Organize moves files into created directories, which are named according to the purpose of the file.
npm install -g organize-node
Files which belong to these categories will be organized
- Images
jpg, jpeg, png, jp2, j2k, jpf, jpx, jpm, mj2, heif, heic, arw, cr2, nrw, k25, tiff, tif, bmp, dib, jpe, jif, jfif, jfi, gif, webp
- Icons
svg, svgz, ico
- Documents
txt, pdf, doc, docx, docm, dot, dotx, pages, uof, odt, xls, xlsx, xps, ods, ppt, pptx, odp, epub, gslides, key, keynote, pez, pot, pps, ppt, pptx, prz, sdd, show, sti, sxi
- Music
mp3, wav, m4a, flac, wma, aac, ogg, oga, mogg, opus, 3gp
- Videos
webm, ogv, gifv, rm, amv, mpeg, mp4, mov
- Movies
vob, drc, rmvb, mkv, flv, wmv, amv, avi
- Archives
zip, rar, 7z, bz2, gz, tar
-i, --ignore [category or categories]
- Ignore files from one or many categories e.gorganize -i "videos"
ororganize -i "videos, movies, music"
-o, --only [category]
- Organize files by only one category, e.gorganize -o "videos"
will organize only files which belong to the category-e, --extension [file extension]
- Organize files with specified extension, e.gorganize -e "webm"
-c, --custom [new category, file extension]
- Organize files with extension not included in categories, e.gorganize -c "Javascript, js"