Releases: NatLibFi/Skosmos
Skosmos 2.0
This is a major version of Skosmos. There are some user-visible changes, e.g., a copy to clipboard button, but lots of changes under the hood and many libraries have been updated to more recent versions. The new version requires PHP7 and uses a single configuration file instead of two separate files. There is now support for running Skosmos via Docker and also for setting up a development instance using Vagrant and Ansible.
Translation updates:
- #710 New Dutch translation by Ismail Kutlu and Maxime Van Driessche
- #767 New Arabic translation contributed by UNESCO
- New Farsi translation by Omid Ghiasvand and Reza Ghiasvand
- Updated German translation by Jonas Waeber
- Updated Polish translation by Łukasz Szeremeta
- Updated French translation by Thomas Francart
Note that there is no support for right-to-left languages yet in the Skosmos UI, so the Arabic and Farsi localizations are not yet complete.
Improvements and new features:
- #638 / #754 SPARQL query logging includes prefixes
- #669 / #670 / #671 Non-SKOS property labels defined in another graph are now displayed. Credit: Thomas Francart
- #673 Embed JSON-LD data on concept page
- #688 Make prefLabel fallback language configurable
- #700 Add Dockerfile and a docker-compose to run Skosmos with Fuseki. Credit: Bruno Kinoshita
- #761 Feedback messages can be caught in spam filters
- #761 / #766 Change feedback message headers to use Reply-To and make name and e-mail optional (GDPR)
- #765 Not all hierarchies opened for a concept in multiple schemes
- #771 / #778 Configuration migration tooli. Credit: Bruno Kinoshita
- #738 / #769 New configuration file format to replace Credit: Bruno Kinoshita
Usability / UI improvements:
- #661 / #709 copy to clipboard button. Credit: Bruno Kinoshita
- #737 / #741 sorting concept property values correctly
- #679 Fix ordering of narrower concepts with accented characters on concept page. Credit: Thomas Francart
- #712 Display concepts in alphabetical index even if no term starts with A
Bug fixes:
- #686 Missing skosxl:literalForm causes crash
- #690 Duplicate search results in the autocomplete result listing
- #691 Vocabulary page does not display properly on mobile screens
- #692 The "by type" select in search result screen contains a blank
- #694 SPARQL search query is referring to ?match in GROUP BY and ORDER BY, while ?match is not in the SELECT clause
- #696 Model::searchConceptAndInfo() calls queryConceptInfo() even when result list is empty
- #701 Embedded json-ld data is not updated when changing concept via hierarchical/alphabetical index
- #714 Change selected language when selecting hierarchy tab
- #742 Error when typing quotation mark in the search box
- #744 concept not loading
- #748 Add SKOS relations to JSON-LD serialization
- #757 Search for a collection doesn't work in MTS
- #763 Apostrophe in the search box becomes ' and a double quote becomes "
- #764 Fix search with double quotes. Credit: Bruno Kinoshita
- #770 Fix Dockerfile by automatically answering yes to apt-get install locales
- #772 Warning: Unsupported language 'en', not setting locale in /var/www/html/Skosmos/controller/Controller.php on line 54
- #786 / #789 Specify skosmos:defaultEndpoint as a resource, not literal. Fixes #786
Code quality improvements:
- #785 Minor improvements. Credit: Bruno Kinoshita
- #782 Use Fuseki 3.8.0 for unit tests
- #783 Disable Travis tests for Fuseki snapshot.
- #728 Drop APC support
For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues and PRs tagged with the 2.0 milestone.
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions. In particular, please note that PHP 7.0 or 7.1 is now required and the configuration format has changed so you need to run a migration script.
Skosmos 1.10
This release includes better support for SKOS-XL, bug fixes, and many small improvements such as better sorting of concepts in the alphabetical index.
