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The package ogc-specifications is a implementation of the OGC Web Service Specifications as defined by the OGC. This package has support for the following OGC Web Service Specifications Operations:

Spec Version Operation Request Response
WMS 1.3.0 GetCapabilities ✔️
WMS 1.3.0 GetMap ✔️
WMS 1.3.0 GetFeatureInfo ✔️
WFS 2.0.0 GetCapabilities ✔️
WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType ✔️
WFS 2.0.0 GetFeature ✔️
WMTS 1.0.0 GetCapabilities ✔️
WCS 2.0.1 GetCapabilities ✔️


It will provide the user with OperationRequest, Capabilities (and limited to GetCapabilities OperationResponse) structs for the different OGC specifications that can be used with in a developers application, so one doesn't needs to create/build those complex structs for 'every' application that has more then 'simple' interaction with a OGC Web Service. It will allow the developer to parse XML documents and query strings like they are defined in the OGC specification an build go structs with it and it will generate XML documents and KVP query strings based on those structs.

The different packages follow the same relations that are defined in the OGC specifications. For example the WFS 2.0.0 and the WMTS 1.0.0 share the underling WSC 1.1.0 package.

OGC package relations



This is still a 'work-in-progress' with the following major to do's:

  • WFS StoredQuery support
  • WMTS GetTile support
  • WCS GetCoverage support
  • OGC response support for metadata calls like GetCapabilities and DescribeFeatureType
  • Sufficient validation support
  • Cleanup YAML parser
  • WMS Time & Elevation parameters


go get

import a specific ogc specification like wms of wfs.

import wms ""
import wfs ""


go test ./... -covermode=atomic

And for benchmarks:

go test -bench=. ./...

And generate CPU & MEM profiles:

go test -cpuprofile -memprofile -bench=.  ./...

For visualization use pprof


How to Contribute

Make a pull request...


Distributed under MIT License, please see license file within the code for more details.