Docker Images
- coreoasis/model_worker:1.6.0
- coreoasis/api_server:1.6.0
- coreoasis/model_worker:1.6.0-slim
- coreoasis/api_server:1.6.0-slim
Fixes & Changes
- #284 - Added support for S3 Object stores
- #305 - Define groups for models
- #306 - Fixed logical deletion for AnalysisModels
- #311 - Improved error logging in worker monitor
- #313 - Added option to set run dir location in worker
- #317 - Added Backwards compatibility tests to CI
- #321 - Updated Django to 3.0.3
- #323 - Added 'server_info' endpoint for details on the running API
- #325 - Fixed Database migration issue from version 1.1.2
- #335 - Accept compressed CSV files as portfolio uploads
New Features
Object file storage
Added support for AWS S3 object storage in both the server and worker containers.
Its enabled by setting the environment variable STORAGE_TYPE=S3
in either the conf.ini file or under the docker-compose environment section.
The default value is STORAGE_TYPE=stored-fs
which is the previous shared docker volume between containers. Details in Pull Request #314
Configuration options
Your Amazon Web Services access key, as a string.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Your Amazon Web Services secret access key, as a string.AWS_BUCKET_NAME
S3 bucket name, as a string.
A path prefix that will be prepended to all uploadsAWS_QUERYSTRING_EXPIRE
The number of seconds that a generated URL is valid for.AWS_QUERYSTRING_AUTH
Setting AWS_QUERYSTRING_AUTH to False to remove query parameter authentication from generated URLs. This can be useful if your S3 buckets are public.AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL
Override the default AWS service address URL for S3, e.g.AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL=http://localhost:4572
Name of the AWS S3 region to use (eg. eu-west-1)
Local S3 testing
The object store can be tested locally using LocalStack.
Run this by using the docker-compose file s3.docker-compose.yml
export OASIS_MODEL_DATA_DIR=<..path to piwind ..>
docker-compose -f s3.docker-compose.yml up -d
Server version information
Added a new endpoint http://<server-ip>:<server-port>/server_info/
which returns the version tag and non-sensitive configuration information
Example response (Requires authenticated)
"version": "1.6.0",
"config": {
"DEBUG": true,
"LANGUAGE_CODE": "en-us",
"WSGI_APPLICATION": "src.server.oasisapi.wsgi.application",
"DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE": "django.core.files.storage.FileSystemStorage",
"DB_ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3",
"STORAGE_TYPE": "shared-fs",
"MEDIA_ROOT": "/shared-fs/",
"AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME": "<server-bucket-name>",
"AWS_LOCATION": "server",
Grouping Fields
A model can now set a list of OED fields that it uses to define correlation groups when running analyses, these are set as a property of the model.
This is done through the group_fields key in model_settings.json under data_settings.
When generating oasis files or running the model end to end, the argument -M
or --model-settings-json
should point to the model_settings.json file to use this. For example:
$ oasislmf model generate-oasis-files --model-settings-json meta-data/model_settings.json -C oasislmf.json
Command line arguments for group fields take priority, followed by those defined by the model. If neither exist, loc_id is used as the fall-through option.
model_settings.json example
"data_settings": {
"group_fields": ["PortNumber", "AccNumber", "LocNumber"]
Tooltip field for model settings
Added an optional longer descrtioption field to the model settings schema.
"desc":" ..short label.."
"tooltip": " ... Longer descrtiption for this parameter ..."
Setting a worker's run directory
Environment variable BASE_RUN_DIR
which is used to override the base run directory path.
- OASIS_BASE_RUN_DIR=/home/worker/run
The above ill move the temporary run dirs from /tmp/<random_name>
to /home/worker/run/<random_name>
Backwards compatibility checks
Added tests which run the current branch (to be published) images against the last release.
- Worker (prev release) + Server (next release)
- Server (prev release) + Worker (next release)