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GammaRay v6.18: MCRFSim in batch/unattended mode; dependencies upgrades.

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@PauloCarvalhoRJ PauloCarvalhoRJ released this 20 Mar 14:48
· 69 commits to master since this release

Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.
ATTENTION: from now on, this bundle will be generated in a Windows 11 system. It may not work in older Windows versions.

These software must be installed in your system if you do not have them already:

🔵 The MCRFSim algorithm can be run in batch/unattended mode (does not require user interaction - see Section 14.5 of the user manual).
🔵 Feature to align/reposition Cartesian grids. This is specially useful when importing images as grid data as they are not geo-referenced (see Section 7.6 of the user manual).
🔵 3D Viewer: probing: now reports picked cell IJK indexes for objects with topology.
🔴 Incorrect picked world coordinates caused by the foreground renderer reseting the Z-buffer, which was fixed in-code, that is, does not require patching VTK's vtkRenderer::GetZ() anymore.

If you compile or develop GammaRay code, there were dependencies upgrades:
Minimum C++ standard is now C++14 due to Boost > 1.74.
Boost 1.83
VTK 9.3
Qt 5.15
ITK 5.3

🆕: NEW FEATURE; 🔵: enhancement; 🔶: defect fix; 🔴: bug fix.