Translation updates:
Improvements and new features:
- #533 Support for displaying SKOS-XL metadata
- #630 Improved documentation for handling of deprecated concepts
- #643 EasyRDF updated to the latest version
- #632 Virtuoso endpoints should now work since EasyRDF has been updated
- #666 Prefer mapping property in the same Vocabulary rather than in other vocabularies
- #636 Top ConceptSchemes in REST API are now additionally in an array
Usability / UI improvements:
- #603 Properly displaying prefLabels on small screens
- #623 Notation codes are now visible for mapped concepts when available
Bug fixes:
- #559 Alphabetical index is now in natural sort order
- #612 properly displaying deprecated concepts when there are many values for the property
- #615 & #648 Alphabetical index no longer misplaces concepts that have an altLabel
- #616 PHP warnings "A non well formed numeric value encountered"
- #619 Invalid labels and URIs no longer shown for with uri fragments
- #629 Removed the unused color-stylesheet.twig template
- #633 Sidebar navigation fixed for Internet Explorer
- #639 The "filter by subvocabulary" dropdown in advanced search screen shows URIs instead of labels
- #644 Better support for Virtuoso endpoints
- #652 Fixed a bug with some URI patterns in the hierarchy view
- #655 GenericSPARQL::generateParentListQuery selects a "?member" variable that is never bound
- #658 In advanced search screen, when selecting more than 1 subvocabulary, the query fails
For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.10 milestone.
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions.
Skosmos 1.9
This release includes better support for PHP 7, minor layout & translation improvements, and many bug fixes. Software improvements include: improved spam detection in the feedback form, a faster turtle parser, support for displaying HTML inside notes and definitions, debug logging of SPARQL queries, and many other small improvements.
Translation updates:
- #560 Added translations for dc:spatial and dc:temporal
- #602 Inconsistent translations for broadMatch/narrowMatch
Improvements and new features:
- #539 Handle HTML code within notes and definitions
- #549 Support search with empty search term
- #564 Run tests also against current Fuseki snapshot
- #566 Debug logging of SPARQL queries
- #571 Support for APCu cache
- #594 & #604 Improve spam detection (thanks @kinow !)
Usability / UI improvements
- #550 Adjust front page layout when left/right boxes are not used
- #565 Ontology header not visible on smart phones
Bug fixes:
- #555 vocabularies.ttl world readable
- #556 Sort narrower concepts by notation on concept page
- #557 Invalid alphabetical sorting of group members
- #558 Wrong @base URI returned in /vocabularies API method
- #561 Text query fails with Jena 3.1.1 / Fuseki 1.4.1 / 2.4.1
- #562 Concept info query is slow with Jena 3.1.1 / Fuseki 1.4.1 / 2.4.1
- #567 empty FROM clause causes errors on Stardog
- #569 Backslashes in URL parameters break REST queries
- #570 Call to undefined method Twig_Node_Text::getTemplateLine()
- #572 URIs from other vocabularies not resolved in concept property values
- #576 Top concepts without label in current language not visible in hierarchy
- #577 Unnecessary language subtag shown in hierarchy
- #578 "no term for this concept" shown even though a term exists in a variant language
- #579 Breadcrumbs show labels in wrong language even if a subtag label would be available
- #580 Invalid concept links from hierarchy when concept localname contains special characters
- #581 broadMatch relationships not shown when using English UI language
- #584 different type of fonts in concept page
- #585 Switching to hierarchy view broken in IPTC
- #589 Search by English term broken in IPTC
- #590 Setting default tab to "hierarchy" breaks page loads
- #592 Concept search shows empty results when the labels have no language tag
- #595 Empty parenthesis in search results for concepts with altLabels that have no language code
- #601 Matched altLabel not shown when it has no language tag
- #606 The new concept listing doesn't always load more results
- #610 Rest lookup for term containing single quote fails
Code quality:
- Unit test coverage 85%, down from 87% in 1.8
- Code Climate score 1.89 of 4, up from 1.84 in 1.8
- Scrutinizer score 5.99 "satisfactory", up from 5.94 in 1.8
- SensioLabs Insight score 88/100 "silver medal", up from 87/100 in 1.8
- Codacy overall score A (212 issues), an improvement over the 1.8 score B (202 issues)
For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.9 milestone.
