This small project makes CSS sprites from svg/png/gif windows support only.
if you wish to add MacOS or linux support, create a PR :)
Install node.js,python(2 version),Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013 and gulp globally
npm i css-sprite-maker
Install npm packages. If you have problems in browser-sync install on Windows look here
npm i
If you use link of global packages:
npm install gulp-svg-sprite gulp-svgmin gulp-cheerio gulp-replace -g && npm link gulp-svg-sprite gulp-svgmin gulp-cheerio gulp-replace
Put all your SVG/PNG/GIF files into the input folder and run
npm run start
The app generates 2 CSS/SCSS files, CSS for gif/png and SCSS for the SVG, both are found within public/css folder. properties of the generated sprites are found within, both have to be added to the head property in your HTML file (usually index.html) in a link tag fashion:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">
<link rel="styles" href="img/svg_sprite.svg">
then you can call classes of the GIF/PNG and use the inside ref of the SVG symbol:
<!-- Examples on using SVG sprite -->
<svg class="icon icon-home red_mod">
<use xlink:href="img/sprite.svg#home"></use>
<!-- Example of using PNG sprite -->
<div class="_1_png"></div>
<div class="dot_png"></div>
<!-- Example of using GIF sprite -->
<div class="_2_png"></div>
<div class="tw_png"></div>
A template is in the public/index.html folder and running the app would create a server on port 3000 that will run the index file example.
The SVG part was taken from Glivera Team and all credits reserved to them
Here's their article about making SVG sprite.
Hope you like it! :)