A simple website that will allow you to send reminders to yourself and others through e-mail, SMS and/or push notifications.
At the moment this is just a side-project I'm using to learn, but we'll see where it goes.
It isn't production-ready... At all 😄
Send reminders as
- 📱 SMS
- 🤜 Push Notication
Many reminder scheduling options
- Send hourly/daily/weekly/monthly/yearly
- Send with a fixed time interval (send reminder every 6 hours for example)
- Send once at a specific date and time.
Get reminders about upcoming events 📆
- Non-intrusive meeting reminders
- Log in with your work email and link it's calendar to get meeting reminders when at work, without receiving work-emails on your phone.
- Configure your work hours to not get reminders when you're off the clock.
- Reminders are only sent to devices that have opted in
- Authentication & Authorization
- Scheduling
- Blazor
- Postgres
- MinimalAPIs
- SES (Simple Email Service)
- SNS (Simple Notification Service)
- EC2 (For Web App Hosting)
- Lambda (For sending reminders)
- Authentication
- Reset password
- Register email
- Register phone number
- Reminders
- 📱 SMS
- 🤜 Push Notication
- Scheduling options
- Calendar sync
David Fowler for making the TodoApi, a large part of this project is based on that.