Yes, there are a bunch of these already but I felt like making my own.
I've also provided an alternate dockerfile for those who want to keep the game's files on a volume to avoid pulling a large image.
This method assumes you have installed the game somewhere on the host machine, see the wiki page on how to install
Update: Added an environment variable -e INSTALL="true"
you can set to have the container install the game. MAKE SURE TO HAVE A NAMED VOLUME FOR THIS!!
docker run --name zomboid -d -it \
-p 16261:16261/udp \
-e SERVER_NAME="servertest" \
-e ADMIN_PASS=12345 \
-v /path/to/ProjectZomboid64.json:/gameserver/PZServer/ProjectZomboid64.json \
-v /path/to/gamefiles:/gameserver/PZServer \
-v Zomboid:/gameserver/Zomboid \
Alternatively you can build the image yourself and have the build process download the game files, but you'll have to modify the alternate dockerfile by uncommending line 12 with RUN steamcmd ...
About JVM Args:
If you need to add more or change them, edit ProjectZomboid64.json file. These are only arguments that are passed to the VM!
If you need help with these, see the PZ wiki page on it
By default the admin password is 12345 as defined in the env variables in the Dockerfile and the savefile is called servertest. You can change them in the Dockerfile but you'll have to rebuild the image yourself, alternatively you can pass -e ADMIN_PASS=12345
and -e SERVER_NAME="servertest"
arguments when starting the container, or modify them in portainer.
To avoid rebuilding the image to change the JVM args you can bind the file with
-v /path/to/ProjectZomboid64.json:/gameserver/PZServer/ProjectZomboid64.json
By default the container will create a persistent volumes that mounts at
which will house all the server saves, config and database files respectively.
Would highly recommend creating a named volume for these to avoid headaches when redeploying.
Alternatively bind them to a folder on your host machine with
-v /path/on/host:/gameserver/Zomboid
For named volumes replace the /path/on/host
part with the name of the volume name.
Create persistent volumes with
docker volume create [volume name]
Forgetting to do this will not let you connect!
To bind the exposed ports to your host machine , pass -p 16261:16261/udp
The command should look something like this now
With all options
docker run --name zomboid -d -it \
-p 16261:16261/udp \
-e SERVER_NAME="servertest" \
-e ADMIN_PASS=12345 \
-v /path/to/ProjectZomboid64.json:/gameserver/PZServer/ProjectZomboid64.json \
-v Zomboid:/gameserver/Zomboid \
Least required
docker run --name zomboid -d -it -p 16261:16261/udp navydotgif/zomboid:latest