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions.
Skosmos 1.8
This release includes a new contribution guideline and issue templates. We hope these improvements make future contributions to Skosmos easier. Software improvements include: better support for SKOS XL labels, showing notation codes in the autocompletion search, more specific JSON-LD context for the REST API responses and many other small improvements. The concept page layout has been improved and it should now be more usable with mobile devices.
Documentation improvements:
- #521 Add contributing doc and issue template
Usability improvements:
- #502 Concept page no longer uses tables for the layout
- #552 The "any language" search setting is now remembered correctly
Technical improvements:
- #109 SKOS XL label metadata support
- #517 Showing notation codes in the autocomplete listing
- #534 Switch from GRAPH blocks to FROM clauses in SPARQL queries
- #536 Add @base to JSON-LD contexts
Bug fixes:
- #535 REST search type restriction space separation issues
- #540 Invalid message "There is no term for this concept in this language." when a term exists in a language variant
- #541 Hierarchy view loading issues in IPTC Scene
- #542 Language code errors in the hierarchy REST API results
- #544 Concept page layout issues
- #547 REST API types method giving a 500 error
Code quality:
- Unit test coverage 87.4%, down from 88% in 1.7
- Code Climate score 1.84 of 4, down from 1.85 in 1.7
- Scrutinizer score 5.94 "satisfactory", slight decline from 5.95 in 1.7
- SensioLabs Insight score 87/100 "silver medal", identical score in 1.7
- Codacy overall score B (202 issues), an improvement over the 1.7 score B (218 issues)
For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.8 milestone
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions.
Skosmos 1.7
The most important improvement in this release is the new Swagger/OpenAPI description of the REST API. It is a declarative, machine-readable JSON description of the API that enables automatically generated API documentation as well as client code generation for various programming languages. Other new features include accessibility improvements, better support for reified definitions, and searching concepts by notation code. There are also performance improvements to the search result page, ability to configure SPARQL request timeouts and the possibility to disable the alphabetical index. These performance-related enhancements make it possible to use even very large vocabularies such as LCSH with Skosmos, though some pages will likely be slow to load.
Translation updates:
- Updated French translation by Thomas Francart
- Updated Italian translation by Armando Stellato
- Updated German translation by Joachim Neubert
- Updated Norwegian Bokmål translation by Dan Michael O. Heggø
Usability improvements:
- #416 "The concept is not available in this language" message rephrased
- #433 Avoid duplicated information when isothes:superGroup and skos:member have both been used
- #434 Don't reveal hiddenLabels that were used for matching
- #473 Show vocabulary URI on the vocabulary front page
- #499 Add "Skip to content" link
- #500 Add labels/titles for search form elements
- #501 Add heading for sidebar section
Technical improvements:
- #452 Make display of skos:notation values optional
- #456 Search by notation code
- #458 Support classifying vocabularies by type in vocabularies.ttl
- #477 Better support for structured/reified definitions
- #493 Option to disable alphabetical index
- #508 Smarter getVocabularyFromURI when multiple vocabularies share URI namespace
- #509 Configurable SPARQL query timeout instead of hardcoded 10 second timeout
- #524 Introduce SEARCH_RESULTS_SIZE configuration parameter, improving search results loading performance
Documentation improvements:
- #435 Swagger description of the REST API
Bug fixes:
- #510 Plugin loading problems with Safari
- #511 PO metadata shown as translation for empty language tags
- #512 Generated link to concept scheme not working
- #513 Blank page and 500 error when URI contains space
- #514 REST data method doesn't return a 404 when the concept can't be found
- #515, #531 Member concepts of Array-type collections not shown
- #532 Groups tab shown on Array-type collection pages
- #516 REST vocabulary information returns badly formatted languages
- #518 Redirect to language-specific page doesn't respect BASE_HREF setting
- #519 Duplicated search results when different vocabularies have different prefLabels for the same concept
- #522 Vocabulary search limited to 40 results even though there should be more
- #523 Vocabulary feedback form vocabulary preselection is broken
- #525 Rest lookup method not working as expected without the lang parameter
- #526 Global search result language code is empty even though it shouldn't be
- #528 Mapping links shown in wrong language
- #529 Labels with special characters not shown in hierarchy view
Code quality improvements:
- Unit test coverage 88% (was 88% in 1.6)
- Code Climate score 1.85 of 4, up from 1.77 in 1.6
- Scrutinizer score 5.95 ("satisfactory"), down from 6.11 in 1.6
- SensioLabs Insight score 87 of 100 (silver medal), down from 88 in 1.6
- Codacy overall score B (218 issues), was B (227 issues) in 1.6
- many other potential bugs and problems fixed based on analysis reports by the above tools
For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.7 milestone.
