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379 lines (339 loc) · 13.5 KB

Degrees of Lewdity Mod Created Helper

| 简体中文 | English |




Due to some 'features' of Twine the game engine, it is very difficult to create mods for the game. Therefore I made a rough script to help create mods more easily. Using this script requires a little bit knowledge of Python.

This script is designed to cooperate with ModLoader, you can download the latest auto-built release version here.

How to Use


  1. Python 3.10+ is required.
  2. To install dependencies, run pip install -r requirements.txt in the Terminal / Shell.
  3. Make yourt own mods in the <ROOT>/mods/<YOUR OWN MODS' NAME> directory. (Create mods folder manually.)
  4. Run (python -m main).
  5. The results will be generated as a zip compressed package in the results folder, then please use ModLoader to load the mod.
  6. If modify the code REMOTE_TEST = False to REMOTE_TEST = True in then run, this will automatically run a local server for the purpose of testing the mod changes

How does the script work

  1. In the beginning the script will delete results folder, DO NOT put important files in it.
  2. Then the script will download the source code of the game and extract the compressed package in the root path, by default in the degrees-of-lewdity-master folder.
  3. The script will make boot.json file and write most of its content (for Modloader to use).
  4. The script will process your mods' content and compress it to a zip file, which could be load through ModLoader.
  5. If ModLoader has been downloaded and your mods needed frequently test, please change the value REMOTE_TEST = False to REMOTE_TEST = True in the file.
    • This will automatically run a local server for the purpose of testing the mod changes, and you only need to refresh the page in the browser after the server is running.
    • Default url is http://localhost:52525

Notes about creating your own mod


  • "Passage"

    • Basic unit of the game.
    • In the .twee file, it appears as :: PASSAGE_NAME or :: PASSAGE [widget] which is the beginning of a "Passage", and from this line on until the beginning of the next "Passage" is the content of this "Passage".
  • "Root Path" or "Root"

    • The directory where is located.


  1. Please make your own mods in the <ROOT>/mods/<YOUR OWN MODS' NAME> directory.
  2. The structure of this project should seems like:
 ├── data
 │   ├── docs (docs, unfinished)
 │   ├── langs (language the logs show, English by default)
 │   │   ├── en_us.json (default)
 │   │   └── zh_cn.json (Chinese Simplified)
 │   ...
 ├── degrees-of-lewdity-master (source code of the game)
 ├── mods
 │   └── Number_Sir (the name of your mods)
 │       ├── boot.json <REQUIRED>
 │       ├── img (images-ish files, please refer to the source code of the game)
 │       ├── game (.twee-ish files, please refer to the source code of the game)
 │       ├── modules 
 │       │   └── css (.css-ish files, please refer to the source code of the game)
 │      ... 
 ├── modloader (which is needed to download manually)
 │   ├── mods (automatically copy the results here)
 │   ├── Degrees of Lewdity VERSION.mod.html (game file but with ModLoader inside) <REQUIRED if the value `REMOTE_TEST` has been set to `True` in the `` file>
 │  ... 
 ├── results (results, including a zip file and a bunch of other files)
 ├── src 
 ├── (entry point of the script)
 ├── requirements.txt (dependencies)

Note that all img, game and css folders are NOT REQUIRED. Such as the beeesss mod, only img folder is enough.

About boot.json

Please fill in the following information in the file boot.json

  "name": "The name of your mod, like 'Example Mod', REQUIRED", 
  "version": "The version of your mod, like '1.0.0', REQUIRED",
  "additionFile": [
    "File path that needed to be added into the zip file",
  "scriptFileList_inject_early": [
    "The paths of javascript files which are needed to be injected early and works as <script> tag works",
    "More info please refer to ModLoader docs",
  "scriptFileList_earlyload": [
    "The paths of javascript files which are needed to be loaded early, running after 'inject_early' files all have been injected done",
    "Please refer to ModLoader docs",
  "scriptFileList_preload": [
    "The paths of javascript files which are needed to run before SugarCube2 merge data of mods into 'tw-storydata'",
    "Please refer to ModLoader docs",
  "addonPlugin": [
    "The information of those addon-plugins this mod needs, there will be warning messages in the loading logs if any addon mismatched",
    "Please refer to ModLoader docs",
  "dependenceInfo": [
    "The information of those dependences this mod needs, there will be warning messages in the loading logs if any dependence mismatched",
    "Please refer to ModLoader docs",

For example, the easiest boot.json file should be like:

  "name": "EXAMPLE MOD",
  "version": "1.0.0"

If you want the file to be added into the game, you can write like this:

  "name": "EXAMPLE MOD",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "additionFile": [

About special addon-plugins and dependences



If there are any changes on .twee file in the original game source code written in your mod, please add this addon and fill in corresponding parameters:

  "name": "EXAMPLE MOD",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "addonPlugin": [
      "modName": "TweeReplacer",
      "addonName": "TweeReplacerAddon",
      "modVersion": "1.0.0",
      "params": [
          "passage": "<Passage name where the text needed to be replaced located, which means texts after `::` mark, and contents in square brackets `[]` are not included>",
          "findString": "<Plain text needed to be replaced, used as reference in source code, only one of this param and `findRegex` is needed>",
          "findRegex": "<Regular expression used as reference in source code, only one of this param and `findString` is needed>",
          "replace": "<Plain text that `findString` will be replaced to, only one of this param and `replaceFile` is needed>",
          "replaceFile": "<The path of text file which contains plain text that `findString` will be replaced to, only one of this param and `replace` is needed>"
  "dependenceInfo": [
      "modName": "TweeReplacer",
      "version": "1.0.0"

