Typesafe utilities designed to reduce types verbosity and complexity in Redux Architecture.
This library is part of the React & Redux TypeScript Guide ecosystem 📖
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🎉 Now updated to support TypeScript v3.5 🎉
- minimalistic - according to
(Minified: 3.48 KB, Gzipped: 1.03 KB), check also on bundlephobia - secure and optimized - no external dependencies, bundled in 3 different formats (
for browser) with separate optimized bundles for dev & prod (same asreact
) - focus on quality - complete test-suite for an entire API surface containing regular runtime tests and extra type-tests to guarantee type soundness and to prevent regressions in the future TypeScript versions
- focus on performance - integrated performance benchmarks to guarantee that the computational complexity of types are in check and there are no slow-downs when your application grow
npm run benchmark:XXX
Codesandbox links
- Reference Todo-App implementation using
: Link - Starter to help reproduce bug reports: Link
- Motivation
- Installation
- Compatibility Notes
- Contributing Guide
- Funding
- Tutorial
- API Docs
- Migration Guides
- Recipes
- Compare to others
- MIT License
When I started to combine Redux with TypeScript, I was trying to use redux-actions to reduce the maintainability cost and boilerplate of action-creators. Unfortunately, the results were intimidating: incorrect type signatures and broken type-inference cascading throughout the entire code-base (click here for a detailed comparison).
Existing solutions in the wild have been either too verbose because of redundant type annotations (hard to maintain) or used classes (hinders readability and requires using the new keyword 😱)
So I created typesafe-actions
to address all of the above pain points.
The core idea was to design an API that would mostly use the power of TypeScript type-inference 💪 to lift the "maintainability burden" of type annotations. In addition, I wanted to make it "look and feel" as close as possible to the idiomatic JavaScript ❤️ , so we don't have to write the redundant type annotations that which will create additional noise in your code.
// NPM
npm install typesafe-actions
yarn add typesafe-actions
TypeScript support
[email protected]
- minimal TS v2.7[email protected]
- minimal TS v2.9[email protected]
- minimal TS v3.2[email protected]
- minimal TS v3.2
Browser support
It's compatible with all modern browsers.
For older browsers support (e.g. IE <= 11) and some mobile devices you need to provide the following polyfills:
Recommended polyfill for IE
To provide the best compatibility please include a popular polyfill package in your application, such as core-js
or react-app-polyfill
for create-react-app
Please check the React
guidelines to learn how to do that: LINK
A polyfill fo IE11 is included in our /codesandbox
We are open for contributions. If you're planning to contribute please make sure to read the contributing guide: CONTRIBUTING.md
Typesafe-Actions is an independent open-source project created by people investing their free time for the benefit of our community.
If you are using Typesafe-Actions please consider donating as this will guarantee the project will be updated and maintained in the long run.
Issues can be funded by anyone interested in them being resolved. Reward will be transparently distributed to the contributor handling the task through the IssueHunt platform.
To showcase the flexibility and the power of the type-safety provided by this library, let's build the most common parts of a typical todo-app using a Redux architecture:
Please make sure that you are familiar with the following concepts of programming languages to be able to follow along: Type Inference, Control flow analysis, Tagged union types, Generics and Advanced Types.
When usingtypesafe-actions
in your project you won't need to export and reuse string constants. It's because action-creators created by this library have static property with action type that you can easily access using actions-helpers and then use it in reducers, epics, sagas, and basically any other place. This will simplify your codebase and remove some boilerplate code associated with the usage of string constants. Check our/codesandbox
application to learn some best-practices to create such codebase.
Limitations of TypeScript when working with string constants - when using string constants as action type
property, please make sure to use simple string literal assignment with const. This limitation is coming from the type-system, because all the dynamic string operations (e.g. string concatenation, template strings and also object used as a map) will widen the literal type to its super-type, string
. As a result this will break contextual typing for action object in reducer cases.
