Release 2.3.8
Oasis Release v2.3.8
Docker Images (Platform)
- coreoasis/api_server:2.3.8
- coreoasis/model_worker:2.3.8
- coreoasis/model_worker:2.3.8-debian
- coreoasis/piwind_worker:2.3.8
Docker Images (User Interface)
OasisPlatform Changelog - 2.3.8
- #1075 - Logging - V2 input generation and losses tar should include log files for all sub-tasks
- #1104 - Fix params for V1 workers - so custom hooks are called
- #1107 - Fix/gen log storage
- #1109 - set artifact to v4
- #1111 - Keycloak OIDC group permistions is broken.
- #1110 - Add Endpoint for models - 'storage_links'
OasisLMF Changelog - 2.3.8
- #1544 - dynamic footprint - slow performance for large hazard case
- #1546 - Combus changes: 20240807
- #1554 - drop duplicate il term lines before merging
- #1547 - Running full_correlation + gulmc causes an execution to hang.
- #1556 - Fix CI build system failures
- #1559 - Read do_disaggregation from settings files
- #1560 - add check for vulnerability id and intensity bin boundary
- #1561 - Set Ktools 3.12.4
- #1531 - fix effective deductible applied in minded calculation for calcrule 19
ODS_Tools Changelog - 3.2.7
- #135 - Only run attach project issues workflow from Our repo - not forks
- #136 - Triple quoting when saving fields containing multiple entries
- #139 - Look for validation files in custom paths
- #140 - Failed ODTF transformation with lark > 1.1.9
- #142 - Update GH actions artifacts to v4
- #143 - pin lark version
- #145 - Add disaggregation-flag
ktools Changelog - v3.12.4
- #387 - Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4.1.7 in /.github/workflows
- #390 - Average Loss Convergence Table (ALCT) fix
- #391 - Fix GH actions artifact
Release Notes
OasisPlatform Notes
Fix docker compose UI - (PR #1099)
Fix log storage in result tar files. - (PR #1103)
- Fixed log storage for input generation (run_mode=v1). workers now store a copy of run logs in the
file. - Fixed log storage for input generation (run_mode=v2). Workers copy in each sub-task log file to a
within a theinput.tar.gz
file - Fixed mismatch between v1 and v2 ktools log stored under
, v2 no longer nests the archive in alogs
Fix run params for V1 workers - (PR #1104)
Needed so that custom hooks are correctly called for workers in run_mode=V1, similar to #1087
Fix/gen log storage - (PR #1107)
Worker storage manager between main
and stable/2.3.x
is different, fix needed to work with both
Fixed group mapper class in Keyclock realm config - (PR #1112)
Issue #1111 - the users group information wasn't included in the JSON Web Token (JWT). This causes OasisAPI objects to be created without any groups attached.
Added model storage_links endpoint - (PR #1113)
Added the following endpoints to models, /v1/models/{id}/storage_links/
and /v2/models/{id}/storage_links/
works in the same way as the other storage_links endpoints on (models and portfolios), returns the real filename or Object Store key of the model settings file.
example return
"settings_file": "82cd9b3e16c44954a1ec98be6554440b.json"
OasisLMF Notes
Reduce memory usage in il generation step - (PR #1554)
Drop duplicated lines containing each specific level terms before merging with the input level do reduce memory consumption
Disable full_correlation when running gulmc - (PR #1555)
Gulmc provide a more fine grained correlation feature and make full_correlation flag not useful and created an issue where the run would hang
This change disable full_correlation in that case fixing the hanging issue.
Fix CI build system failures - (PR #1556)
- Updated GH actions to use artifact v4
- Pinned Fiona package (the newer package has incompatibility with some older versions of Geopandas)
update to geopandas0.14.4
or pin fiona to version1.9.6
Read do_disaggregation from settings json files - (PR #1559)
Workaround to address ticket #1497 to give more time for creating a better option for overriding settings OasisLMF/OasisLMF#1552
Fix out of bound issue when vulnerability file contains more intensity bin than the footprint - (PR #1560)
In the model part, we want to only load intensity that will be relevant in the footprint, however there was an issue in the code where the out of bound intensity was overwriting the other part of the vulnerability table that was created.
Also add a check to verify that all vulnerability_id that are needed are present in the vulnerability static file
Fix issue in calcrule 19 when min deductible is triggered - (PR #1531)
When % of loss deductible is smaller than the minimum deductible, neither the minimum deductible nor the % of loss deductible gets applied. This overstates gross losses.
the deductible passed to the min deductible calculation was incorrect for calcrule 19, as we passed the percentage instead of the actual deductible, this fix the issue by passing the effective deductible for this calcrule.
ODS_Tools Notes
Only run attach project issues workflow from Our repo - not forks - (PR #135)
CI fix for external PRs
Fixes triple quoting when strings contain special characters - (PR #137)
... Strings containing special symbols (for example ;
, ,
, \t
, \n
) are now correctly quoted (only once with double quotes).
Validation files in custom paths - (PR #138)
When a custom path is passed in the configuration file, validation files in that folder will be found and used.
Fix failed transformations with lark > 1.1.9 - (PR #141)
Compatibility with all lark versions
Update GH actions artifacts to v4 - (PR #142)
Pin lark version to <=1.9 - (PR #143)
While testing the solution, lark is pinned to a working version to avoid failing tests.
Add do_disaggregation to setting schemas - (PR #145)
ktools Notes
Average Loss Convergence Table (ALCT) fix - (PR #390)
- Changed the calculation of StandardError which is used for the confidence intervals for the AAL estimate to be equal to StandardErrorVuln from the ANOVA metrics
- Reintroduced the ANOVA fields from the first version of the report
- Set the lower and upper confidence threshold to zero where StandardError=0 (for SampleSize 1)