For instance, if you have added 2 lines of codes in game/04-Variables/variables-start.twee:

:: gameStartOnly [widget]   /* Passage Name: gameStartOnly */
    <<set $fenghuangbuild to 0>>    /* New added */
    <<set $fenghuang to 0>>         /* New added */
    <<set $stray_happiness to 50>>  /* Already exists */

Your boot.json should be like:

  "name": "EXAMPLE MOD",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "addonPlugin": [
      "modName": "TweeReplacer",
      "addonName": "TweeReplacerAddon",
      "modVersion": "1.0.0",
      "params": [
          "passage": "gameStartOnly",
          "findString": "<<set $stray_happiness to 50>>",
          "replace": "<<set $fenghuangbuild to 0>>\n\t<<set $fenghuang to 0>>\n\t<<set $stray_happiness to 50>>"
  "dependenceInfo": [
      "modName": "TweeReplacer",
      "version": "1.0.0"



If there are any changes on .js / .css file in the original game source code written in your mod, please add this addon and fill in corresponding parameters:

  "name": "EXAMPLE MOD",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "addonPlugin": [
      "modName": "ReplacePatcher",
      "addonName": "ReplacePatcherAddon",
      "modVersion": "1.0.0",
      "params": {
        "js": [
            "from": "<Plain text needed to be replaced>",
            "to": "<Plain text that `from` will be replaced to>",
            "fileName": "<The name of the javascript file>"
        "css": [
            "from": "<Plain text needed to be replaced>",
            "to": "<Plain text that `from` will be replaced to>",
            "fileName": "<The name of the style sheet file>"
  "dependenceInfo": [
      "modName": "ReplacePatcher",
      "version": "^1.0.0"

For instance, if you have added 1 line of codes in game/03-JavaScript/ingame.js:

if ( >= 6) modifier += 0.10;        /* Already exists */
if (V.fenghuang >= 6) modifier += 0.10;  /* New added */
result = Math.floor(result * modifier);  /* Already exists */

Your boot.json should be like:

  "name": "EXAMPLE MOD",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "addonPlugin": [
      "modName": "ReplacePatcher",
      "addonName": "ReplacePatcherAddon",
      "modVersion": "1.0.0",
      "js": [
            "fileName": "ingame.js",
            "from": "result = Math.floor(result * modifier);",
            "to": "if (V.fenghuang >= 6) modifier += 0.10;\nresult = Math.floor(result * modifier);"
  "dependenceInfo": [
      "modName": "TweeReplacer",
      "version": "1.0.0"



If there are any images in your mod, please add this dependence:

  "name": "EXAMPLE MOD",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "addonPlugin": [
      "modName": "ModLoader DoL ImageLoaderHook",
      "addonName": "ImageLoaderAddon",
      "modVersion": "2.0.0"
  "dependenceInfo": [
      "modName": "ModLoader DoL ImageLoaderHook",
      "version": "^2.0.0"



This dependence is only used to check if DoLCompressorDictionaries has been modified, because this may result in incompatible savedata

  "name": "EXAMPLE MOD",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "dependenceInfo": [
      "modName": "CheckDoLCompressorDictionaries",
      "version": "^1.0.1"

About mod's files

Please follow the suggestions:

  1. For completely new and self created content, such ascreate a new "Passage", create a new .twee file or create an image file of clothing, please do not to have the same name as the game file.
  2. For existing content that you want to overwrite, such as redrawing a clothing image, adding new code to the existing "Passage", etc.:
    • For an image / javascript / css file, please name it and path it exactly same as in the original game folder.
    • For a .twee file, please name it and path it exactly same as in the original game folder, then copy the whole passage (starting from the beginning line of this "Passage" until the end of the previous line on the next "Passage") into your mod's .twee file then modify it.
    • It is NOT RECOMMENDED to modify existing images, javascripts or css files, please try to create new files instead of modify existing files.
  3. Note that all "Passages" in your own mod's file should have been modified compared to the source code. If you copied a "Passage" but did not make any changes, delete it.


  1. If you want to modify the "Passage" :: Canteen in the game/overworld-town/loc-school/canteen.twee file:
    1. Create a new file: /mods/<YOUR OWN MOD'S NAME>/game/overworld-town/loc-school/canteen.twee.
    2. Copy the content in the game/overworld-town/loc-school/canteen.twee file from the line :: Canteen until the previous line of the line :: Canteen Lunch to your /mods/<YOUR OWN MOD'S NAME>/game/overworld-town/loc-school/canteen.twee file.
    3. Modify it in your /mods/<YOUR OWN MOD'S NAME>/game/overworld-town/loc-school/canteen.twee file.
  2. If you want to create a new "Passage" :: Example Mod Test Passage:
    1. Create a new file: /mods/<YOUR OWN MOD'S NAME>/game/example mod test.twee.
    2. Write your new "Passage".