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move poly logic into struct, which reduces code elsewhere
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CamDavidsonPilon committed Jan 13, 2025
1 parent 09c7578 commit 361a987
Showing 16 changed files with 361 additions and 159 deletions.
27 changes: 21 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- GET `/api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/calibrations/<device>`
- GET `/unit_api/calibrations/<device>`
- PATCH `/api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/active_calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>`
- PATCH `/unit_api/calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>/active`
- PATCH `/unit_api/active_calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>`
- DELETE `/api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/active_calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>`
- DELETE `/api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>`
- DELETE `/unit_api/active_calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>`
@@ -62,26 +62,41 @@
- PATCH `/api/units/<pioreactor_unit>/plugins/install`
- PATCH `/api/units/<pioreactor_unit>/plugins/uninstall`
- Changed the `settings` API (see docs).
- New `/api/units` that returns a list of units (this is workers & leader)
- New `/api/units` that returns a list of units (this is workers & leader). If leader is also a worker, then it's identical to `/api/workers`
- New `/api/experiments/<experiment>/historical_worker_assignments` that stores historical assignments to experiments
- New Path API for getting the dir structure of `~/.pioreactor`:
- `/unit_api/system/path/<path>`
### Enhancements
- new SQL table for `historical_experiment_assignments`
- new SQL table for `historical_experiment_assignments` that stores historical assignments to experiments.
- UI performance improvements
### Breaking changes
- any stirring calibrations needs to be redone
- removed Python library `diskcache`.
- any stirring calibrations needs to be redone. On the command line, run `pio calibration run --device stirring` to start the calibration assistant.
- fixed typo `utils.local_persistant_storage` to `utils.local_persistent_storage`.
- Kalman Filter database table is no longer populated. There is a way to re-add it, lmk.
- moved intermittent cache location to `/tmp/pioreactor_cache/local_intermittent_pioreactor_metadata.sqlite`. This also determined by your configuration.
- moved intermittent cache location to `/tmp/pioreactor_cache/local_intermittent_pioreactor_metadata.sqlite`. This also determined by your configuration, see `[storage]`.
- removed `calibrations` export dataset. Use the export option on the /Calibrations page instead.
- persistent storage is now on single sqlite3 database in `/home/pioreactor/.pioreactor/storage/local_persistent_pioreactor_metadata.sqlite`. This is configurable in your configuration.
- When checking for calibrations in custom Dosing automations, users may have added:
with local_persistant_storage("current_pump_calibration") as cache:
if "media" not in cache:
This should be updated to:
with local_persistent_storage("active_calibrations") as cache:
if "media_pump" not in cache:
- removed `pioreactor.utils.gpio_helpers`

### Bug fixes
- fix PWM3 not cleaning up correctly
- fixed Stirring not updating to best DC % when using a calibration after changing target RPM

- [ ] test self-test

### 24.12.10
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions pioreactor/actions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -421,8 +421,9 @@ def _get_pump_action(pump_device: PumpCalibrationDevices) -> str:

if waste_calibration != DEFAULT_PWM_CALIBRATION and media_calibration != DEFAULT_PWM_CALIBRATION:
# provided with calibrations, we can compute if media_rate > waste_rate, which is a danger zone!
if media_calibration.duration_ > waste_calibration.duration_:
ratio = min(waste_calibration.duration_ / media_calibration.duration_, ratio)
# `predict(1)` asks "how much lqd is moved in 1 second"
if media_calibration.predict(1) > waste_calibration.predict(1):
ratio = min(waste_calibration.predict(1) / media_calibration.predict(1), ratio)
"Calibrations don't exist for pump(s). Keep an eye on the liquid level to avoid overflowing!"
76 changes: 16 additions & 60 deletions pioreactor/background_jobs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
from pioreactor.utils.streaming_calculations import ExponentialMovingAverage
from pioreactor.utils.streaming_calculations import ExponentialMovingStd
from pioreactor.utils.timing import catchtime
from pioreactor.utils.math_helpers import closest_point_to_domain

