This is fork of ArduinoProgrammableSoundGenerator
An Arduino NES inspired multichannel sounds generator library.
- the use of progmem for storing melodies has been greatly optimized;
- it's now possible to apply a smooth fading of notes to each track;
- bonus: dynamic led indication for each channel.
Besides, I wrote python script that converts specially prepared midi files to melody arrays. Unfortunately, at the moment the delays have to be selected manually.
Important! Set ticks per beat/PPQ to 960 or use midi file from examples as template.
5 simple rules:
- one note at one time for each track. No overlaps
- minimal note length - 1/32
- two identical notes running in a row on the same channel will sound like one long note
- midi file must be contain 5 tracks
- track with drums must be named "Drums"
I recommend to use multiplatform midi editor Aria Maestosa.
python <midi file> -old_method
Copy array from console and insert it to melodies.h
Plug a speaker to pin 3, then init the sound generator in the setup function.
#include "APSG.h"
void setup()
Play a 440Hz triangle wave for 1 second, then stop.
triangle.note = N_A4;
triangle.note = N_NOP;
Play 2 tones at the same time.
squares[0].note = N_A4;
squares[1].note = N_A5;
Set volume for specific channel to maximum.
noise.volume = 15;
Sweep a channel down to low frequency.
sawtooth.sweep_direction = SWEEP_DOWN;
sawtooth.sweep_shift = 1;
sawtooth.sweep_speed = SWEEP_SPEED(8);
There are other examples in the ino file. For instance, a couple of multichannel melodies. Try them out!