This is a Godot Engine port of the classic XNA/Xbox Live Arcade game I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT!!! 1 by James Silva/Ska Studios.
Ported from the original XNA/C# source to Godot/GDScript by deadpixelsociety
Play testing and feedback provided by OMNIViOLET Studio. Make sure to check out their Steam port of this game over here. Thanks for the help!
The source code for this port is being released to the public and the Godot community under the MIT license, free to use however you wish except for the assets (graphics, sounds and music) as noted below.
The code may not be perfect and certainly could use some improvements, but I tried to stay as close to the structure and flow of James' original code as possible. Feel free to contribute pull requests if you wish, and certainly report any bugs you may encounter.
The original game assets are provided for distribution with permission from Ska Studios for personal and non-commercial use only.