Show the actual Album Cover of your Spotify Connect receiver on your Pixoo64 Pixel Display.
- A working Raspotify receiver device with ubuntu
- A Pixoo64 Pixel Display
- A Spotify Development Account (free)
Install Raspotify on your receiver device (e.g. RPi3).
Clone the repo into the Raspotify receiver device (e.g. RPi3) under /usr/bin/{Repository-Folder}.
cd /usr/bin
sudo git clone
- Create a virtual enviroment and install the requirements.
cd /usr/bin/PixelArt_x_Spotify
sudo python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
- Make and executabel
cd /usr/bin/PixelArt_x_Spotify
sudo chmod +x
sudo chmod +x
- Edit the file in the repo folder.
config = {
"SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID": 'your_spotify_client_id',
"SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET": 'your_spotify_client_secret',
"PIXOO_IP": "your_static_pixoo_ip",
The first two entrys are the API credentials from your Spotify app. Therefore create a spotify development account and register your app for api access (both free). The PIXOO_IP is your static IP for your pixoo64 device in your network. You find the pixoo64-IP in your router admin center. Maybe you must make the ip static in your router settings.
- Install tkinter for the pixoo libary.
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
- Add the following at the end of your respotfy-config in /etc/raspotify/conf:
- Restart Raspotify
sudo systemctl restart raspotify.service
Check the Raspotify logs for crashes.
sudo journalctl -u raspotify -b