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kylebittinger committed Nov 22, 2024
1 parent 32d01b0 commit 44d6a24
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,730 additions and 1,737 deletions.
71 changes: 36 additions & 35 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,35 +1,36 @@
Package: adonisplus
Type: Package
Title: Bonus material for the adonis function
Version: 0.2.0
c(person(given = "Ceylan",
family = "Tanes",
email = "[email protected]",
role = c("aut", "cre")),
person(given = "Kyle",
family = "Bittinger",
email = "[email protected]",
role = c("aut")))
Description: Contains a tidy method for adonis results, custom permutation
functions, and a version of adonis for repeated measures designs.
License: GPL-3 + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
generics (>= 0.0.2),
dplyr (>= 1.0.0),
tibble (>= 3.0.0),
R (>= 2.10)
Package: adonisplus
Type: Package
Title: Bonus material for the adonis function
Version: 0.2.0
c(person(given = "Ceylan",
family = "Tanes",
email = "[email protected]",
role = c("aut", "cre")),
person(given = "Kyle",
family = "Bittinger",
email = "[email protected]",
role = c("aut")))
Description: Contains a tidy method for adonis results, custom permutation
functions, and a version of adonis for repeated measures designs.
License: GPL-3 + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
generics (>= 0.0.2),
dplyr (>= 1.0.0),
tibble (>= 3.0.0),
R (>= 2.10)

270 changes: 135 additions & 135 deletions R/adonis-custom.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
#' Permutational multivariate analysis of variance, plus
#' @param data Data to use in the test.
#' @param distmat Distance matrix, either a matrix or an object of class
#' \code{dist} The distance matrix will automatically be filtered and
#' re-arranged to match the rows of \code{data}.
#' @param formula Model formula. The LHS (the part to the left of the tilde)
#' must be "distmat". The formula can either be a literal formula or a string
#' that can be converted into a formula.
#' @param sample_id_var Variable in \code{data} that defines the sample IDs,
#' i.e. the identifiers that correspond to each item in the distance matrix.
#' @param rep_meas_var Variable in \code{data} that indicates the repeated
#' measures in the experiment, typically a subject ID or cage ID.
#' @param shuffle Named character vector that specifies how to carry out
#' restricted permutations for variables in \code{data}. Names should
#' correspond to variables in \code{data}. Values should be either
#' \code{"between"} or \code{"within"}, meaning that values should be
#' shuffled between or within levels of \code{rep_meas_var}. See Details for
#' more info.
#' @param permutations Number of permutations.
#' @param seed Random seed, set just before the initial call to
#' \code{vegan::adonis()}.
#' @return The results from \code{vegan::adonis()} in tidy format.
#' @details
#' A typical experimental design has subjects in a few groups sampled
#' repeatedly over a few time points. If the variable denoting the group is
#' \code{study_group} and the variable denoting the time point is
#' \code{time_point}, then the \code{shuffle} argument would be
#' \code{c(study_group = "between", time_point = "within")}. During the
#' permutation stage, the values of the study group will be shuffled between
#' subjects, preserving the value within each subject. Conversely, the values
#' of the time point will be shuffled only within each subject.
#' @export
adonisplus <- function(data, distmat, formula, sample_id_var = SampleID,
rep_meas_var = subject_id, shuffle = NULL,
permutations = 999, seed = 42) {
sample_ids <- data %>%
dplyr::pull({{ sample_id_var }}) %>%
distmat <- usedist::dist_subset(distmat, sample_ids)
formula <- stats::as.formula(formula)
check_lhs(formula, distmat ~ .)
assign("distmat", distmat, environment(formula))

a_observed <- vegan::adonis2(
formula = formula, data = data, permutations = permutations
result <- tidy.anova.cca(a_observed)

if (!is.null(shuffle)) {
rep_meas_vals <- data %>%
dplyr::pull({{ rep_meas_var }})