// Example file: './constants.ts'
// WARNING: Incorrect usage
export const ADD = prefix + 'ADD'; // => string
export const ADD = `${prefix}/ADD`; // => string
export default {
ADD: '@prefix/ADD', // => string
// Correct usage
export const ADD = '@prefix/ADD'; // => '@prefix/ADD'
export const TOGGLE = '@prefix/TOGGLE'; // => '@prefix/TOGGLE'
export default ({
ADD: '@prefix/ADD', // => '@prefix/ADD'
} as const) // working in TS v3.4 and above => https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/pull/29510
Different projects have different needs, and conventions vary across teams, and this is why typesafe-actions
was designed with flexibility in mind. It provides three different major styles so you can choose whichever would be the best fit for your team.
and createAction
are creators that can create actions with predefined properties ({ type, payload, meta }). This make them concise but also opinionated.
Important property is that resulting action-creator will have a variadic number of arguments and preserve their semantic names (id, title, amount, etc...)
This two creators are very similar and the only real difference is that action
WILL NOT WORK with action-helpers.
import { action, createAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
export const add = (title: string) => action('todos/ADD', { id: cuid(), title, completed: false });
// add: (title: string) => { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: { id: string, title: string, completed: boolean; }; }
export const add = createAction('todos/ADD', action => {
// Note: "action" callback does not need "type" parameter
return (title: string) => action({ id: cuid(), title, completed: false });
// add: (title: string) => { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: { id: string, title: string, completed: boolean; }; }
This style is aligned with Flux Standard Action, so your action object shape is constrained to ({ type, payload, meta, error })
. It is using generic type arguments for meta
and payload
to simplify creation of type-safe action-creators.
It is important to notice that in the resulting action-creator arguments are also constrained to the predefined: (payload, meta)
, making it the most opinionated creator.
TIP: This creator is the most compatible with
in case you are migrating.
import { createStandardAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
export const toggle = createStandardAction('todos/TOGGLE')<string>();
// toggle: (payload: string) => { type: "todos/TOGGLE"; payload: string; }
export const add = createStandardAction('todos/ADD').map(
(title: string) => ({
payload: { id: cuid(), title, completed: false },
// add: (payload: string) => { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: { id: string, title: string, completed: boolean; }; }
This approach will give us the most flexibility of all creators, providing a variadic number of named parameters and custom properties on action object to fit all the custom use-cases.
import { createCustomAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
const add = createCustomAction('todos/ADD', type => {
return (title: string) => ({ type, id: cuid(), title, completed: false });
// add: (title: string) => { type: "todos/ADD"; id: string; title: string; completed: boolean; }
TIP: For more examples please check the API Docs.
Common approach is to create aRootAction
in the central point of your redux store - it will represent all possible action types in your application. You can even merge it with third-party action types as shown below to make your model complete.
// types.d.ts
// example of including `react-router` actions in `RootAction`
import { RouterAction, LocationChangeAction } from 'react-router-redux';
import { TodosAction } from '../features/todos';
type ReactRouterAction = RouterAction | LocationChangeAction;
export type RootAction =
| ReactRouterAction
| TodosAction;
Now I want to show you action-helpers and explain their use-cases. We're going to implement a side-effect responsible for showing a success toast when user adds a new todo.
Important thing to notice is that all these helpers are acting as a type-guard so they'll narrow tagged union type (RootAction
) to a specific action type that we want.
Instead of type-constants we can use action-creators instance to match specific actions in reducers and epics cases. It works by adding a static property on action-creator instance which contains the type
The most common one is getType
, which is useful for regular reducer switch cases:
switch (action.type) {
case getType(todos.add):
// below action type is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
return [...state, action.payload];
Then we have the isActionOf
helper which accept action-creator as first parameter matching actions with corresponding type passed as second parameter (it's a curried function).
// epics.ts
import { isActionOf } from 'typesafe-actions';
import { add } from './actions';
const addTodoToast: Epic<RootAction, RootAction, RootState, Services> = (action$, store, { toastService }) =>
tap(action => { // here action type is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
// Works with multiple actions! (with type-safety up to 5)
filter(isActionOf([add, toggle])) // here action type is narrowed to a smaller union:
// { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/TOGGLE"; payload: string; }
Alternatively if your team prefers to use regular type-constants you can still do that.
We have an equivalent helper (isOfType
) which accept type-constants as parameter providing the same functionality.
