Release candidate for v1.0.0
What's Changed
- Py39 update annotations by @rettigl in #428
- Python upgrade 39 discussion by @zain-sohail in #427
- Review fixes by @rettigl in #435
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #440
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #441
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #443
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #446
- fix spelling in all files using Code Spell Checker by @rettigl in #449
- Refactor flashloader by @zain-sohail in #329
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #455
- Flash test fixes by @rettigl in #465
- Tof binning as actual binning values by @rettigl in #451
- Energy calibration bias shift by @rettigl in #411
- Catch illegal kwds by @rettigl in #466
- Flash minor changes (Merge to #469) by @zain-sohail in #479
- Update to the BufferHandler by @zain-sohail in #469
- Update benchmark targets by @pullrequesttoken in #483
- FlashLoader: Remove invalid files by catching exception by @zain-sohail in #484
- Logging by @rettigl in #490
- Update dask version by @rettigl in #448
- Move static by @zain-sohail in #511
- Pydantic model by @zain-sohail in #487
- Src layout by @rettigl in #508
- Style fixes by @rettigl in #509
- Update jupyter by @rettigl in #516
- Update dependencies by @pullrequesttoken in #538
- Fix src layout by @rettigl in #537
- Move to uv by @rettigl in #540
- allow both timed dataframe formats by @zain-sohail in #546
- remove empty pulses from timed dataframe, and bring back old behavior by @rettigl in #541
- add further exceptions for completely empty files, and exceptions by @rettigl in #542
- Update README.md by @rettigl in #548
- Flash metadata fixes by @zain-sohail in #547
- Pydantic error handling by @zain-sohail in #549
- update tests for env variables by @zain-sohail in #553
- Fix release and update documentation by @rettigl in #554
- use user platformdir also for user config by @rettigl in #555
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v1.0.0.a0