraX is different. There is no way to recover the previous target image with the ChimeraX ScholAR tool, scholar command, or at the Schol-AR website. If the target image no longer matches the published image, others will no longer be able to view the associated augmentation.

  • Update Model – update the 3D model at the Schol-AR website; a current limitation is that the file size cannot exceed 30MB
  • Preview – open a separate window displaying a larger version of the target image and the two QR codes for the project, to allow previewing the augmentation with a mobile device
  • Save Files Locally – open a file browser to save the augmentation target image, augmentation 3D model file, and the public QR code for the project
  • Save and Close – save a ChimeraX session and close the current session (this also occurs whenever the user navigates to a different section of the dialog, such as by using the buttons below)

Other buttons:

UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics / October 2024


Interface between ChimeraX and Schol-AR. Allows for creating and editing Schol-Ar projects and augmentations inside of ChimeraX.






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