// epics.ts
import { isOfType } from 'typesafe-actions';
import { ADD } from './constants';
const addTodoToast: Epic<RootAction, RootAction, RootState, Services> = (action$, store, { toastService }) =>
tap(action => { // here action type is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
// Works with multiple actions! (with type-safety up to 5)
filter(isOfType([ADD, TOGGLE])) // here action type is narrowed to a smaller union:
// { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/TOGGLE"; payload: string; }
TIP: you can use action-helpers with other types of conditional statements.
import { isActionOf, isOfType } from 'typesafe-actions';
if (isActionOf(actions.add, action)) {
// here action is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
// or with type constants
if (isOfType(types.ADD, action)) {
// here action is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
We can extend internal types of typesafe-actions
module with RootAction
definition of our application so that you don't need to pass generic type arguments with createReducer
// types.d.ts
import { StateType, ActionType } from 'typesafe-actions';
export type RootAction = ActionType<typeof import('./actions').default>;
declare module 'typesafe-actions' {
interface Types {
RootAction: RootAction;
// now you can use
// instead of
createReducer<State, Action>(...)
We can prevent a lot of boilerplate code and type errors using this powerfull and completely typesafe API.
Using handleAction chain API:
// using action-creators
const counterReducer = createReducer(0)
// state and action type is automatically inferred and return type is validated to be exact type
.handleAction(add, (state, action) => state + action.payload)
.handleAction(add, ... // <= error is shown on duplicated or invalid actions
.handleAction(increment, (state, _) => state + 1)
.handleAction(... // <= error is shown when all actions are handled
// or handle multiple actions using array
.handleAction([add, increment], (state, action) =>
state + (action.type === 'ADD' ? action.payload : 1)
// all the same scenarios are working when using type-constants
const counterReducer = createReducer(0)
.handleAction('ADD', (state, action) => state + action.payload)
.handleAction('INCREMENT', (state, _) => state + 1);
counterReducer(0, add(4)); // => 4
counterReducer(0, increment()); // => 1
First we need to start by generating a tagged union type of actions (TodosAction
). It's very easy to do by using ActionType
import { ActionType } from 'typesafe-actions';
import * as todos from './actions';
export type TodosAction = ActionType<typeof todos>;
Now we define a regular reducer function by annotating state
and action
arguments with their respective types (TodosAction
for action type).
export default (state: Todo[] = [], action: TodosAction) => {
Now in the switch cases we can use the type
property of action to narrowing the union type of TodosAction
to an action that is corresponding to that type.
switch (action.type) {
case getType(add):
// below action type is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
return [...state, action.payload];
To handle an async-flow of http request lets implement an epic
. The epic
will call a remote API using an injected todosApi
client, which will return a Promise that we'll need to handle by using three different actions that correspond to triggering, success and failure.
To help us simplify the creation process of necessary action-creators, we'll use createAsyncAction
function providing us with a nice common interface object { request: ... , success: ... , failure: ... }
that will nicely fit with the functional API of RxJS
This will mitigate redux verbosity and greatly reduce the maintenance cost of type annotations for actions and action-creators that would otherwise be written explicitly.
// actions.ts
import { createAsyncAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
const fetchTodosAsync = createAsyncAction(
)<string, Todo[], Error, string>();
// epics.ts
import { fetchTodosAsync } from './actions';
const fetchTodosFlow: Epic<RootAction, RootAction, RootState, Services> = (action$, store, { todosApi }) =>
switchMap(action =>
catchError((message: string) => of(fetchTodosAsync.failure(message))),
With sagas it's not possible to achieve the same degree of type-safety as with epics because of limitations coming from redux-saga
API design.
Typescript issues:
- Typescript does not currently infer types resulting from a
statement so you have to manually assert the type e.g.const response: Todo[] = yield call(...
Here is the latest recommendation although it's not fully optimal. If you managed to cook something better, please open an issue to share your finding with us.
import { createAsyncAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
const fetchTodosAsync = createAsyncAction(
)<string, Todo[], Error>();
function* addTodoSaga(action: ReturnType<typeof fetchTodosAsync.request>): Generator {
const response: Todo[] = yield call(todosApi.getAll, action.payload);
yield put(fetchTodosAsync.success(response));
} catch (err) {
yield put(fetchTodosAsync.failure(err));
Simple action factory function to simplify creation of type-safe actions.
