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Config Template Card

πŸ“ Template Based Configuration for Lovelace Dashboard Cards

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This Home Assistant Lovelace Dashboard Card supports the use of Javascript templates to dynamically configure other nested Dashboard Cards.

Template Language

Note that this Card uses Javascript templates. It does NOT support the Jinja2 templates that are used elsewhere in Home Assistant.

This is because Dashboard Cards are normally rendered entirely in the web browser using Javascript, while Jinja2 templates must be rendered by Python on the Home Assistant server. The use of Javascript for templates enables this Card to render templates in the browser without deviating from the expected design pattern of Dashboard Cards.

For an alternative Card that does support Jinja2 templates, see lovelace-card-templater. That Card works by making API calls from the browser to the Home Assistant server to render each template.

Minimum Home Assistant Version

Home Assistant version 0.110.0 or higher is required as of release 1.2.0 of config-template-card.


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Use HACS or follow this guide

  - url: /local/config-template-card.js
    type: module


Name Type Requirement Description
type string Required custom:config-template-card
entities list Required List of entity strings that should be watched for updates. Templates can be used here.
variables list Optional List of variables, which can be templates, that can be used in your config and indexed using vars or by name. These are evaluated on each update/render.
staticVariables list Optional List of variables, which can be templates, that can be used in your config and indexed using svars or by name. These are evaluated only on the first update/render and are preserved without re-evaluation for subsequent updates.
card object Optional Card configuration. (A card, row, or element configuration must be provided.)
row object Optional Row configuration. (A card, row, or element configuration must be provided.)
element object Optional Element configuration. (A card, row, or element configuration must be provided.)
style object Optional Style configuration. Used only for element.

Available variables for templating

Variable Description
hass The hass object
states The states object
user The user object
vars Defined by variables configuration and accessible in your templates to help clean them up. If variables in the configuration is a yaml list, then vars is an array starting at the 0th index as your firstly defined variable. If variables is an object in the configuration, then vars is a string-indexed map and you can also access the variables by name without using vars at all.
svars Defined by staticVariables configuration and accessible in your templates to avoid redundant expensive operations. If staticVariables in the configuration is a yaml list, then svars is an array starting at the 0th index as your firstly defined variable. If staticVariables is an object in the configuration, then svars is a string-indexed map and you can also access the variables by name without using svars at all.


type: 'custom:config-template-card'
  LIGHT_STATE: states['light.bed_light'].state
  GARAGE_STATE: states['cover.garage_door'].state
  - light.bed_light
  - cover.garage_door
  - alarm_control_panel.alarm
  - climate.ecobee
  type: "${LIGHT_STATE === 'on' ? 'glance' : 'entities'}"
    - entity: alarm_control_panel.alarm
      name: "${GARAGE_STATE === 'open' && states['alarm_control_panel.alarm'].state === 'armed_home' ? 'Close the garage!' : ''}"
    - entity: binary_sensor.basement_floor_wet
    - entity: climate.ecobee
      name: "${states['climate.ecobee'].attributes.current_temperature > 22 ? 'Cozy' : 'Too Hot/Cold'}"
    - entity: cover.garage_door
    - entity: "${LIGHT_STATE === 'on' ? 'light.bed_light' : 'climate.ecobee'}"
      icon: "${GARAGE_STATE === 'open' ? 'mdi:hotel' : '' }"

Templated entities example

type: 'custom:config-template-card'
  - states['sensor.light']
  - '${vars[0].entity_id}'
  type: light
  entity: '${vars[0].entity_id}'
  name: "${vars[0].state === 'on' ? 'Light On' : 'Light Off'}"

Picture-elements card example

type: picture-elements
  - type: 'custom:config-template-card'
      - states['light.bed_light'].state
      - light.bed_light
      - sensor.light_icon_color
      type: icon
      icon: "${vars[0] === 'on' ? 'mdi:home' : 'mdi:circle'}"
        '--paper-item-icon-color': "${ states['sensor.light_icon_color'].state }"
      top: 47%
      left: 75%

The style object on the element configuration is applied to the element itself, the style object on the config-template-card is applied to the surrounding card. Both can contain templated values. For example, in order to place the card properly, the top and left attributes must always be configured on the config-template-card.

