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Use an ADT to discriminate free graph and constant graph
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Halbaroth committed Jan 3, 2024
1 parent f8b0ebc commit 48cf7d0
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Showing 5 changed files with 62 additions and 49 deletions.
99 changes: 56 additions & 43 deletions src/lib/structures/
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Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,14 @@
module X = Shostak.Combine
module Sy = Symbols

module Graph = struct
(* The type of this module represents a model value for a function [f] by a
finite set of constraints of the form:
f(e_1, ..., e_n) = e
where [e_i] and [e] are model terms according to [Expr.is_model_term].
As functions in the SMT-LIB standard are total, one of the expressions [e]
above is used as the default value of the function. *)
module Constraints = struct
module M = Map.Make
type t = Expr.t list [@@deriving ord]
Expand All @@ -42,14 +49,12 @@ module Graph = struct
let empty = M.empty
let add = M.add
let map =
let cardinal = M.cardinal
let choose = M.choose

(* A fiber of the function [f] over a value [v] is the set of all the values
in the domain of [f] whose the image by [f] is [v].
The function [inverse] of this module constructs a map of all the
non-empty fibers of the function represented by its graph. *)
non-empty fibers of the function represented by a set of constraints. *)
module Fiber = struct
include Set.Make (struct
type t = Expr.t list [@@deriving ord]
Expand All @@ -58,8 +63,8 @@ module Graph = struct
let pp_arg ppf (ctr, arg) = ppf "(= arg_%i %a)" ctr Expr.pp_smtlib arg

(* For an argument (x_1, ..., x_n) of the function represented by the graph,
prints the SMT-LIB formula:
(* For an argument (x_1, ..., x_n) of the function, prints the SMT-LIB
(and (= arg_0 x_1)(= arg_1 x2) ... (= arg_n x_n)).
let pp_args ppf = function
Expand All @@ -69,8 +74,7 @@ module Graph = struct
| args -> ppf "(and %a)" Fmt.(iter_bindings ~sep:sp List.iteri pp_arg) args

(* For a fiber [x; y; z; ...] of the function represented by the graph,
prints the SMT-LIB formula:
(* For a fiber [x; y; z; ...] of the function, prints the SMT-LIB formula:
(and (= arg_0 x_0) (= arg_1 x_1) ...)
(and (= arg_0 y_0) (= arg_1 y_1) ...)
Expand All @@ -86,17 +90,18 @@ module Graph = struct ppf "(or %a)" (Fmt.iter ~sep:Fmt.sp iter pp_args) fiber

(* Compute all the fibers of the function represented by the graph. *)
let inverse graph =
(* Compute all the fibers of the function represented by the set of
constraints [c]. *)
let inverse c =
M.fold (fun arg_vals ret_val acc ->
match Expr.Map.find_opt ret_val acc with
| Some fib ->
Expr.Map.add ret_val (Fiber.add arg_vals fib) acc
| None ->
Expr.Map.add ret_val (Fiber.of_list [arg_vals]) acc
) graph Expr.Map.empty
) c Expr.Map.empty

let pp_inverse ppf rel =
let pp_inverse ppf c =
let rec aux ppf seq =
match seq () with
| Seq.Nil -> ()
Expand All @@ -108,7 +113,7 @@ module Graph = struct
Expr.pp_smtlib ret_val
aux seq
aux ppf (Expr.Map.to_seq rel)
aux ppf (Expr.Map.to_seq c)

module P = Map.Make
Expand All @@ -118,44 +123,37 @@ module P = Map.Make
let compare = Id.compare_typed

type graph =
| Free of Expr.t
(* Represents a graph without any constraint. The expression is
an abstract value. *)

| C of Constraints.t

type t = {
values : Graph.t P.t;
values : graph P.t;
suspicious : bool;

