released this
06 Sep 17:37
New stuff
Added support for multiple GW2 API keys
Just like before, these are used for !ign and !build Twitch commands
Added a button to quickly generate Hardstuck build link within the UI
Previously stored setting is reset with this addition
Added support for multiple user tokens and switching between them (#17 )
Added new context menu to switch via the application icon in the taskbar
Added user token output to the csv files
Previously stored setting is reset with this addition
Modified UI and texts to be consistent across the application
Added Commander's Toolkit to arcdps plugin manager
Added KDR to WvW Discord Webhook summary (by @Drevarr #18 )
Added a checkbox to enable shortened thousands in Discord Webhooks
Bug fixes
Removed legacy settings causing incorrect arcdps downloads, potentially causing a game crash
If the problem still persists, close the app, delete arcdps_components.json file and restart it
Other stuff
Removed DX9 from arcdps plugin manager
Codestyle changes and refactorings
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