Entities card example

type: entities
  - type: 'custom:config-template-card'
      - states['light.bed_light'].state
      - light.bed_light
      type: section
      label: "${vars[0] === 'on' ? 'Light On' : 'Light Off'}"
  - entity: light.bed_light

Markdown card example

type: custom:config-template-card
  - sensor.outside_temperature
  - sensor.time
  - weather.home
  weather: |
    () => {
        let hass = document.querySelector("home-assistant").hass;
        let w = states['weather.home'].state;
        let key = '' + w;
        return hass.resources[hass.language][key];
    type: markdown
    content: |
      ### {{ states('sensor.outside_temperature') }} Β°C - ${weather()}
      # {{ states('sensor.time') }}

Defining functions in variables

If you find yourself having to rewrite the same logic in multiple locations, you can define methods inside Config Template Card's variables, which can be called anywhere within the scope of the card:

type: 'custom:config-template-card'
  setTempMessage: |
    (prefix, temp) => {
      if (temp <= 19) {
          return prefix + 'Quick, get a blanket!';
      else if (temp >= 20 && temp <= 22) {
        return prefix + 'Cozy!';
      return prefix + 'It's getting hot in here...';
  currentTemp: states['climate.ecobee'].attributes.current_temperature
  - climate.ecobee
  type: entities
    - entity: climate.ecobee
      name: '${ setTempMessage("House: ", currentTemp) }'

Asynchronous functions

Asynchronous functions can be used in most templates.

type: 'custom:config-template-card'
  - light.bed_light
  - light.porch_light
  type: entities
    - entity: light.bed_light
      name: "${(async () => states['light.bed_light'].state === 'on' ? 'Bed Light On' : 'Bed Light Off' )();}"
    - entity: light.porch_light
      name: "${(async () => { return states['light.bed_light'].state === 'on' ? 'Porch Light On' : 'Porch Light Off'; })();}"

Card rendering will be delayed until all asynchronous functions (in all templates) have completed, so long-running asynchronous functions may prevent the card from rendering on page load or delay updates to the card.

When defining staticVariables that reference other (previously defined) svars, any referenced svars that use asynchronous functions will be null.

Similarly, when defining variables that reference other (previously defined) vars, any referenced vars that use asynchronous functions will be null. However, any referenced svars that use asynchronous functions will have complete/settled values.

When defining entities that use templates, any entities templates that use asynchronous functions will be ignored, and any referenced vars that use asynchronous functions will be null. However, any referenced svars that use asynchronous functions will have complete/settled values.

(The reason that asynchronous functions cannot be used for entities is that Lit does not support asynchronous functions in shouldUpdate() where entities is evaluated and used. The alternative lovelace-card-templater cannot support templates in its entities for the same reason; It uses API calls to render templates, and API calls require the use of asynchronous functions.)

Dashboard wide variables

If you need to use the same variable in multiple cards, then instead of defining it in each card's variables you can do that once for the entire dashboard.

title: My dashboard

  - states['sensor.light'].state
  lang: document.documentElement.lang


Both arrays and objects are supported, just like in card's local variables. It is allowed to mix the two types, i.e. use an array in dashboard variables and an object in card variables, or the other way around. If both definitions are arrays, then dashboard variables are put first in vars/svars. In the mixed mode, vars/svars have array indices and as well as variable names.

Changes to these variable definitions are not automatically propagated to cards that are already rendered on the dashboard, so you must reload your browser after making changes.

Note: All templates must be enclosed by ${}, except when defining variables.

${} is optional in variable definitions (variables will be parsed as templates even without ${}).

Config values that begin with ${ and end with } are parsed as a single template, including any nested ${ and } sequences/characters. For example, ${vars[0]}-${vars[1]} will attempt to evaluate vars[0]}-${vars[1] and will fail due to the invalid } and ${.

Config values that do not begin with ${ and end with } may contain multiple templates, however those templates cannot contain } characters. For example, ${vars[0]}-${vars[1]}: will work as expected, but ${() => { return 0; }}: will fail due to the } character in the template.

Values that begin with $! will not be parsed for templates. $! will be stripped from the beginning of the value, but any ${} sequences within the value will be left as-is.


General HA Plugin Troubleshooting


Fork and then clone the repo to your local machine. From the cloned directory run

npm install && npm run build


πŸ“ Templatable Lovelace Configurations







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  • TypeScript 89.2%
  • JavaScript 10.8%