A new code base for the directory walk, filter and package needs of CSDCO
Walk the vault and load the files
Take the sqlite file and convert to a graph for the associated resources the facility defines (look at stonesoup as guidance)
- Build the projects as objects (since they will have landing pages)
- Build the borehole features as objects (are they samples? Do them as sample landing pages)
Load these as objects (type data graph) into minio to then be loaded into the triple store
Modify the existing ocdGarden/CSDCO/GraphBuilder code base? It builds to a graph but should be able to build data graph objects. Or do I really need to follow that pattern here? It might be nice to still follow this path if that is what we want in BCO-DMO.
source ./secret/local.env
./cmd/walker/walker -d=/media/fils/T5/DataFiles/CSDCO/CSDCOdata -upload=true
go run cmd/walker/main.go -d=/media/fils/T5/DataFiles/CSDCO/CSDCOdata -upload=true
## Graph notes
Note: ObjectEngine is the place where the graphs are generated and loaded (tika and meta data loading)
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/n-quads" -d @./output/objectGraph.nq
SELECT distinct ?g ?s ?p ?o WHERE { graph ?g{ ?s ?p ?o } } limit 25