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions. There have been some minor changes to settings in this release, but the default values should work for most users.
Skosmos 1.6
This release brings a new plugin mechanism for adding elements to Skosmos pages using JavaScript and CSS. It also includes a HTML/RDF content negotiation endpoint that makes it easier than before to publish Linked Data using Skosmos. We also have a new tutorial for getting started with Skosmos.
Translation updates:
- Updated French translation by Thomas Francart
- Updated Italian translation by Armando Stellato
Usability improvements:
- #437 Show the special language tag
used for scientific taxon names as "Scientific name" - #439 Widget for displaying Finna material (developed in a separate GitHub repository)
- #440 Prefer short URLs in links from the hierarchy and groups views
- #478 Better structured display of concept counts on the vocabulary page
- #480 Subproperties of
no longer shown on concept pages
Technical improvements:
- #359 Content negotiation entry point, making it easier than before to serve Linked Data
- #368 Initial support for using an alternative hierarchy property instead of
- #432, #459 Possible to ask for labels in all languages, or values of other SKOS properties, in the REST
method - #438 Pass concept URIs and labels to JavaScript code as variables
- #476 Plugin mechanism for adding JavaScript and CSS to Skosmos pages
Documentation improvements:
- #364 New detailed install tutorial for setting up Fuseki2 and Skosmos on Ubuntu 14.04 server
- #424 Text analysis configuration guide updated with new information about accent-insensitive search
- Serving Linked Data guide
Bug fixes:
- #467 Group page doesn't have a proper page title
- #469 prefLabel highlight is broken
- #471 Reverse proxy setting not respected in certain places
- #474 Label statistics only count terms from one concept scheme
- #475 REST vocabulary search maxlimits is broken
- #481 Concept page belongs to group links broken
- #483 Notation codes not always shown/used at top level of hierarchy
- #485 Feedback recipient address is ignored when sending feedback from inside a vocabulary
- #486 Global search results limited to 40 results
- #487 dc11 properties not always translated
- #489
URLs in concept scheme metadata not linked - #490 Hierarchy tab inactive when on Groups tab
- #491 Thesaurus arrays show up in wrong context
- #492 External URIs not properly linked from concept page
- #494 External vocabulary names are looked up twice
- #495
concepts not shown as deprecated - #497 Shouldn't return lots of
triples in concept scheme data - #498 HTML validity fixes
- #506 isothes:ConceptGroup and isothes:ThesaurusArray not translated in autocomplete results
- #507 Search string with a space breaks the search results paging
Code quality improvements:
- Unit test coverage 88% (was 91% in 1.5)
- Code Climate score 1.77 of 4, up from 1.6 in 1.5
- Scrutinizer score 6.11 ("satisfactory"), up from 5.82 in 1.5
- SensioLabs Insight score 88 of 100 (silver medal), down from 89 in 1.5
- Codacy overall score B (227 issues), down from A (155 issues) in 1.5 (probably the A/155 issues was a measurement error...)
- many other potential bugs and problems fixed based on analysis reports by the above tools
For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.6 milestone.
