Dedicated to Indonesia Software Quality Assurance (ISQA) Tech Community.
Sample Collection of Unit/End-to-End/Visual/REST API/Performance/Security Testing, Happy Learning !!!
Scripting Language: Java, Scala, C, Typescript, Python
- Java - Continuous Testing and Visual Regression Test with Selenium + Allure Report + TestNG + SonarQube + Jenkins
- Java - BDD Style with SerenityBDD Framework + Cucumber + Selenium
- Java - Selenium Keyword Library
- Java - BDD Style with Cucumber + Allure Report
- Typescript - BDD Style with WebdriverIO + Cucumber + Selenium + Docker
- Python - Selenium - Page Factory - PyUnit
- Java - Demo of Visual Regression with Ashot + Allure Report + Micoo + Visual Regression Tracker
- Youtube - Demo of Visual Regression with Ashot + Allure Report + Micoo + Visual Regression Tracker
- Java - Rest Assured & SerenityBDD Framework
- Java - Rest Assured & TestNG & Allure Report
- Typescript - Mocha & Chai Framework
- Java - Web Application Security Testing with OWASP ZAP via Continuumsecurity Library
- Java - Web Application Security Testing with OWASP ZAP via Official Library
- [Java - Java Application Dependency Check with OWASP + Maven Plugin ]
IN-PROGRESS - Youtube - Web Security Testing while performing E2E Test with ZAP HUD
- Java - Continuous Mobile Application (Android/iOS) Security Assessment/Static Analysis
- Java - Static Analysis for Java source code and Android APK using QARK via Maven and Junit
- Java - Server Side and Client Side Load Testing with Jmeter
- Youtube - Server Side and Client Side Load Testing with Jmeter
- Jmeter Dashboard & Grafana
- Scala - Server Side Load Testing with Gatling
- C - Server Side Load Testing with LoadRunner
- [C - Client Side Load Testing with LoadRunner TruClient Protocol]