GammaRay 6.12: several new methods to work with grids.
Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe
These software must be installed in your system if you do not have them already:
GSLib Fortran source codes and executables for your operating system can be found here:
Some GSLib executables for MacOS can be found here: -
Ghostscript for your platform, necessary to render GSLib plots, can be found here:
GraphViz for your operating system, necessary to generate the Facies Relationships Diagram, can be found here:
What's new:
🆕: Map ridges, valleys, peaks and bottoms in 2D and 3D grids. (Section 12.5 of the manual)
🆕: Skeletonization of maps/volumes. (Section 12.6 of the manual)
🆕: Uninformed grid cells estimation with Shepard's method. (Section 13.6.2 of the manual)
🆕: Uninformed grid cells estimation with thin plate spline. (Section 13.6.3 of the manual)
🆕: Extract subgrids from Cartesian grids. (Section 7.9 of the manual)
🔵: Collocated values transfer can now be done from Cartesian grids to geologic sections.
🔵: Collocated values transfer can now be done from Point sets to Cartesian grids.
🔵: Markov Chains Random Field Simulation: probability fields can have null values. In this case, it is used the probability given by the global PDF for the category.
🔵: Create new grid with parameters of an existing grid.
🔵: Feature to recalculate the probabilities of a PDF so they sum up to 1.0.
🔵: Feature to make copies of files in the project tree.
🔵: The FFT, SVD, EMD, Gabor and Wavelet transforms are now grouped under the "Data transforms" sub-menu of the context menu of a Certesian grid variable.
🔶: Returned cell centers of Cartesian grids that are data stores of GeoGrids or geologic sections are computed from the parent file's geometry.
🔶: Incomplete removal of files associated with an ExperimenalVariogram object.
🔶: Kriging: trimming limits are now set considering also the secondary data for LVM and KED modes.
🔴: KrigingDialog: crash when kt3d does not generate the outputfile for some reason.
🔴: SegmentSet::toPointSetRegularlySpaced(): bug that cause data from another segment to be copied into the cloned data.
🔴: Clear temporary files was not removing files without extension.
🔴: Added guard against division by zero in updating probabilities with the Tau Model.
🔴: System: converting any NaNs (invalid values) generated by ill-written algorithms in input array to no-data value as to not corrupt the output file.
🔴: Skeletonize not actually returning the skeletonized data. This impacts de EMD algorithm.
🆕: NEW FEATURE; 🔵: enhancement; 🔶: defect fix; 🔴: bug fix.