Grief Prevention is the best plugin to protect stuff. It's very easy to use and it works pretty well.
Unlike other plugins like MyTown, it doesn't offer a system that At this moment, there is no MyTown for Minecraft 1.7.10 and greater. In my opinion, MyTown is harder than GriefPrevention.
With GPP-Cities you can have both the powerful and easy to use Grief Prevention and a cool and customizable cities plugin!
Unfortunately, Grief Prevention has some API limitation that made impossible to implements lots of important features. Grief Prevention has some performance issue too. That's why I decided to fork Grief Prevention and make GriefPreventionPlus.
GriefPreventionPlus is needed to make GriefPreventionPlus-Cities work! You can find GriefPreventionPlus at this link: http://github.com/KaiKikuchi/GriefPreventionPlus
Lately, I play on DeVcoFTB's servers. I made a thread in their forum related to this plugin: http://www.devcoftb.com/forum/m/15988331/viewthread/18786939-griefpreventioncities/post/last
This is an (old) alpha preview video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAGMhEr0YeY
Suggestions and questions are well accepted! If you find an issue, please report it! Please use the "issues" page on Github!
- Cities list
- Create new cities or join existing one (1)(2)
- Assign plots to your citizen or let them choose a plot!
- City spawn (by default, you can teleport to other cities too!)
- Custom messages when you enter a claim/city/plot
- People can join a city without an invite (3)
- A new citizen can choose a preset plot (4)
- Individual citizen permissions for invite, expel, etc...
- Citizens group permission: you can trust all your citizens on a plot with a single command
- Citizens can add people to their own plot (they can use /trust command)
- City chat (admin tools included (5))
- ... and more!
- if you just want to protect your base, it's not necessary to make a city, but just a GP claim!
- even if you're part of a city, you can still make GP'sclaim out of the city
- the mayor can set his city as joinable, so new people can check the city list and join a city without an invitation
- the mayor needs to mark those plots with the autoclaim command
- chat log and social spy
##Planned features
- Nations
- Taxes: no claim loose if the player doesn't pay, but disable commands like /spawn
- Get claimable blocks for every new citizen
- Tab completer! (everyone hates players with long and hard to type names... xD)
- /city /c - main city command (/c help for the help)
- /citychat /cc - use the city chat
- /cityadmin /ca - use the city admin commands
##Requirements This plugin requires GriefPreventionPlus. http://github.com/KaiKikuchi/GriefPreventionPlus