This approach will NOT WORK with action-helpers (such asgetType
) because it is creating action objects while all the other creator functions are returning enhanced action-creators.
action(type, payload?, meta?, error?)
Examples: > Advanced Usage Examples
const increment = () => action('INCREMENT');
// { type: 'INCREMENT'; }
const createUser = (id: number, name: string) =>
action('CREATE_USER', { id, name });
// { type: 'CREATE_USER'; payload: { id: number; name: string }; }
const getUsers = (params?: string) =>
action('GET_USERS', undefined, params);
// { type: 'GET_USERS'; meta: string | undefined; }
TIP: Starting from TypeScript v3.4 you can achieve similar results using new
as const
const increment = () => ({ type: 'INCREMENT' } as const);
Create an enhanced action-creator with unlimited number of arguments.
- Resulting action-creator will preserve semantic names of their arguments
(id, title, amount, etc...)
. - Returned action object have predefined properties
({ type, payload, meta })
createAction(type, actionCallback => {
return (namedArg1, namedArg2, ...namedArgN) => actionCallback(payload?, meta?)
TIP: Injected
argument is similar toaction
API but doesn't need the "type" parameter
Examples: > Advanced Usage Examples
import { createAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
// - with type only
const increment = createAction('INCREMENT');
// { type: 'INCREMENT' };
// - with type and payload
const add = createAction('ADD', action => {
return (amount: number) => action(amount);
// { type: 'ADD', payload: number }
// - with type and meta
const getTodos = createAction('GET_TODOS', action => {
return (params: Params) => action(undefined, params);
// { type: 'GET_TODOS', meta: Params }
// - and finally with type, payload and meta
const getTodo = createAction('GET_TODO', action => {
return (id: string, meta: string) => action(id, meta);
dispatch(getTodo('some_id', 'some_meta'));
// { type: 'GET_TODO', payload: string, meta: string }
Create an enhanced action-creator compatible with Flux Standard Action to reduce boilerplate and enforce convention.
- Resulting action-creator have predefined arguments
(payload, meta)
- Returned action object have predefined properties
({ type, payload, meta, error })
- But it also contains a
method that allow to map(payload, meta)
arguments to a custom action object({ customProp1, customProp2, ...customPropN })
createStandardAction(type)<TPayload, TMeta?>()
createStandardAction(type).map((payload, meta) => ({ customProp1, customProp2, ...customPropN }))
TIP: Using
as generic type parameter you can make the action-creator function require NO parameters.
Examples: > Advanced Usage Examples
import { createStandardAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
// Very concise with use of generic type arguments
// - with type only
const increment = createStandardAction('INCREMENT')();
const increment = createStandardAction('INCREMENT')<undefined>();
increment(); // { type: 'INCREMENT' } (no parameters are required)
// - with type and payload
const add = createStandardAction('ADD')<number>();
add(10); // { type: 'ADD', payload: number }
// - with type and meta
const getData = createStandardAction('GET_DATA')<undefined, string>();
getData(undefined, 'meta'); // { type: 'GET_DATA', meta: string }
// - and finally with type, payload and meta
const getData = createStandardAction('GET_DATA')<number, string>();
getData(1, 'meta'); // { type: 'GET_DATA', payload: number, meta: string }
// Can map payload and meta arguments to a custom action object
const notify = createStandardAction('NOTIFY').map(
(payload: string, meta: Meta) => ({
from: meta.username,
message: `${username}: ${payload}`,
messageType: meta.type,
datetime: new Date(),
dispatch(notify('Hello!', { username: 'Piotr', type: 'announcement' }));
// { type: 'NOTIFY', from: string, message: string, messageType: MessageType, datetime: Date }
Create an enhanced action-creator with unlimited number of arguments and custom properties on action object.
- Resulting action-creator will preserve semantic names of their arguments
(id, title, amount, etc...)
. - Returned action object have custom properties
({ type, customProp1, customProp2, ...customPropN })
createCustomAction(type, type => {
return (namedArg1, namedArg2, ...namedArgN) => ({ type, customProp1, customProp2, ...customPropN })
Examples: > Advanced Usage Examples
import { createCustomAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
const add = createCustomAction('CUSTOM', type => {
return (first: number, second: number) => ({ type, customProp1: first, customProp2: second });
// { type: "CUSTOM"; customProp1: number; customProp2: number; }
Create an object containing three enhanced action-creators to simplify handling of async flows (e.g. network request - request/success/failure).
requestType, successType, failureType, cancelType?