# Here, vars is the variables that will undergo custom permutations
vars <- names(shuffle)
# TODO: handle errors from missing variable names
# Matrix of variables by terms
vars_by_terms <- attr(stats::terms(formula), "factors")
nterms <- length(colnames(vars_by_terms))
# TODO: handle errors due to variable names not matching
# Keep only the variables that we will shuffle manually
vars_idx <- match(vars, rownames(vars_by_terms))
# Need drop = FALSE or R converts to a vector when nterms == 1
vars_by_terms <- vars_by_terms[vars_idx, , drop = FALSE]
term_idx <- which(colSums(vars_by_terms) > 0)

f_observed <- result$statistic[term_idx]
fs_permuted <- replicate(permutations, {
trial_data <- data
for (var in vars) {
method <- shuffle[var]
shuffle_functions <- list(
between = shuffle_between_groups,
within = shuffle_within_groups
# Use match.arg in case someone writes "bet" instead of "between"
method <- match.arg(method, names(shuffle_functions))
fcn <- shuffle_functions[[method]]
old_vals <- trial_data[[var]]
new_vals <- fcn(old_vals, rep_meas_vals)
trial_data[[var]] <- new_vals
trial_a <- vegan::adonis2(formula, trial_data, permutations = 4)
trial_result <- tidy.anova.cca(trial_a)

if (nterms > 1) {
fs_greater <- sweep(cbind(f_observed, fs_permuted), 1, f_observed, `>=`)
p_permuted <- apply(fs_greater, 1, function(x) sum(x) / length(x))
} else {
fs_greater <- c(f_observed, fs_permuted) >= f_observed
p_permuted <- sum(fs_greater) / length(fs_greater)
result$p.value[term_idx] <- p_permuted

#' Post-hoc tests for permutational multivariate analysis of variance
#' @param data Data to use in the test.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{adonisplus()}.
#' @param which Variable on which to perform post-hoc comparisons.
#' @param alpha The threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis in the main
#' comparison.
#' @return The results in tidy format.
#' @export
adonispost <- function(data, ..., which = study_group, alpha = 0.05) {
var_name <- rlang::as_name(rlang::ensym(which))

result_main <- adonisplus(data, ...) %>%
dplyr::mutate(comparison = paste("All", var_name)) %>%
dplyr::select(comparison, term, dplyr::everything()) %>%
dplyr::filter(!(term %in% c("Residual", "Total")))

var_levels <- data %>%
dplyr::pull({{ which }}) %>%
as.factor() %>%
pairs <- utils::combn(var_levels, 2, simplify = FALSE)

make_pairwise_comparison <- function(pair) {
pair_data <- data %>%
dplyr::filter({{ which }} %in% pair)
adonisplus(pair_data, ...) %>%
dplyr::mutate(comparison = paste(pair, collapse = " - ")) %>%
dplyr::select(comparison, term, dplyr::everything()) %>%
dplyr::filter(!(term %in% c("Residual", "Total")))
result_posthoc <- lapply(pairs, make_pairwise_comparison) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(result_main, result_posthoc)
#' Permutational multivariate analysis of variance, plus
#' @param data Data to use in the test.
#' @param distmat Distance matrix, either a matrix or an object of class
#' \code{dist} The distance matrix will automatically be filtered and
#' re-arranged to match the rows of \code{data}.
#' @param formula Model formula. The LHS (the part to the left of the tilde)
#' must be "distmat". The formula can either be a literal formula or a string
#' that can be converted into a formula.
#' @param sample_id_var Variable in \code{data} that defines the sample IDs,
#' i.e. the identifiers that correspond to each item in the distance matrix.
#' @param rep_meas_var Variable in \code{data} that indicates the repeated
#' measures in the experiment, typically a subject ID or cage ID.
#' @param shuffle Named character vector that specifies how to carry out
#' restricted permutations for variables in \code{data}. Names should
#' correspond to variables in \code{data}. Values should be either
#' \code{"between"} or \code{"within"}, meaning that values should be
#' shuffled between or within levels of \code{rep_meas_var}. See Details for
#' more info.
#' @param permutations Number of permutations.
#' @param seed Random seed, set just before the initial call to
#' \code{vegan::adonis()}.
#' @return The results from \code{vegan::adonis()} in tidy format.
#' @details
#' A typical experimental design has subjects in a few groups sampled
#' repeatedly over a few time points. If the variable denoting the group is
#' \code{study_group} and the variable denoting the time point is
#' \code{time_point}, then the \code{shuffle} argument would be
#' \code{c(study_group = "between", time_point = "within")}. During the
#' permutation stage, the values of the study group will be shuffled between
#' subjects, preserving the value within each subject. Conversely, the values
#' of the time point will be shuffled only within each subject.
#' @export
adonisplus <- function(data, distmat, formula, sample_id_var = SampleID,
rep_meas_var = subject_id, shuffle = NULL,
permutations = 999, seed = 42) {
sample_ids <- data %>%
dplyr::pull({{ sample_id_var }}) %>%
distmat <- usedist::dist_subset(distmat, sample_ids)
formula <- stats::as.formula(formula)
check_lhs(formula, distmat ~ .)
assign("distmat", distmat, environment(formula))

