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2. PDB Topology Viewer as Web component

Mandar Deshpande edited this page Mar 10, 2020 · 2 revisions

PDB Topology Viewer as Web-component

PDB Topology Viewer is also available as a web-component (custom HTML Element)

Steps to include PDB Topology Viewer as a web-component in a web application

1. Include the library style and script files in your web page

<!-- Required for IE11 -->
<script src="" defer></script>
<!-- Web component polyfill (only loads what it needs) -->
<script src="" charset="utf-8" defer></script>
<!-- Required to polyfill modern browsers as code is ES5 for IE... -->
<script src="" charset="utf-8" defer></script>

<!-- d3.js dependency script -->
<script  src="[email protected]" defer></script>

<!-- PDB Topology Viewer library script -->
<script  type="text/javascript"  src="" defer></script>

*Until web components are natively supported by all browsers, it is necessary to use polyfills

2. Include PDB Topology Viewer as HTML Element

<pdb-topology-viewer pdb-id="1cbs" entity-id="1"></pdb-topology-viewer>

Check here the example demonstrating all the steps

Web-component attributes

No. Attribute Details
01 entry-id
02 entity-id
Entity ID
03 chain-id Chain ID
chain-id="A". Best chain will be displayed if chainId is not specified.
04 display-style CSS style for the display box - Example: display-style="border:1px solid #ff0000" will set the border color to red
05 error-style CSS style for the error box - Example: display-style="color: #ff0000" will set the error text color to red
06 subscribe-events Allow event binding with other PDB Web-components

**default - true