)<TRequestPayload, TSuccessPayload, TFailurePayload, TCancelPayload?>()
type AsyncActionCreator<
[TRequestType, TRequestPayload],
[TSuccessType, TSuccessPayload],
[TFailureType, TFailurePayload],
[TCancelType, TCancelPayload]?
> = {
request: StandardActionCreator<TRequestType, TRequestPayload>,
success: StandardActionCreator<TSuccessType, TSuccessPayload>,
failure: StandardActionCreator<TFailureType, TFailurePayload>,
cancel?: StandardActionCreator<TCancelType, TCancelPayload>,
TIP: Using
as generic type parameter you can make the action-creator function require NO parameters.
Examples: > Advanced Usage Examples
import { createAsyncAction, AsyncActionCreator } from 'typesafe-actions';
const fetchUsersAsync = createAsyncAction(
)<string, User[], Error>();
const fn = (
a: AsyncActionCreator<
) => a;
// There is 4th optional argument to declare cancel action
const fetchUsersAsync = createAsyncAction(
)<string, User[], Error, string>();
const fn = (
a: AsyncActionCreator<
) => a;
Create a typesafe reducer
createReducer<TState, TRootAction>(initialState, handlersMap?)
.handleAction(type, reducer)
.handleAction([type1, type2, ...typeN], reducer)
.handleAction(actionCreator, reducer)
.handleAction([actionCreator1, actionCreator2, ...actionCreatorN], reducer)
Examples: > Advanced Usage Examples
TIP: You can use reducer API with a type-free syntax by Extending internal types, otherwise you'll have to pass generic type arguments like in below examples
// type-free syntax doesn't require generic type arguments
const counterReducer = createReducer(0, {
ADD: (state, action) => state + action.payload,
[getType(increment)]: (state, _) => state + 1,
Using type-constants as keys in the object map:
import { createReducer, getType } from 'typesafe-actions'
type State = number;
type Action = { type: 'ADD', payload: number } | { type: 'INCREMENT' };
const counterReducer = createReducer<State, Action>(0, {
ADD: (state, action) => state + action.payload,
[getType(increment)]: (state, _) => state + 1,
counterReducer(0, add(4)); // => 4
counterReducer(0, increment()); // => 1
Using handleAction chain API:
// using action-creators
const counterReducer = createReducer<State, Action>(0)
.handleAction(add, (state, action) => state + action.payload)
.handleAction(increment, (state, _) => state + 1)
// handle multiple actions by using array
.handleAction([add, increment], (state, action) =>
state + (action.type === 'ADD' ? action.payload : 1)
// all the same scenarios are working when using type-constants
const counterReducer = createReducer<State, Action>(0)
.handleAction('ADD', (state, action) => state + action.payload)
.handleAction('INCREMENT', (state, _) => state + 1);
counterReducer(0, add(4)); // => 4
counterReducer(0, increment()); // => 1
Extend or compose various reducers together - every operation is completely typesafe:
const newCounterReducer = createReducer<State, Action>(0)
.handleAction('SUBTRACT', (state, action) => state - action.payload)
.handleAction('DECREMENT', (state, _) => state - 1);
const bigReducer = createReducer<State, Action>(0, {
...counterReducer.handlers, // typesafe
...newCounterReducer.handlers, // typesafe
SUBTRACT: decrementReducer.handlers.DECREMENT, // <= error, wrong type
Get the type property value (narrowed to literal type) of given enhanced action-creator.
import { getType, createStandardAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
const add = createStandardAction('ADD')<number>();
// In switch reducer
switch (action.type) {
case getType(add):
// action type is { type: "ADD"; payload: number; }
return state + action.payload;
return state;
// or with conditional statements
if (action.type === getType(add)) {
// action type is { type: "ADD"; payload: number; }
Check if action is an instance of given enhanced action-creator(s) (it will narrow action type to a type of given action-creator(s))
WARNING: Regular action creators and action will not work with this helper
// can be used as a binary function
isActionOf(actionCreator, action)
// or as a curried function
// also accepts an array
isActionOf([actionCreator1, actionCreator2, ...actionCreatorN], action)
// with its curried equivalent
isActionOf([actionCreator1, actionCreator2, ...actionCreatorN])(action)
Examples: > Advanced Usage Examples
import { addTodo, removeTodo } from './todos-actions';
// Works with any filter type function (`Array.prototype.filter`, lodash, ramda, rxjs, etc.)
