##ocdJanus Utilities
- Put all selects into a file for later use...
grep SELECT inputStage1/janus_structs_20151023.txt > inputStage1/selectStatements.txt
- Remove all the SELECT commands with:
sed '/SELECT/d' janus_structs_20151023.txt > janus_structs_20151023_noselect.txt
- Split the struct file with
awk -f awkcode.awk structdata.txt awk -f ../awkcode.awk ../inputStage1/janus_structs_20151023_noselect.txt
- clean up blanks and spaces
find . -name "part*" -exec sed -i '/^[[:space:]]$/d;s/[[:space:]]
the rename.sh renames the partX.txt files based on the struct nameint he file ./rename.sh
Next we remove all likes that container a { or a }
$ find . -name "Janus*" -exec sed -i '/}/d' {} ;
$ find . -name "Janus*" -exec sed -i '/{/d' {} ;