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Create a custom ADT for Th_util.answer
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Halbaroth committed Feb 25, 2025
1 parent 2c6d421 commit 24b83cf
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Showing 15 changed files with 141 additions and 96 deletions.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -664,24 +664,25 @@ let case_split env uf ~for_model =
let optimizing_objective _env _uf _o = None

let query _env uf (ra, _, ex, _) =
if Options.get_disable_adts () then None
if Options.get_disable_adts () then Th_util.Unknown
let domains = Uf.GlobalDomains.find (module Domains) ( uf) in
match ra with
| Xliteral.Builtin(true, Sy.IsConstr c, [r]) ->
let rr, _ = Uf.find_r uf r in
ignore (assume_is_constr ~ex rr c domains);

| Xliteral.Builtin(false, Sy.IsConstr c, [r]) ->
let rr, _ = Uf.find_r uf r in
ignore (assume_not_is_constr ~ex rr c domains);

| _ ->
| Domain.Inconsistent ex -> Some (ex, Uf.cl_extract uf)
| Domain.Inconsistent ex ->
Entailed { ex; classes = Uf.cl_extract uf }

(* ################################################################ *)
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -237,23 +237,23 @@ module type UF = module type of Uf
(respectively [q]) is already true, we do not add the consequence. *)
let update_env (module Uf : UF) uf dep env acc gi si p p_ded n n_ded =
match Uf.are_equal uf ~added_terms:true gi si, Uf.are_distinct uf gi si with
| Some (idep, _) , None ->
| Entailed { ex = idep; _ }, Unknown ->
let conseq = LRmap.add n n_ded dep env.conseq in
{env with conseq = conseq},
Conseq.add (p_ded, Ex.union dep idep) acc

| None, Some (idep, _) ->
| Unknown, Entailed { ex = idep; _ } ->
let conseq = LRmap.add p p_ded dep env.conseq in
{env with conseq = conseq},
Conseq.add (n_ded, Ex.union dep idep) acc

| None, None ->
| Unknown, Unknown ->
let sp = LRset.add p env.split in
let conseq = LRmap.add p p_ded dep env.conseq in
let conseq = LRmap.add n n_ded dep conseq in
{ env with split = sp; conseq = conseq }, acc

| Some _, Some _ ->
| Entailed _, Entailed _ ->
(* This case cannot occur because we cannot have `gi = si` and
`gi <> si` at the same time. *)
assert false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ let get_of_set (module Uf : UF) uf gtype (env, acc) =
let n_ded = E.mk_eq ~iff:false get get_stab in
let dep =
match Uf.are_equal uf ~added_terms:true gtab set with
| Some (dep, _) -> dep
| None -> assert false
| Entailed { ex; _ } -> ex
| Unknown -> assert false
let env =
{env with new_terms =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ let get_and_set (module Uf : UF) uf gtype (env, acc) =
let n_ded = E.mk_eq ~iff:false gt_of_st get_stab in
let dep =
match Uf.are_equal uf ~added_terms:true gtab stab with
| Some (dep, _) -> dep
| None -> assert false
| Entailed { ex; _ } -> ex
| Unknown -> assert false
let env =
{env with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ let assume env uf la =
env, uf, { Sig_rel.assume = l; remove = [] }

let query _ _ _ = None
let query _ _ _ = Th_util.Unknown
let add env uf _ _ = env, uf, []

let new_terms env = env.new_terms
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -2210,7 +2210,7 @@ let assume env uf la =
Uf.GlobalDomains.add (module Interval_domains) int_domain ds,

let query _ _ _ = None
let query _ _ _ = Th_util.Unknown

let case_split env uf ~for_model =
if not for_model && Stdlib.(env.size_splits >= Options.get_max_split ()) then
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17 changes: 10 additions & 7 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -264,9 +264,10 @@ module Main : S = struct

let explain_equality env ex t1 t2 =
if E.equal t1 t2 then ex
else match Uf.are_equal env.uf t1 t2 ~added_terms:true with
| Some (dep, _) -> Ex.union ex dep
| None -> raise Exit
match Uf.are_equal env.uf t1 t2 ~added_terms:true with
| Entailed { ex = ex'; _ } -> Ex.union ex ex'
| Unknown -> raise Exit

let equal_only_by_congruence env (facts: r Sig_rel.facts) t1 t2 =
if not (E.equal t1 t2) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,11 +354,11 @@ module Main : S = struct
let ty_y = Expr.type_info y in
if Ty.equal ty_x ty_y then
begin match Uf.are_distinct env.uf t1 t2 with
| Some (ex_r, _) ->
| Entailed { ex = ex_r; _ } ->
let a = E.mk_distinct ~iff:false [x; y] in
Debug.contra_congruence a ex_r;
Q.push (Literal.LTerm a, ex_r, Th_util.Other) facts.diseqs
| None -> assert false
| Unknown -> assert false
| _ -> ()
) (Uf.class_of env.uf bol)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -739,7 +740,8 @@ module Main : S = struct
{env with relation = Rel.assume_th_elt env.relation th_elt dep}

let are_equal env t1 t2 ~init_terms =
if E.equal t1 t2 then Some (Ex.empty, [])
if E.equal t1 t2 then
Th_util.Entailed { ex = Ex.empty; classes = [] }
if init_terms then
let facts = empty_facts() in
Expand All @@ -748,7 +750,8 @@ module Main : S = struct
let env, _ = assume_literals env [] facts in
Uf.are_equal env.uf t1 t2 ~added_terms:true
with Ex.Inconsistent (ex,cl) -> Some (ex, cl)
with Ex.Inconsistent (ex, classes) ->
Entailed { ex; classes }
Uf.are_equal env.uf t1 t2 ~added_terms:false

