REST API For accessing Cameo Event Data generated by SPEC Framework.
We have started processing data on JetStream Cloud Service. to access data from that database, please use ip
and follow the instructions under "Version 2: Working with Phoenix Dataset (Larger Dataset)" section.
The webserver is running on a machine hosted in Big Data Management and Analytics Lab @ UTD. So currently it is accessible from within the UTD network. You can use VPN if you are away. Instructions for that can be found here
To access the data use the follwoing url format.<api-key-here>&query=<query-for-data>&select=<comma-separated-list-of-attributes>&unique=<name-of-attribute>
The select
and unique
parts are optional. select
is used when you need only specific attributes for a record.unique
is used for selecting distinct values for a particular attribute.
To get the API Key, please contact the developer.
The server returns the resulted data and status of operation (i.e. "success" or "error") in JSON format. The structure is as follows
"status": <success-or-error>,
"data": [ ... event data array ...]
Each entry of the data
array has the following structure (when nothing specified using select
"code": "",
"target": "",
"headline": "",
"country_code": "",
"coordinates": [X, Y],
"content": "",
"source": "",
"link": "",
"location": "",
"date": {
"_id": {
"$oid": ""
If you use select like below
Then the structure will be as follows
"code": "",
"target": "",
"source": "",
"_id": {
"$oid": ""
If unique is used like the following
The ourput will be a JSON-Array like the following.
{"status": "success", "data": ["AFGCOPGOV", "JPN", "SAUGOV", "GBR", "USRTKMCOPGOVENV", "IND", "PRTBUS", "ISRGOV", "RUS", "AUT", "CHN", "PRKGOV", "KWT", "IGOUNO", "JOR", "PSEREB", "USACVL", "ITA", "CHNGOV", "FRA", .......]
The intial database contains 2368 cameo event records.
We are using Mongo DB query syntax. The query is expressed in JSON Format. Here is some examples -
Find all the events with cameo code 033
{"code": "033"}
Find all the events with camoe code 030 and has "Seoul" as location
{"code":"030", "location":"Seoul"}
Find all the events that has "United States of America" as source or target.
{"$or":[{"source":"United States of America"}, {"target":"United States of America"}]}
Find all the events that have occurred after June 15, 2016
{"date" : { "$gt" : "$date(06-15-2016)" }}
You need to specify the date using the $date()
directive. The date format is now flexible, but in future it may change.
To find out more, follow the documentation here
Similar as above, use the follwoing kind of url (port number is 5002, instead of 5000)<api-key-here>&query=<query-for-data>&select=<comma-separated-list-of-attributes>&unique=<name-of-attribute>
Similar to above, except for dates. Dates are represented as String in YYYYMMDD
format. So to query for events which happened on June 23, 2015, use the following query,
The following is the representation for the structure each record has -
{'event_id': , 'date8': , 'year': , 'month': , 'day': ,
'source': , 'src_actor': , 'src_agent': , 'src_other_agent': ,
'target': , 'tgt_actor': , 'tgt_agent': , 'tgt_other_agent': ,
'code': , 'root_code': , 'quad_class': , 'goldstein': ,
'geoname': , 'country_code': , 'admin_info': , 'id': , 'url': ,
'source_text': , 'longitude': , 'latitude': }
Selection of specific attributes works as before.