These are Deep Learning sample programs of PyTorch written in C++.
PyTorch is famous as a kind of Deep Learning Frameworks.
Among them, Python source code is overflowing on the Web, so we can easily write the source code of Deep Learning in Python.
However, there is very little source code written in C++ of compiler language.
Therefore, I hope this repository will help many programmers by providing PyTorch sample programs written in C++.
In addition, I might adapt programs to the latest version.
2021/11/12: Release of v1.10.0
2021/09/27: Release of v1.9.1
2021/09/27: Support for using different devices between training and test
2021/09/06: Improved accuracy of time measurement using GPU
2021/06/19: Release of v1.9.0
2021/03/29: Release of v1.8.1
2021/03/18: Implementation of Discriminator
from DCGAN
2021/03/17: Implementation of AE1d
2021/03/16: Release of v1.8.0
2021/03/15: Implementation of YOLOv2
See more...
2021/02/11: Implementation of YOLOv1
2021/01/21: Release of v1.7.1
2020/10/30: Release of v1.7.0
2020/10/04: Implementation of Skip-GANomaly2d
2020/10/03: Implementation of GANomaly2d
2020/09/29: Implementation of EGBAD2d
2020/09/28: Implementation of AnoGAN2d
2020/09/27: Implementation of SegNet
2020/09/26: Implementation of DAE2d
2020/09/13: Implementation of ResNet
2020/09/07: Implementation of VGGNet
2020/09/05: Implementation of AlexNet
2020/09/02: Implementation of WAE2d GAN
and WAE2d MMD
2020/08/30: Release of v1.6.0
2020/06/26: Implementation of DAGMM2d
2020/06/26: Release of v1.5.1
2020/06/26: Implementation of VAE2d
2020/06/01: Implementation of pix2pix
2020/05/29: Implementation of U-Net Classification
2020/05/26: Implementation of U-Net Regression
2020/04/24: Release of v1.5.0
2020/03/23: Implementation of AE2d
Model | Paper | Conference/Journal | Code | Release Version |
AlexNet | A. Krizhevsky et al. | NeurIPS 2012 | AlexNet | v1.7.0 |
VGGNet | K. Simonyan et al. | ICLR 2015 | VGGNet | v1.7.0 |
ResNet | K. He et al. | CVPR 2016 | ResNet | v1.7.0 |
Discriminator | A. Radford et al. | ICLR 2016 | Discriminator | v1.8.1 |
Model | Paper | Conference/Journal | Code | Release Version |
Autoencoder | G. E. Hinton et al. | Science 2006 | AE1d | v1.8.1 |
AE2d | v1.5.0 | |||
Denoising Autoencoder | P. Vincent et al. | ICML 2008 | DAE2d | v1.7.0 |
Model | Paper | Conference/Journal | Code | Release Version |
Variational Autoencoder | D. P. Kingma et al. | ICLR 2014 | VAE2d | v1.5.1 |
DCGAN | A. Radford et al. | ICLR 2016 | DCGAN | v1.5.1 |
Wasserstein Autoencoder | I. Tolstikhin et al. | ICLR 2018 | WAE2d GAN | v1.7.0 |
Model | Paper | Conference/Journal | Code | Release Version |
U-Net | O. Ronneberger et al. | MICCAI 2015 | U-Net Regression | v1.5.1 |
pix2pix | P. Isola et al. | CVPR 2017 | pix2pix | v1.5.1 |
Model | Paper | Conference/Journal | Code | Release Version |
SegNet | V. Badrinarayanan et al. | CVPR 2015 | SegNet | v1.7.0 |
U-Net | O. Ronneberger et al. | MICCAI 2015 | U-Net Classification | v1.5.1 |
Model | Paper | Conference/Journal | Code | Release Version |
YOLOv1 | J. Redmon et al. | CVPR 2016 | YOLOv1 | v1.8.0 |
YOLOv2 | J. Redmon et al. | CVPR 2017 | YOLOv2 | v1.8.0 |
Model | Paper | Conference/Journal | Code | Release Version |
AnoGAN | T. Schlegl et al. | IPMI 2017 | AnoGAN2d | v1.7.0 |
DAGMM | B. Zong et al. | ICLR 2018 | DAGMM2d | v1.6.0 |
EGBAD | H. Zenati et al. | ICLR Workshop 2018 | EGBAD2d | v1.7.0 |
GANomaly | S. Akçay et al. | ACCV 2018 | GANomaly2d | v1.7.0 |
Skip-GANomaly | S. Akçay et al. | IJCNN 2019 | Skip-GANomaly2d | v1.7.0 |
Please select the environment to use as follows on PyTorch official.
