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Lucas Nicodemus edited this page Oct 22, 2022 · 2 revisions

TShock ships with two tile providers, which replace the Terraria tile datastore with different systems. Additionally, one major plugin developer provides an additional set of tile providers. For developers, these providers implement the ITile interface and register themselves as Tile Providers. ITile is provided by OTAPI.

Terraria, by default, stores tiles in a relatively unoptimized way. Hypothetically, this is the fastest way to access tiles, but it does so at the cost of memory. If you're running a Terraria server with limited memory, you may want to get back memory and trade off processing power instead. That's what these providers do.


Constileation is the newest tile provider shipped by TShock. It's faster than HeapTile, and saves memory. It uses 14 bytes per tile. Start your TShock server with the -c or -constileation command line argument to use this provider.


HeapTile is one of the earliest tile providers shipped by TShock. Again, it offers memory advantages, but is really slow compared to Constileation and Tiled. Start your TShock server with the -heaptile command line argument to use this provider.


The tiled plugin for TShock by thanatos offers additional tile providers, including their 1d, 2d, and struct providers. We urge you to check out and compare all tile providers to find the one that best suits your needs. Tiled attempts to bring the best of both worlds, offering tile providers that minimize memory usage while offering modest performance.

Tile provider benchmarks

@SignatureBeef did benchmarks of various tile providers. Some run examples from TSAPI PR #231 are reproduced here. For these, these are the providers:

  • Stock is the Terraria server stock configuration.
  • Heap is HeapTile
  • Constileation is Constileation
  • 1d is from Tiled
  • 2d is from Tiled
  • Struct is from Tiled

Bench: how fast each provider can call .active, for every tile in a small world

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
Active_Stock 31.78 ms 0.456 ms 0.426 ms 1.00 0.00
Active_Heap 122.07 ms 2.413 ms 2.370 ms 3.84 0.09
Active_Constileation 40.41 ms 0.575 ms 0.510 ms 1.27 0.02
Active_1d 52.94 ms 0.731 ms 0.648 ms 1.66 0.03
Active_2d 54.96 ms 1.083 ms 1.064 ms 1.73 0.05
Active_Struct 61.59 ms 0.651 ms 0.544 ms 1.93 0.03

Bench: how fast the provider can issue and store its own data, for every tile in a small world

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
AssignFromSelf_Stock 34.30 ms 0.486 ms 0.454 ms 1.00 0.00
AssignFromSelf_Heap 267.03 ms 3.455 ms 3.062 ms 7.79 0.15
AssignFromSelf_Constileation 42.30 ms 0.664 ms 0.621 ms 1.23 0.03
AssignFromSelf_1d 208.46 ms 2.823 ms 2.640 ms 6.08 0.10
AssignFromSelf_2d 242.42 ms 4.669 ms 6.234 ms 7.11 0.24
AssignFromSelf_Struct 278.45 ms 4.580 ms 4.284 ms 8.12 0.13

Bench: how fast the provider can translate other tile data, such as Terraria.Tile, for every tile in a small world

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio
AssignFromTile_Stock 433.3 ms 7.22 ms 6.40 ms 1.00
AssignFromTile_Heap 210.4 ms 3.33 ms 3.11 ms 0.49
AssignFromTile_Constileation 195.7 ms 2.45 ms 2.29 ms 0.45
AssignFromTile_1d 239.0 ms 2.07 ms 1.83 ms 0.55
AssignFromTile_2d 240.5 ms 3.03 ms 2.69 ms 0.56
AssignFromTile_Struct 277.6 ms 3.74 ms 3.49 ms 0.64

Bench: how fast a provider can clear tile data (using methods), for every tile in a small world

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
Clear_Stock 308.8 ms 3.90 ms 3.65 ms 1.00 0.00
Clear_Heap 479.1 ms 9.20 ms 9.84 ms 1.55 0.03
Clear_Constileation 331.2 ms 2.16 ms 1.92 ms 1.07 0.01
Clear_1d 557.8 ms 3.24 ms 3.03 ms 1.81 0.03
Clear_2d 692.9 ms 20.61 ms 59.78 ms 2.14 0.16
Clear_Struct 789.2 ms 13.95 ms 22.93 ms 2.60 0.11

Bench: how fast a provider can run similar logic to the clear world function found in vanilla, for every tile in a small world

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
ClearWorld_Stock 79.27 ms 0.669 ms 0.593 ms 1.00 0.00
ClearWorld_Heap 239.87 ms 2.324 ms 2.060 ms 3.03 0.03
ClearWorld_Constileation 62.48 ms 0.948 ms 0.887 ms 0.79 0.01
ClearWorld_1d 139.73 ms 1.621 ms 1.516 ms 1.76 0.02
ClearWorld_2d 151.27 ms 2.341 ms 2.190 ms 1.91 0.03
ClearWorld_Struct 177.16 ms 3.190 ms 2.828 ms 2.23 0.05

Bench: how fast a provider can issue tile data, for every tile in a small world

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
Gets_Stock 17.49 ms 0.224 ms 0.210 ms 1.00 0.00
Gets_Heap 100.88 ms 2.007 ms 2.465 ms 5.76 0.17
Gets_Constileation 27.15 ms 0.513 ms 0.455 ms 1.55 0.03
Gets_1d 29.46 ms 0.431 ms 0.403 ms 1.68 0.03
Gets_2d 27.93 ms 0.258 ms 0.242 ms 1.60 0.02
Gets_Struct 33.77 ms 0.671 ms 1.719 ms 1.85 0.08

Bench: how fast a provider can change the type of a tile, for every tile in a small world

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
Type_Stock 28.41 ms 0.420 ms 0.393 ms 1.00 0.00
Type_Heap 120.99 ms 2.317 ms 2.480 ms 4.25 0.10
Type_Constileation 36.95 ms 0.732 ms 0.977 ms 1.30 0.04
Type_1d 38.65 ms 0.686 ms 1.027 ms 1.38 0.04
Type_2d 39.64 ms 0.405 ms 0.359 ms 1.40 0.02
Type_Struct 43.09 ms 0.749 ms 0.664 ms 1.52 0.03

Bench: test how fast a provider can call basic actions, like clearing, type change and .active, for every tile in a small world

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
Use_Stock 359.4 ms 4.67 ms 4.14 ms 1.00 0.00
Use_Heap 666.4 ms 10.78 ms 10.08 ms 1.86 0.04
Use_Constileation 407.3 ms 5.87 ms 5.20 ms 1.13 0.02
Use_1d 654.5 ms 7.30 ms 6.83 ms 1.82 0.03
Use_2d 741.7 ms 8.19 ms 7.66 ms 2.07 0.03
Use_Struct 1,235.3 ms 7.60 ms 7.11 ms 3.44 0.03
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