ALL_PD_CHANNELS: list[pt.PdChannel] = ["1", "2"]
VALID_PD_ANGLES: list[pt.PdAngle] = ["45", "90", "135", "180"]
@@ -634,30 +635,6 @@ def hydate_models_from_disk(self) -> None:

def closest_point_to_domain(P: list[float], D: tuple[float, float]) -> float:
# Unpack the domain D into its lower and upper bounds
a, b = D

# Initialize the closest point and minimum distance
closest_point = None
min_distance = float("inf")

for p in P:
if a <= p <= b: # Check if p is within the domain D
return p # If p is within D, it's the closest point with distance 0

# Calculate the distance to the closest boundary of D
distance = min(abs(p - a), abs(p - b))

# Update the closest point if this distance is smaller than the current min_distance
if distance < min_distance:
min_distance = distance
closest_point = p

assert closest_point is not None
return closest_point

class CachedCalibrationTransformer(CalibrationTransformer):
def __init__(self) -> None:
@@ -700,49 +677,28 @@ def _hydrate_model(self, calibration_data: structs.ODCalibration) -> Callable[[f

def calibration(observed_voltage: pt.Voltage) -> pt.OD:
poly = calibration_data.curve_data_
min_OD, max_OD = calibration_data.minimum_od600, calibration_data.maximum_od600
min_voltage, max_voltage = (

coef_shift = zeros_like(poly)
coef_shift[-1] = observed_voltage
solve_for_poly = poly - coef_shift
roots_ = roots(solve_for_poly)
plausible_ODs_ = sorted([real(r) for r in roots_ if (imag(r) == 0)])
min_OD, max_OD = min(calibration_data.recorded_data['y']), max(calibration_data.recorded_data['y'])
min_voltage, max_voltage = min(calibration_data.recorded_data['x']), max(calibration_data.recorded_data['x'])

if len(plausible_ODs_) == 0:
return calibration_data.ipredict(observed_voltage)
except exc.NoSolutionsFoundError as e:
if observed_voltage <= min_voltage:
return min_OD
elif observed_voltage > max_voltage:
return max_OD

# more than 0 possibilities...
# find the closest root to our OD domain (or in the OD domain)
ideal_OD = float(closest_point_to_domain(plausible_ODs_, (min_OD, max_OD)))

if ideal_OD < min_OD:
# voltage less than the blank recorded during the calibration and the calibration curve doesn't have solutions (ex even-deg poly)
# this isn't great, as there is nil noise in the signal.

if not self.has_logged_warning:
f"Signal outside suggested calibration range. Trimming signal. Calibrated for OD=[{min_OD:0.3g}, {max_OD:0.3g}], V=[{min_voltage:0.3g}, {max_voltage:0.3g}]. Observed {observed_voltage:0.3f}V."
self.has_logged_warning = True
except exc.SolutionBelowDomainError:
f"Signal outside suggested calibration range. Trimming signal. Calibrated for OD=[{min_OD:0.3g}, {max_OD:0.3g}], V=[{min_voltage:0.3g}, {max_voltage:0.3g}]. Observed {observed_voltage:0.3f}V."
self.has_logged_warning = True
return min_OD

elif ideal_OD > max_OD:
if not self.has_logged_warning:
f"Signal outside suggested calibration range. Trimming signal. Calibrated for OD=[{min_OD:0.3g}, {max_OD:0.3g}], V=[{min_voltage:0.3g}, {max_voltage:0.3g}]. Observed {observed_voltage:0.3f}V."
self.has_logged_warning = True
except exc.SolutionAboveDomainError:
f"Signal outside suggested calibration range. Trimming signal. Calibrated for OD=[{min_OD:0.3g}, {max_OD:0.3g}], V=[{min_voltage:0.3g}, {max_voltage:0.3g}]. Observed {observed_voltage:0.3f}V."
self.has_logged_warning = True
return max_OD
# happy path
return ideal_OD


12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions pioreactor/background_jobs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -316,23 +316,21 @@ def initialize_rpm_to_dc_lookup(self) -> Callable:
possible_calibration = load_active_calibration("stirring")

if possible_calibration is not None:
self.logger.debug(f"Found stirring calibration: {possible_calibration.calibration_name}.")
calibration = possible_calibration
self.logger.debug(f"Found stirring calibration: {calibration.calibration_name}.")