a_observed <- vegan::adonis2(
formula = formula, data = data, permutations = permutations
result <- tidy.anova.cca(a_observed)

if (!is.null(shuffle)) {
rep_meas_vals <- data %>%
dplyr::pull({{ rep_meas_var }})

# Here, vars is the variables that will undergo custom permutations
vars <- names(shuffle)
# TODO: handle errors from missing variable names
# Matrix of variables by terms
vars_by_terms <- attr(stats::terms(formula), "factors")
nterms <- length(colnames(vars_by_terms))
# TODO: handle errors due to variable names not matching
# Keep only the variables that we will shuffle manually
vars_idx <- match(vars, rownames(vars_by_terms))
# Need drop = FALSE or R converts to a vector when nterms == 1
vars_by_terms <- vars_by_terms[vars_idx, , drop = FALSE]
term_idx <- which(colSums(vars_by_terms) > 0)

f_observed <- result$statistic[term_idx]
fs_permuted <- replicate(permutations, {
trial_data <- data
for (var in vars) {
method <- shuffle[var]
shuffle_functions <- list(
between = shuffle_between_groups,
within = shuffle_within_groups
# Use match.arg in case someone writes "bet" instead of "between"
method <- match.arg(method, names(shuffle_functions))
fcn <- shuffle_functions[[method]]
old_vals <- trial_data[[var]]
new_vals <- fcn(old_vals, rep_meas_vals)
trial_data[[var]] <- new_vals
trial_a <- vegan::adonis2(formula, trial_data, permutations = 4)
trial_result <- tidy.anova.cca(trial_a)

if (nterms > 1) {
fs_greater <- sweep(cbind(f_observed, fs_permuted), 1, f_observed, `>=`)
p_permuted <- apply(fs_greater, 1, function(x) sum(x) / length(x))
} else {
fs_greater <- c(f_observed, fs_permuted) >= f_observed
p_permuted <- sum(fs_greater) / length(fs_greater)
result$p.value[term_idx] <- p_permuted

#' Post-hoc tests for permutational multivariate analysis of variance
#' @param data Data to use in the test.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{adonisplus()}.
#' @param which Variable on which to perform post-hoc comparisons.
#' @param alpha The threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis in the main
#' comparison.
#' @return The results in tidy format.
#' @export
adonispost <- function(data, ..., which = study_group, alpha = 0.05) {
var_name <- rlang::as_name(rlang::ensym(which))

result_main <- adonisplus(data, ...) %>%
dplyr::mutate(comparison = paste("All", var_name)) %>%
dplyr::select(comparison, term, dplyr::everything()) %>%
dplyr::filter(!(term %in% c("Residual", "Total")))

var_levels <- data %>%
dplyr::pull({{ which }}) %>%
as.factor() %>%
pairs <- utils::combn(var_levels, 2, simplify = FALSE)

make_pairwise_comparison <- function(pair) {
pair_data <- data %>%
dplyr::filter({{ which }} %in% pair)
adonisplus(pair_data, ...) %>%
dplyr::mutate(comparison = paste(pair, collapse = " - ")) %>%
dplyr::select(comparison, term, dplyr::everything()) %>%
dplyr::filter(!(term %in% c("Residual", "Total")))
result_posthoc <- lapply(pairs, make_pairwise_comparison) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(result_main, result_posthoc)

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