Movie Metadata Scraper, with local JAV management software Emby, Jellyfin, Kodi, etc. to manage local movies, the project plays the role of classification and metadata (metadata) grabbing, using metadata information to classify, only for local movie classification and organization.
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When you view and download the source code or binary program of this project, it means that you have accepted the following terms
- This project and its results are for technical, academic exchange and Python3 performance testing purposes only
- The contributors to this project have written this project to learn Python3 and improve programming
- This project does not provide any movie download trail
- Legal consequences and the consequences of use are borne by the user
- If you do not agree to any of the above terms, please do not use the project and project results
I am a college student and currently have high living and tuition costs and I want to reduce my financial dependence on my family
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