assert len(possible_calibration.curve_data_) == 2
# invert the linear function.
coef = 1.0 / possible_calibration.curve_data_[0]
intercept = -possible_calibration.curve_data_[1] / possible_calibration.curve_data_[0]
assert len(calibration.curve_data_) == 2

# since we have calibration data, and the initial_duty_cycle could be
# far off, giving the below equation a bad "first step". We set it here.
self._estimate_duty_cycle = coef * self.target_rpm + intercept
self._estimate_duty_cycle = calibration.ipredict(self.target_rpm)

# we scale this by 90% to make sure the PID + prediction doesn't overshoot,
# better to be conservative here.
# equivalent to a weighted average: 0.1 * current + 0.9 * predicted

return lambda rpm: self._estimate_duty_cycle - 0.90 * (
self._estimate_duty_cycle - (coef * rpm + intercept)
self._estimate_duty_cycle - (calibration.ipredict(rpm))
return lambda rpm: self._estimate_duty_cycle
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions pioreactor/calibrations/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -471,10 +471,6 @@ def save_results(
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions pioreactor/calibrations/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,8 +2,41 @@
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable
import click

def green(string: str) -> str:
return, fg="green")

def red(string: str) -> str:
return, fg="red")

def bold(string: str) -> str:
return, bold=True)

def calculate_curve_of_best_fit(
x: list[float], y: list[float], degree: int
) -> tuple[list[float], str]:
import numpy as np

# weigh the last point, the "blank measurement", more.
# 1. It's far away from the other points
# 2. We have prior knowledge that OD~0 when V~0.
n = len(voltages)
weights = np.ones_like(voltages)
weights[-1] = n / 2

coefs = np.polyfit(inferred_od600s, voltages, deg=degree, w=weights).tolist()
except Exception:
echo("Unable to fit.")
coefs = np.zeros(degree).tolist()

return coefs, "poly"

def curve_to_functional_form(curve_type: str, curve_data) -> str:
if curve_type == "poly":
d = len(curve_data)
@@ -63,3 +96,51 @@ def plot_data(

def crunch_data_and_confirm_with_user(
) -> bool:


y, x = calibration.recorded_data["y"], calibration.recorded_data["x"]
candidate_curve = calibration.curve_data_

while True:

if candidate_curve is not None:
degree = 1
candidate_curve = calculate_curve_of_best_fit(x, y, degree)

curve_callable = curve_to_callable("poly", candidate_curve)
click.echo(f"Calibration curve: {curve_to_functional_form(curve_type, candidate_curve)}")
r = click.prompt(
y: confirm and save to disk
n: exit completely
d: choose a new degree for polynomial fit (currently {len(candidate_curve)-1})
type=click.Choice(["y", "n", "d"]),
if r == "y":
calibration.curve_data_ = candidate_curve
return True
elif r == "n":
return False
elif r == "d":
degree = click.prompt(green("Enter new degree"), type=click.IntRange(1, 5, clamp=True))
return False
27 changes: 26 additions & 1 deletion pioreactor/cli/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -191,6 +191,31 @@ def delete_calibration(device: str, calibration_name: str) -> None:
raise click.Abort()


with local_persistent_storage("active_calibrations") as c:
is_present = c.get(device) == calibration_name
if is_present:

click.echo(f"Deleted calibration '{calibration_name}' of device '{device}'.")

# TODO: delete from leader and handle updating active?
@click.option("--device", required=True, help="Which calibration device to delete from.")
@click.option("--name", "calibration_name", required=True, help="Which calibration name to delete.")
def analyse_calibration(device: str, calibration_name: str) -> None:
Delete a calibration file from local storage.
Example usage:
calibration delete --device od --name my_od_cal_v1
target_file = CALIBRATION_PATH / device / f"{calibration_name}.yaml"
if not target_file.exists():
click.echo(f"No such calibration file: {target_file}")
raise click.Abort()

data = load_calibration(device, calibration_name)
finsished, degree = show_results_and_confirm_with_user(...)
# TODO finish this
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions pioreactor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -72,3 +72,19 @@ class RsyncError(OSError):
Syncing files failed

class NoSolutionsFoundError(ValueError):
No solutions found

class SolutionBelowDomainError(ValueError):
Outside minimum range

class SolutionAboveDomainError(ValueError):
Outside maximum range

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