// - single action
[action1, action2, ...actionN]
.filter(isActionOf(addTodo)) // only actions with type `ADD` will pass
.map((action) => {
// action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
// - multiple actions
[action1, action2, ...actionN]
.filter(isActionOf([addTodo, removeTodo])) // only actions with type `ADD` or 'REMOVE' will pass
.do((action) => {
// action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/REMOVE"; payload: Todo; }
// With conditional statements
// - single action
if(isActionOf(addTodo, action)) {
return iAcceptOnlyTodoType(action.payload);
// action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
// - multiple actions
if(isActionOf([addTodo, removeTodo], action)) {
return iAcceptOnlyTodoType(action.payload);
// action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/REMOVE"; payload: Todo; }
Check if action type property is equal given type-constant(s) (it will narrow action type to a type of given action-creator(s))
// can be used as a binary function
isOfType(type, action)
// or as curried function
// also accepts an array
isOfType([type1, type2, ...typeN], action)
// with its curried equivalent
isOfType([type1, type2, ...typeN])(action)
Examples: > Advanced Usage Examples
import { ADD, REMOVE } from './todos-types';
// Works with any filter type function (`Array.prototype.filter`, lodash, ramda, rxjs, etc.)
// - single action
[action1, action2, ...actionN]
.filter(isOfType(ADD)) // only actions with type `ADD` will pass
.map((action) => {
// action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
// - multiple actions
[action1, action2, ...actionN]
.filter(isOfType([ADD, REMOVE])) // only actions with type `ADD` or 'REMOVE' will pass
.do((action) => {
// action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/REMOVE"; payload: Todo; }
// With conditional statements
// - single action
if(isOfType(ADD, action)) {
return iAcceptOnlyTodoType(action.payload);
// action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
// - multiple actions
if(isOfType([ADD, REMOVE], action)) {
return iAcceptOnlyTodoType(action.payload);
// action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/REMOVE"; payload: Todo; }
Below helper functions are very flexible generalizations, works great with nested structures and will cover numerous different use-cases.
Powerful type-helper that will infer union type from import * as ... or action-creator map object.
import { ActionType } from 'typesafe-actions';
// with "import * as ..."
import * as todos from './actions';
export type TodosAction = ActionType<typeof todos>;
// TodosAction: { type: 'action1' } | { type: 'action2' } | { type: 'action3' }
// with nested action-creator map case
const actions = {
action1: createAction('action1'),
nested: {
action2: createAction('action2'),
moreNested: {
action3: createAction('action3'),
export type RootAction = ActionType<typeof actions>;
// RootAction: { type: 'action1' } | { type: 'action2' } | { type: 'action3' }
Powerful type helper that will infer state object type from reducer function and nested/combined reducers.
WARNING: working with redux@4+ types
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { StateType } from 'typesafe-actions';
// with reducer function
const todosReducer = (state: Todo[] = [], action: TodosAction) => {
switch (action.type) {
case getType(todos.add):
return [...state, action.payload];
export type TodosState = StateType<typeof todosReducer>;
// with nested/combined reducers
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
router: routerReducer,
counters: countersReducer,
export type RootState = StateType<typeof rootReducer>;
No breaking changes!
API is backward compatible with v2.x.x
. You'll only need to update typescript dependency to > v3.1
In v2 we provide a createActionDeprecated
function compatible with v1 API to help with incremental migration.