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions.
Skosmos 1.5
This release is a maintenance release containing mostly bug fixes and code quality improvements. User-visible improvements include a "Loading..." spinner for slowly loading concept pages, and the merging of group and concept page types whose separation has caused various problems in the past.
Translation updates:
- Updated French translation by Thomas Francart
- Updated German translation by Joachim Neubert
- Updated Italian translation by Armando Stellato
- Updated Norwegian Bokmål and Nynorsk translations by Dan Michael O. Heggø
Usability improvements:
- #430 Merge group and concept pages
- #304 "Loading..." AJAX spinner shown when loading a concept page takes a long time
- #431, #444 More translations for Dublin Core and Creative Commons metadata
- #443 Enforce alphabetical ordering of multiple values in the same property
Technical improvements:
- #367 Initial support for ISO 25964 BTG/BTI/BTP properties
- #387 RDF namespace prefixes from vocabularies.ttl used for RDF data about concepts
- #391 Option to restrict search based on ConceptScheme both in UI and REST API
- #406 Categorization of vocabularies in vocabularies.ttl is now optional
- #413 Statistical queries now optional, to support larger vocabularies where they would be slow
- #422 Make use of different text indexes optional
Documentation improvements:
- #409 Wiki documentation for settings
- #422 Wiki documentation for alternative text indexing configurations
Bug fixes:
- #461, #466 Problems with lazy loading of more search results
- #410 Switching interface language does not change content language after selecting a concept from the hierarchy
- #418 Filtering a search by type does not work
- #425 Global search is not showing the configured additional properties
- #426 Changing content language breaks URL encoding
- #427 Search always targets default endpoint
- #429 Unique flag not working
- #436 Javascript event handlers not initializing on the index page
- #441 Uncatched exception with missing vocabularies.ttl
- #442 Autocomplete results are limited to 100 results
- #445 PHP error when trying to access nonexistent page
- #336 Error message says "404 Error" twice
- #451 Full alphabetical index is not case-insensitive
- #454 Reported number of search results capped at 100 or 40
- #455 Concept page does not show arrays that the concept belongs to
Code quality improvements:
- #393 Refactored concept search method parameters into new class ConceptSearchParameters
- #414 Performance test suite updated and added to the GitHub repository
- #415 Many more unit tests, coverage raised to 91% (was 76% for 1.4)
- CSS style sheets extensively refactored
- Started using the new Code Climate Platform which adds many more types of checks to the analysis. Scores are not directly comparable with the old Code Climate scores though they are on the same scale. Score 1.6 of 4
- Scrutinizer score 5.82 ("satisfactory"), up from 5.55 in 1.4
- SensioLabs Insight score 89 of 100 (silver medal), up from 82 in 1.4
- Codacy overall score A (155 issues), up from B (228 issues) in 1.4
- many other potential bugs and problems fixed based on analysis reports by the above tools
For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.5 milestone.
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions.
Skosmos 1.4
This release brings support for new jena-text features in Jena 3 (Fuseki 1.3.x/2.3.x). Thanks to these, text search functions and the alphabetical index are now 10-80% faster depending on the situation, and the search result pages now avoid listing the same concept twice even if it was matched via several labels. There is experimental support for using alternative text analyzers which can be used to enable search that targets individual words and/or ignores accents and other diacritics. A new tab showing most recently added concepts is also provided. A Chinese translation was contributed by the community and all other translations have also been updated.
Translation updates:
- New Chinese translation by FAO
- Updated French translation by Thomas Francart
- Updated German translation by Joachim Neubert
- Updated Italian translation by Armando Stellato
- Updated Norwegian Bokmål and Nynorsk translations by Dan Michael O. Heggø
- Updated Spanish translation by Karna Wegner
Usability improvements:
- #140, #358 New tab listing recently added concepts, based on dct:created timestamps on concepts.