let add ((id, arg_tys, _) as sy) arg_vals ret_val { values; suspicious } =
if List.compare_lengths arg_tys arg_vals <> 0 then
Fmt.invalid_arg "The arity of the symbol %a doesn't agree the number of \
arguments" Id.pp id;
let graph =
let graph = P.find sy values in
(* If the graph associated with [sy] contains only an abstract value,
it means there is no constraint on this graph. We replace it by
the graph with the only constraint given by [arg_vals] and
[ret_val]. *)
if Graph.cardinal graph = 1 then
let _, value = Graph.choose graph in
let Expr.{ f; _ } = Expr.term_view value in
match f with
| Sy.Name { hs; _ }
when Id.Namespace.Abstract.is_id (Hstring.view hs) ->
| _ -> graph
with Not_found -> Graph.empty in
let values = P.add sy (Graph.add arg_vals ret_val graph) values in
let constraints =
match P.find sy values with
| C g -> g
| Free _ | exception Not_found -> Constraints.empty
let values =
P.add sy (C (Constraints.add arg_vals ret_val constraints)) values
{ values; suspicious }

let empty ~suspicious declared_ids =
let values =
(fun values ((_, arg_tys, ret_ty) as sy) ->
let arg_vals = Expr.mk_abstract arg_tys in
let ret_val = Expr.mk_abstract ret_ty in
let graph = Graph.add arg_vals ret_val Graph.empty in
P.add sy graph values
(fun values ((_, _, ret_ty) as sy) ->
P.add sy (Free (Expr.mk_abstract ret_ty)) values
P.empty declared_ids
Expand All @@ -178,22 +176,37 @@ let rec subst_in_term id e c =
let subst id e { values; suspicious } =
if not @@ Expr.is_model_term e then
raise (Errors.Error (Model_error (Subst_not_model_term e)));
let values = ( (subst_in_term id e)) values in

let values =
(fun graph ->
match graph with
| C constraints -> C ( (subst_in_term id e) constraints)
| Free a -> Free (subst_in_term id e a)
) values in
{ values; suspicious }

let pp_named_arg_ty ~unused ppf (arg_name, arg_ty) =
let pp_unused ppf unused = if unused then ppf "_" else () in ppf "(%aarg_%i %a)" pp_unused unused arg_name Ty.pp_smtlib arg_ty

let pp_define_fun ppf ((id, arg_tys, ret_ty), graph) =
let inverse_rel = Graph.inverse graph in
let is_constant = Expr.Map.cardinal inverse_rel = 1 in
let pp_define_fun ~is_constant pp ppf ((id, arg_tys, ret_ty), a) =
let named_arg_tys = List.mapi (fun i arg_ty -> (i, arg_ty)) arg_tys in ppf "(@[define-fun %a (%a) %a@ %a)@]"
Id.pp id
Fmt.(list ~sep:sp (pp_named_arg_ty ~unused:is_constant)) named_arg_tys
Ty.pp_smtlib ret_ty
Graph.pp_inverse inverse_rel
pp a

let pp_define_fun ppf (sy, graph) =
match graph with
| Free a ->
pp_define_fun ~is_constant:true Expr.pp_smtlib ppf (sy, a)

| C constraints ->
let inverse_rel = Constraints.inverse constraints in
let is_constant = Expr.Map.cardinal inverse_rel = 1 in
pp_define_fun ~is_constant Constraints.pp_inverse ppf (sy, inverse_rel)

let pp ppf {values; suspicious} =
if suspicious then begin
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/issues/854/function.models.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

(define-fun intrefqtmk ((_arg_0 Int)) intref (as @a6 intref))
(define-fun intrefqtmk ((_arg_0 Int)) intref (as @a4 intref))
(define-fun a () Int 0)
(define-fun f ((_arg_0 Int)) Int 0)
(define-fun a1 () Int 0)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/issues/854/original.models.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

(define-fun intrefqtmk ((_arg_0 Int)) intref (as @a4 intref))
(define-fun intrefqtmk ((_arg_0 Int)) intref (as @a3 intref))
(define-fun a () Int 0)
(define-fun a1 () Int 0)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tests/issues/854/twice_eq.models.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@

(define-fun intrefqtmk ((_arg_0 Int)) intref (as @a6 intref))
(define-fun another_mk ((_arg_0 Int)) intref (as @a6 intref))
(define-fun intrefqtmk ((_arg_0 Int)) intref (as @a4 intref))
(define-fun another_mk ((_arg_0 Int)) intref (as @a4 intref))
(define-fun a () Int 0)
(define-fun a1 () Int 0)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tests/models/complete_2.models.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

(define-fun x () Int (as @a2 Int))
(define-fun f ((_arg_0 Int)) Int (as @a1 Int))
(define-fun x () Int (as @a1 Int))
(define-fun f ((_arg_0 Int)) Int (as @a0 Int))

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