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👔 Recruiterre - Modern Job Board

Nuxt 3 Vue 3 TailwindCSS TypeScript License

A modern job board application built with Nuxt 3, featuring real-time search, filtering, and an interactive map interface.

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This template and many others are available at


Join our friendly Discord community to get help, share your ideas, and connect with other developers!


  • 🔍 Real-time job search and filtering
  • 🗺️ Interactive location mapping with Leaflet
  • 💅 Modern UI with Tailwind CSS
  • 🎨 Smooth animations and transitions
  • 📱 Fully responsive design
  • ⚡ Server-side rendering with Nuxt 3
  • 📝 Markdown-based job listings
  • 🔄 Dynamic content with @nuxt/content


Make sure to install dependencies:

pnpm install

Development Server

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000:

pnpm dev


Build the application for production:

pnpm build

Locally preview production build:

pnpm preview


We recommend using Cloudflare for deployment. This project is optimized for serverless environments and uses @nuxt/content for content management.

Setup with Cloudflare

  1. Create a D1 database in your Cloudflare account
  2. Update your nuxt.config.ts:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  content: {
    database: {
      type: 'd1',
      binding: '<YOUR_BINDING_NAME>',
  1. Deploy using Cloudflare Pages with the following settings:
    • Build command: pnpm build
    • Build output directory: dist
  2. Bind your D1 database to the project Page in your Page settings in CloudFlare (Bindings -> Add binding -> Service -> D1 -> Select your database -> Bind to project)
  3. Re-deploy the project

The deployment will automatically handle:

  • Server-side rendering
  • Content database integration
  • Asset optimization
  • Global CDN distribution

Tech Stack

Project Structure

├── assets/                 # Static assets like CSS, images
│   └── css/               # Global CSS files
├── components/            # Vue components
│   ├── JobCard.vue       # Job listing card
│   ├── JobListings.vue   # Job listings container
│   ├── JobFilters.vue    # Search and filter components
│   └── HomeHero.vue      # Landing page hero section
├── content/              # Content management
│   └── jobs/             # Job listing markdown files
├── layouts/              # Page layouts
│   └── default.vue       # Default application layout
├── pages/                # Application routes
│   ├── index.vue         # Homepage
│   └── jobs/             # Job-related pages
│       └── [slug].vue    # Individual job page
├── public/               # Public static files
├── nuxt.config.ts        # Nuxt configuration
└── tailwind.config.ts    # Tailwind CSS configuration


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


  • Nuxt for the amazing Vue framework
  • Tailwind CSS for the utility-first CSS framework
  • Leaflet for the interactive mapping capabilities
  • Heroicons for the beautiful icons
  • The Vue.js community for their invaluable resources and support


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.

Check out the deployment documentation for more information about deploying to production.


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