This SDK provides a programmatic way for interacting with QEDIT's Asset Transfer API. The specification definition file is publicly available in this repository.
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.7.2
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Install the following dependencies:
go get
go get
go get
go get
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import "./goqedit"
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:12052
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AnalyticsApi | AnalyticsGetNetworkActivityPost | Post /analytics/get_network_activity | Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions |
AnalyticsApi | AnalyticsGetSyncStatusPost | Post /analytics/get_sync_status | Get blockchain sync status information |
AttachmentApi | AttachmentAddToGroupPost | Post /attachment/add_to_group | Add a new member to a group |
AttachmentApi | AttachmentCreateGroupPost | Post /attachment/create_group | Create a new group |
AttachmentApi | AttachmentDownloadPost | Post /attachment/download | Download an Attachment |
AttachmentApi | AttachmentGetGroupsPost | Post /attachment/get_groups | List the Groups the Wallet has access to |
AttachmentApi | AttachmentLeaveGroupPost | Post /attachment/leave_group | Removes an owned Wallet from a Group |
AttachmentApi | AttachmentListPost | Post /attachment/list | Lists available Attachments |
AttachmentApi | AttachmentUploadPost | Post /attachment/upload | Upload an Attachment and share it with a Group |
HealthApi | HealthPost | Post /health | Perform a healthcheck of the node and its dependent services |
NodeApi | NodeApproveTaskPost | Post /node/approve_task | Approve task with pending incoming transaction [async call] |
NodeApi | NodeCancelTaskPost | Post /node/cancel_task | Cancel task with pending incoming transaction both incoming and outgoing [async call] |
NodeApi | NodeDeleteWalletPost | Post /node/delete_wallet | Delete a Wallet [async call] |
NodeApi | NodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost | Post /node/export_auditor_access_wallet | Export viewing credentials for a Wallet |
NodeApi | NodeExportWalletPost | Post /node/export_wallet | Export wallet secret key |
NodeApi | NodeGenerateWalletPost | Post /node/generate_wallet | Generate a new Wallet |
NodeApi | NodeGetAllWalletsPost | Post /node/get_all_wallets | Get all wallet IDs |
NodeApi | NodeGetNotificationsPost | Post /node/get_notifications | Get notifications |
NodeApi | NodeGetRulesPost | Post /node/get_rules | Get network governance Rules |
NodeApi | NodeGetTaskStatusPost | Post /node/get_task_status | Get a specific task (by ID) |
NodeApi | NodeGetTasksPost | Post /node/get_tasks | Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks |
NodeApi | NodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost | Post /node/import_auditor_access_wallet | Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call] |
NodeApi | NodeImportWalletPost | Post /node/import_wallet | Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call] |
WalletApi | WalletCreateRulePost | Post /wallet/create_rule | Create a new Rule in the network [async call] |
WalletApi | WalletDeleteRulePost | Post /wallet/delete_rule | Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call] |
WalletApi | WalletGetActivityPost | Post /wallet/get_activity | Get wallet activity (transactions) |
WalletApi | WalletGetBalancesPost | Post /wallet/get_balances | Get wallets balances |
WalletApi | WalletGetNewAddressPost | Post /wallet/get_new_address | Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly |
WalletApi | WalletGetPublicKeyPost | Post /wallet/get_public_key | Get wallet public key |
WalletApi | WalletIssueAssetPost | Post /wallet/issue_asset | Issue assets [async call] |
WalletApi | WalletShareViewingPermissionPost | Post /wallet/share_viewing_permission | Share the viewing credentials for a given Wallet |
WalletApi | WalletTransferAssetPost | Post /wallet/transfer_asset | Transfer assets [async call] |
- AddToGroupRequest
- AddToGroupResponse
- AnalyticIssueWalletTx
- AnalyticRuleWalletTx
- AnalyticTransaction
- AnalyticTransferWalletTx
- AnalyticWalletMetadata
- AnalyticWalletTx
- AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription
- AnalyticsIssueTx
- AnalyticsMultiTransferTx
- AnalyticsOutput
- AnalyticsOutputDescription
- AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription
- AnalyticsRuleDefinition
- AnalyticsRuleTx
- AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition
- AnalyticsSpendDescription
- AnalyticsTransferTx
- AnalyticsTxMetadata
- AnalyticsTxType
- AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
- AttachmentBody
- AttachmentHeader
- BalanceForAsset
- CreateGroupRequest
- CreateGroupResponse
- CreateRuleRequest
- DeleteRuleRequest
- DeleteWalletRequest
- DownloadAttachmentRequest
- DownloadAttachmentResponse
- EmptyContent
- ErrorResponse
- ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest
- ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse
- ExportWalletRequest
- ExportWalletResponse
- GenerateWalletRequest
- GetAllWalletsResponse
- GetGroupsRequest
- GetGroupsResponse
- GetNetworkActivityRequest
- GetNetworkActivityResponse
- GetNewAddressRequest
- GetNewAddressResponse
- GetNotificationsRequest
- GetNotificationsResponse
- GetPublicKeyRequest
- GetPublicKeyResponse
- GetRulesResponse
- GetSyncStatusResponse
- GetTaskStatusRequest
- GetTaskStatusResponse
- GetTasksRequest
- GetTasksResponse
- GetWalletActivityRequest
- GetWalletActivityResponse
- GetWalletBalanceRequest
- GetWalletBalanceResponse
- GroupInformation
- HealthcheckResponse
- HealthcheckResponseItem
- ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest
- ImportWalletRequest
- IssueAssetRequest
- LeaveGroupRequest
- LeaveGroupResponse
- ListAttachmentsRequest
- ListAttachmentsResponse
- Notification
- NotificationType
- OrderEnum
- Result
- Rule
- ShareWalletViewingPermissionRequest
- ShareWalletViewingPermissionResponse
- TaskActionRequest
- TaskData
- TaskState
- TaskType
- TransferAssetRequest
- UploadAttachmentRequest
- UploadAttachmentResponse
- Type: API key
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
Key: "APIKEY",
Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)