PyTorch official :
PyTorch Build : Stable (1.10)
Your OS : Linux
Package : LibTorch
Language : C++ / Java
CUDA : 10.2
Run this Command : Download here (cxx11 ABI)
version : 3.0.0 or more
This is used for pre-processing and post-processing.
Please refer to other sites for more detailed installation method.
This is used to load data in parallel.
(It may be installed on standard Linux OS.)
This is used for command line arguments, etc.
$ sudo apt install libboost-dev libboost-all-dev
This is used to display loss graph.
$ sudo apt install gnuplot
This is used to load and save index-color image in semantic segmentation.
$ sudo apt install libpng-dev libpng++-dev zlib1g-dev
$ git clone
$ cd pytorch_cpp
$ vi utils/CMakeLists.txt
Please change the 4th line of "CMakeLists.txt" according to the path of the directory "libtorch".
The following is an example where the directory "libtorch" is located directly under the directory "HOME".
3: # LibTorch
4: set(LIBTORCH_DIR $ENV{HOME}/libtorch)
If you don't have g++ version 8 or above, install it.
$ sudo apt install g++-8
Please move to the directory of each model and refer to "".
Please create a link for the original dataset.
The following is an example of "AE2d" using "celebA" Dataset.
$ cd Dimensionality_Reduction/AE2d/datasets
$ ln -s <dataset_path> ./celebA_org
You should substitute the path of dataset for "<dataset_path>".
Please make sure you have training or test data directly under "<dataset_path>".
$ vi ../../../scripts/
Please edit the file for original dataset.
SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd)
python3 ${SCRIPT_DIR}/ \
--input_dir "celebA_org" \
--output_dir "celebA" \
--train_rate 9 \
--valid_rate 1
By running this file, you can split it into training and validation data.
$ sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
$ pip3 install natsort
$ sh ../../../scripts/
$ cd ../../..
There are transform, dataset and dataloader for data input in this repository.
It corresponds to the following source code in the directory, and we can add new function to the source code below.
- transforms.cpp
- transforms.hpp
- datasets.cpp
- datasets.hpp
- dataloader.cpp
- dataloader.hpp
There are a feature to check progress for training in this repository.
We can watch the number of epoch, loss, time and speed in training.
It corresponds to the following source code in the directory.
- progress.cpp
- progress.hpp
There are monitoring system for training in this repository.
We can watch output image and loss graph.
The feature to watch output image is in the "samples" in the directory "checkpoints" created during training.
The feature to watch loss graph is in the "graph" in the directory "checkpoints" created during training.
It corresponds to the following source code in the directory.
- visualizer.cpp
- visualizer.hpp
You can feel free to use all source code in this repository.
(Click here for details.)
But if you exploit external libraries (e.g. redistribution), you should be careful.
At a minimum, the license notation at the following URL is required.
In addition, third party copyrights belong to their respective owners.
Official :
License : -
Official :
License : -
Official :
License : -
Official :
License : -
Official :
License : -
Official (libpng) :
License (libpng) :
Official (png++) :
License (png++) :
Official (zlib) :
License (zlib) :
I hope this repository will help many programmers by providing PyTorch sample programs written in C++.
If you have any problems with the source code of this repository, please feel free to "issue".
Let's have a good development and research life!