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70 changes: 40 additions & 30 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -678,8 +678,10 @@ module Make (Th : Theory.S) = struct
with Not_found ->
assert (E.is_ground a);
match Th.query a env.tbox with
| None -> tmp_cache := ME.add a None !tmp_cache; None
| Some (ex,_) as y ->
| Unknown ->
tmp_cache := ME.add a Th_util.Unknown !tmp_cache;
| Entailed { ex; _ } as y ->
if Options.get_tableaux_cdcl () then
cdcl_learn_clause true env ex (ff.E.ff);
learn_clause env ff ex;
Expand All @@ -689,53 +691,60 @@ module Make (Th : Theory.S) = struct
match E.form_view ff.E.ff with
| E.Literal a ->
let ans = query_of tcp_cache tmp_cache ff a env in
if ans != None then
Options.tool_req 2 "TR-Sat-Bcp-Elim-2";
if Options.get_profiling() then Profiling.elim false;
let () =
match ans with
| Entailed _ ->
Options.tool_req 2 "TR-Sat-Bcp-Elim-2";
if Options.get_profiling() then Profiling.elim false;
| Unknown -> ()
| E.Unit _ | E.Clause _ | E.Lemma _ | E.Skolem _
| E.Let _ | E.Iff _ | E.Xor _ -> None
| E.Let _ | E.Iff _ | E.Xor _ -> Unknown

let red tcp_cache tmp_cache ff env tcp =
let nf = E.neg ff.E.ff in
let nff = {ff with E.ff = nf} in
let _, ex = ME.find nf !(env.unit_facts_cache) in
Some(ex, []), true
Th_util.Entailed { ex; classes = [] }, true
with Not_found ->
let _, ex, _, _ = ME.find nf env.gamma in
let r = Some (ex, Th.cl_extract env.tbox) in
Options.tool_req 2 "TR-Sat-Bcp-Red-1";
r, true
Entailed { ex; classes = Th.cl_extract env.tbox }, true
with Not_found ->
if not tcp then None, false
if not tcp then Unknown, false
else match E.form_view nf with
| E.Literal a ->
let ans = query_of tcp_cache tmp_cache nff a env in
if ans != None then Options.tool_req 2 "TR-Sat-Bcp-Red-2";
let () =
match ans with
| Entailed _ -> Options.tool_req 2 "TR-Sat-Bcp-Red-2"
| _ -> ()
ans, false
| E.Unit _ | E.Clause _ | E.Lemma _ | E.Skolem _
| E.Let _ | E.Iff _ | E.Xor _ -> None, false
| E.Let _ | E.Iff _ | E.Xor _ -> Unknown, false

let red tcp_cache tmp_cache ff env tcp =
match red tcp_cache tmp_cache ff env tcp with
| (Some _, _) as ans -> ans
| None, b ->
| Entailed _, _ as ans -> ans
| Unknown, b ->
if not (Options.get_tableaux_cdcl ()) then
None, b
Th_util.Unknown, b
match CDCL.is_true !(env.cdcl) (E.neg ff.E.ff) with
| Some (ex, _lvl) ->
let ex = Lazy.force ex in
if Options.(get_debug_sat () && get_verbose ()) then
Printer.print_dbg "red thanks to satML";
assert (cdcl_known_decisions ex env);
Some(ex, []), true
Entailed { ex; classes = [] }, true
| None ->
None, b
Unknown, b

let add_dep f dep =
match E.form_view f with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -790,16 +799,16 @@ module Make (Th : Theory.S) = struct
let u =
match th_elim tcp_cache tmp_cache gf1 env,
th_elim tcp_cache tmp_cache gf2 env with
| None, None -> raise Exit
| Some _, _ | _, Some _ when gf1.E.theory_elim -> u
| Unknown, Unknown -> raise Exit
| Entailed _, _ | _, Entailed _ when gf1.E.theory_elim -> u

| Some _, Some _ ->
| Entailed _, Entailed _ ->
u (* eliminate if both are true ? why ? *)
(*(gf1, Ex.union d d1) :: (gf2, Ex.union d d2) :: u*)

| Some (d1, _), _ -> (gf1, Ex.union d d1) :: u
| Entailed { ex = d1; _ }, _ -> (gf1, Ex.union d d1) :: u