// in v1 we created action-creator like this:
const getTodo = createAction('GET_TODO',
(id: string, meta: string) => ({
type: 'GET_TODO',
payload: id,
meta: meta,
getTodo('some_id', 'some_meta'); // { type: 'GET_TODO', payload: 'some_id', meta: 'some_meta' }
// in v2 API we offer few different styles - please choose your preference
const getTodoNoHelpers = (id: string, meta: string) => action('GET_TODO', id, meta);
const getTodoWithHelpers = createAction('GET_TODO', action => {
return (id: string, meta: string) => action(id, meta);
const getTodoFSA = createStandardAction('GET_TODO')<string, string>();
const getTodoCustom = createStandardAction('GET_TODO').map(
({ id, meta }: { id: string; meta: string; }) => ({
payload: id,
- createAction(s)
createAction(type, payloadCreator, metaCreator) => createStandardAction(type)() || createStandardAction(type).map(payloadMetaCreator)
createActions() => // COMING SOON!
- handleAction(s)
handleAction(type, reducer, initialState) => createReducer(initialState).handleAction(type, reducer)
handleActions(reducerMap, initialState) => createReducer(initialState, reducerMap)
TIP: If migrating from JS -> TS, you can swap out action-creators from
with action-creators fromtypesafe-actions
in yourhandleActions
handlers. This works because the action-creators fromtypesafe-actions
provide the sametoString
method implementation used byredux-actions
to match actions to the correct reducer.
- combineActions
Not needed because each function in the API accept single value or array of values for action types or action creators.
Using this recipe you can create an action creator with restricted Meta type with exact object shape.
export type MetaType = {
analytics?: {
eventName: string;
export const actionWithRestrictedMeta = <T extends string, P>(
type: T,
payload: P,
meta: MetaType
) => action(type, payload, meta);
export const validAction = (payload: string) =>
actionWithRestrictedMeta('type', payload, { analytics: { eventName: 'success' } }); // OK!
export const invalidAction = (payload: string) =>
actionWithRestrictedMeta('type', payload, { analytics: { excessProp: 'no way!' } }); // Error
// Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'excessProp' does not exist in type '{ eventName: string; }
Here you can find out a detailed comparison of typesafe-actions
to other solutions.
Lets compare the 3 most common variants of action-creators (with type only, with payload and with payload + meta)
Note: tested with "@types/redux-actions": "2.2.3"
- with type only (no payload)
const notify1 = createAction('NOTIFY');
// resulting type:
// () => {
// type: string;
// payload: void | undefined;
// error: boolean | undefined;
// }
you can notice the redundant nullablepayload
property and literal type oftype
property is lost (discrimination of union type would not be possible)
const notify1 = () => action('NOTIFY');
// resulting type:
// () => {
// type: "NOTIFY";
// }
there is no excess nullable types and no excess properties and the action "type" property is containing a literal type
- with payload
const notify2 = createAction('NOTIFY',
(username: string, message?: string) => ({
message: `${username}: ${message || 'Empty!'}`,
// resulting type:
// (t1: string) => {
// type: string;
// payload: { message: string; } | undefined;
// error: boolean | undefined;
// }
first the optional
parameter is lost,username
semantic argument name is changed to some generict1
property is widened once again andpayload
is nullable because of broken inference
const notify2 = (username: string, message?: string) => action(
{ message: `${username}: ${message || 'Empty!'}` },
// resulting type:
// (username: string, message?: string | undefined) => {
// type: "NOTIFY";
// payload: { message: string; };
// }
infer very precise resulting type, notice working optional parameters and semantic argument names are preserved which is really important for great intellisense experience
- with payload and meta
const notify3 = createAction('NOTIFY',
(username: string, message?: string) => (
{ message: `${username}: ${message || 'Empty!'}` }
(username: string, message?: string) => (
{ username, message }
// resulting type:
// (...args: any[]) => {
// type: string;
// payload: { message: string; } | undefined;
// meta: { username: string; message: string | undefined; };
// error: boolean | undefined;
// }
this time we got a completely broken arguments arity with no type-safety because of
type with all the earlier issues
* typesafe-actions
const notify3 = (username: string, message?: string) => action(
{ message: `${username}: ${message || 'Empty!'}` },
{ username, message },
// resulting type:
// (username: string, message?: string | undefined) => {
// type: "NOTIFY";
// payload: { message: string; };
// meta: { username: string; message: string | undefined; };
// }
never fail toany
type, even with this advanced scenario all types are correct and provide complete type-safety and excellent developer experience
Copyright (c) 2017 Piotr Witek [email protected] (http://piotrwitek.github.io)