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Git Commands Cheatsheet
Download a repo from the URL and place it in a folder inside the current directory
git clone URL
All further commands will be executed from within the directory downloaded...
This is setting up a "remote" (the github repo where everyone's code will be uploaded and stored) the new remote is named locally as "origin" (this is the standard name for the default repo)
git remote add origin URL
You will need to set up a "branch" of your own which you will write on. Each of us has a branch called 'name-dev'. When we've written some code that is ready for use we will then merge our code from these branches to the master branch.
List all branches that exist in this repo
git branch -a
Create a new branch with the name provided
git checkout -b NameOfBranch
To switch to another branch and see what other people are doing just check out their branch.
git checkout NameOfBranch
When you have made changes to files/added new files etc... you will want to save these changes and send them to the public repo that we can all see.
"Stages" a new file ready to be commited to the branch you are on (hopefully your branch)
git add path/to/NewFile.txt
Shows the status of the project.
git status
If you had just added the new file it would look similar to this:
On branch sam-dev
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/sam-dev'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
new file: NewFile.txt
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
Commiting creates a snapshot of the current state of the project based on the files that you have added to the repo
git commit -m "Added functionality A"
Having made a new commit, you are ready to push your branch to the repo to back it up. This is done for the first time with:
git push -u origin
That sets the local repo to push all the future commits to "origin" when you simply run:
git push
Before any commit it's usually a good idea to run:
git add -u
git status
This adds any changes to files that were commited previously, then shows you what files have been changed.