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GammaRay 6.17: MCRFSim for Bayesian approach.

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@PauloCarvalhoRJ PauloCarvalhoRJ released this 22 Apr 14:26
· 98 commits to master since this release

Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.

These software must be installed in your system if you do not have them already:

What's new:

🆕 Markov Chains Random Field Simulation for Bayesian approach (refer to Sections 11.2.3 and 14.4 of the manual).
🔵 Viewer 3D: new option to render 2D grids as contour lines.
🔵 The GSLib parameter file template language has a new keyword: <dir> that works like <file> but allows the user to choose a directory.
🔵 MCRFSim has now three options to save the realizations: a) as new variables in the simulation grid; b) as separate grids in the project and c) as separate Cartesian grid files in an user-given directory.
🔵 MCRFSim: when in Bayesian mode, generates a report in XML file listing the variable transiogram paramaters and algorithm hyperparameters used in each realization.
🔶 Subgrid Dialog: forcing minimum height for the result preview.
🔴 Moving window filters: fixed crash introduced after ITK upgrade.
🔴 VTK DLL patch to fix a bug in picking and probing in the 3D Viewer introduced by VTK 9.0. If you build VTK (e.g. for Linux), you need to patch the VTK source code as instructed in Section 2.5.3 of the manual and rebuild VTK. This is necessary while the fix does not make it downstream.

🆕: NEW FEATURE; 🔵: enhancement; 🔶: defect fix; 🔴: bug fix.