"Simple" 2D platformer using c, SDL2, SDL_image, SDL_ttf and list (see external )
Z(azerty)/W(qwerty) : Jump
Q/A : Left
D : right
After succesfully finishing a game you can check the time taken at each stage in result.txt in the "result" folder in the project folder
You need git (if you want to clone) and cmake to be able to compile (i recommanded having sdl,sdl_image and sdl_ttf already installed)
If you want to install sdl2 check sdl2.sh
If you don't cmake and you're running ubuntu (or ubuntu-based distribution) check cmake.sh
git clone https://github.com/Nesiik/Save-the-Raccoon &&
cd Save-the-Raccoon &&
mkdir build &&
cd build &&
cmake .. &&
cmake --build . &&