Release 1.3
This is a cumulative release of all the features added since 1.2:
- removed TIGRfams HMMs, since these are included in the NCBI protein family HMMs
- added gff output
- changed NOG reference from HMM to Diamond
- added the option to use GTDB lineages and taxa strings when input organism details (previously it was only NCBI IDs)
- added lowest common ancestor to convert between GTDB and NCBI
- metadata is now converted to SQL which increases efficiency at which we retrieve metadata (this is especially useful for very large metadata files)
- changed config file
- removed NOG sql files
- added check_sql option to check if SQL databases are working correctly
- Removed slurm variables (now Mantis will use all available cores instead of the ones given by slurm, the user should therefore set the amount of cores to be used)