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Lucas Wagner edited this page May 22, 2016 · 8 revisions

Developing using Git

Follow the directions on github for forking a repository.

Developing using Mercurial

First, you'll need to install Mercurial, which is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac. Next, you'll have to install Hggit.

Initialize your QWalk development directory:

mkdir qwalk; cd qwalk
hg init
hg clone  git://
hg update

Perform your changes and save them to your local repository

hg commit

Keep up-to-date with the mainline by occasionally pulling

hg pull

When you're ready to get your code in the mainline:

hg pull
hg update

Make sure that nothing is broken(i.e., compile and test your code)

hg bundle changes.hg

email the changes.hg to Lucas as an attachment

Integrating patches (reminder to the maintainer)

hg unbundle changes.hg
hg update
Clone this wiki locally