| _, Some (d2, _) -> (gf2, Ex.union d d2) :: u
| _, Entailed { ex = d2; _ } -> (gf2, Ex.union d d2) :: u
cl, u
with Exit ->
Expand All @@ -809,27 +818,28 @@ module Make (Th : Theory.S) = struct
red tcp_cache tmp_cache gf1 env tcp,
red tcp_cache tmp_cache gf2 env tcp
| (Some (d1, c1), b1) , (Some (d2, c2), b2) ->
| (Entailed { ex = d1; classes = c1 }, b1),
(Entailed { ex = d2; classes = c2 }, b2) ->
if Options.get_profiling() then Profiling.bcp_conflict b1 b2;
let expl = Ex.union (Ex.union d d1) d2 in
let c = List.rev_append c1 c2 in
raise (Ex.Inconsistent (expl, c))

| (Some(d1, _), b) , (None, _) ->
| (Entailed { ex = d1; _ }, b), (Unknown, _) ->
if Options.get_profiling() then b;
let gf2 =
{gf2 with E.nb_reductions = gf2.E.nb_reductions + 1} in
let gf2 = update_distances env gf2 f1 in
cl, (gf2,Ex.union d d1) :: u

| (None, _) , (Some(d2, _),b) ->
| (Unknown, _) , (Entailed { ex = d2; _ }, b) ->
if Options.get_profiling() then b;
let gf1 =
{gf1 with E.nb_reductions = gf1.E.nb_reductions + 1} in
let gf1 = update_distances env gf1 f2 in
cl, (gf1,Ex.union d d2) :: u

| (None, _) , (None, _) -> fd::cl , u
| (Unknown, _) , (Unknown, _) -> fd::cl , u
) acc delta

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1185,9 +1195,9 @@ module Make (Th : Theory.S) = struct
| E.Literal a ->
match query_of tcp_cache tmp_cache {gf with E.ff=f} a env with
| Some (ex, _) ->
| Entailed { ex; _ } ->
Ex.union dep ex, ({gf with E.ff=f}, ex) :: acc
| None ->
| Unknown ->
"Bad inst! Hyp %a is not true!" E.print f;
assert false
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30 changes: 18 additions & 12 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -794,9 +794,10 @@ let cannot_be_equal_to_zero env p ip =
let z = alien_of (P.create [] (P.type_info p)) in
match X.solve (alien_of p) z with
| [] -> None (* p is equal to zero *)
| [] -> Th_util.Unknown (* p is equal to zero *)
| _ -> I.doesnt_contain_0 ip
with Util.Unsolvable -> Some (Explanation.empty, env.classes)
with Util.Unsolvable ->
Entailed { ex = Explanation.empty; classes = env.classes }

let rec init_monomes_of_poly are_eq env p use_p expl =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -867,22 +868,23 @@ and update_monome are_eq expl use_x env x =
let env, ib =
init_alien are_eq expl pb npb use_x env in
let ib = I.add_explanation ib eb in (* take repr into account*)
let ia, ib = match cannot_be_equal_to_zero env pb ib with
| Some (ex, _) when Q.equal ca cb
&& pa' pb' = 0 ->
let ia, ib =
match cannot_be_equal_to_zero env pb ib with
| Entailed { ex; _ }
when Q.equal ca cb && pa' pb' = 0 ->
let expl = Explanation.union ex expl in
I.point da ty expl, I.point db ty expl
| Some (ex, _) ->
| Entailed { ex; _ } ->
match are_eq a b with
| Some (ex_eq, _) ->
| Th_util.Entailed { ex = ex_eq; _ } ->
let expl = Explanation.union ex expl in
let expl = Explanation.union ex_eq expl in
I.point ty expl,
I.point ty expl
| None -> ia, ib
| Unknown -> ia, ib
| None -> ia, ib
| Unknown -> ia, ib
I.div ia ib, env
| _ -> I.undefined ty, env
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1743,8 +1745,9 @@ let assume ~query env uf la =
let query env uf a_ex =
ignore(assume ~query:true env uf [a_ex]);
with Ex.Inconsistent (expl, classes) -> Some (expl, classes)
with Ex.Inconsistent (ex, classes) ->
Entailed { ex; classes }

let case_split_polynomes env =
let o = MP.fold
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1824,7 +1827,10 @@ let default_case_split env uf ~for_model =

let add =
let are_eq t1 t2 =
if E.equal t1 t2 then Some (Explanation.empty, []) else None
if E.equal t1 t2 then
Th_util.Entailed { ex = Explanation.empty; classes = [] }
fun env new_uf r t ->
Debug.env env;
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9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -757,17 +757,16 @@ module Legacy = struct
| _ -> Fmt.invalid_arg "point: %a (as %a)" Q.pp_print v Ty.print ty

let doesnt_contain_0 u = (fun ex -> (ex, [])) @@
match u with
| Real u -> Real.(
match intersect u (of_interval @@ Interval.singleton with
| NonEmpty _ -> None
| Empty ex -> Some ex
| NonEmpty _ -> Th_util.Unknown
| Empty ex -> Entailed { ex; classes = [] }
| Int u -> Int.(
match intersect u (of_interval @@ Interval.singleton with
| NonEmpty _ -> None
| Empty ex -> Some ex
| NonEmpty _ -> Unknown
| Empty ex -> Entailed { ex; classes = [] }

let is_strict_smaller u1 u2 =
Expand Down

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