- #53 Search result pages no longer show the same concept multiple times when it is matched via different labels. The REST API search methods now have a
parameter that controls this behavior (default is off). - #332 Option to use a dropdown list instead of links for language selection. This is controlled by the UI_LANGUAGE_DROPDOWN setting in
- #335 Show also the number of concept groups in the counts on the vocabulary front page.
- #344 Show concept group notation codes in the "belongs to group" section on concept pages.
- #346 Vocabulary selection dropdown is now sorted alphabetically.
- added Skosmos favicon
(can be overridden)
Technical improvements:
- #273, #383 Uses new Jena 3.0.0+ features in the jena-text index. This means faster searches and also a faster alphabetical index (can be 80% faster when there are many languages).
- #313 Experimental support for jena-text alternative text analyzers
- #372 Optimized handling of concept property information. Speeds up especially global search.
- #339 Script to easily synchronize translation updates from Transifex to Skosmos code.
Bug fixes:
- #347 Opening groups failed when labels are not available in the right language
- #348 ConceptGroup page shows empty Hierarchy tab
- #349 Global search fails to show more than 20 results
- #350 Search incorrectly targets the default SPARQL endpoint when there are multiple results from the same vocabulary
- #354 ThesaurusArrays not shown
- #355 Language selection links don't respect BASE_HREF setting
- #356, #390 Autocomplete shows URI instead of label for some concept types, groups and arrays
- #377 Missing groups in group view
- #378 Feedback form not sent
- #380 Feedback message shows referer instead of IP address
- #381 Selecting a concept from autocomplete loses the content language
- #385 Duplicated groups in group hierarchy when data contains both skos:member and isothes:subGroup
- #394 dct:subject metadata from vocabulraries.ttl file mixed with own thesaurus metadata
Code quality improvements:
- #360 vocabularies.ttl parsing refactored into its own class VocabularyConfig
- #374 parsing refactored into its own class GlobalConfig
- #373 Switched to the new Trusty environment in Travis CI
- Upgraded unit tests to PHPUnit 5 (but version 4.8 can still be used for PHP versions older than 5.6)
- Started using Codacy static analysis tool (overall score: B)
- SensioLabs Insight score 82 of 100 (silver medal)
- Scrutinizer score 5.55 ("satisfactory")
- Code Climate score 1.12 of 4
- Unit test coverage is at 76% (slightly down from 1.3 when it was 80%)
- Remaining PHP code reformatted to comply with PSR-1 and PSR-2 style
- many other potential bugs and problems fixed based on analysis reports by the above tools
For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.4 milestone.
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions. Note that this release requires using Fuseki 1.3.0+ or 2.3.0+, which in turn require a Java 8 environment.
Skosmos 1.3
This release brings better support for some structural features in thesauri and classifications: multiple concept schemes, and notation codes for concepts and concept groups (collections). There are also four new UI translations that were contributed by the Skosmos user community, bringing the total of supported UI languages to nine (de, en, es, fi, fr, it, nb, nn, sv).
Translation updates:
- #328 Spanish translation by FAO
- #329 Italian translation by Armando Stellato
- #330 French translation by Thomas Francart
- #340 Norwegian Nynorsk translation by Dan Michael O. Heggø
Technical improvements:
- #123 Show concept counts grouped by concept type
- #263 Support multiple Concept Schemes in hierarchy display
- #264 Show notations in hierarchy
- #265 Sort by notation
- #324 Upgrade Twig library
Usability improvements:
- #211 Auto-complete field shouldn't override what the user typed
- #312 Search box loses focus when clicking the clear button
- #297 Make vocabulary information resources clickable links
Bug fixes:
- #315 Autocomplete selection fails in IE
- #316 Search restriction layout broken in IE
- #317 Broken links on 404 error page
- #325 "Loading" message not translated for Hierarchy and Groups tabs
- #333 Hierarchy links don't preserve content language
- #319 Mappings to DBpedia don't show that they are from DBpedia
- #326 RestController often returns empty results instead of 404
Code quality improvements:
- Started using SensioLabs Insight static analysis tool (score: 34 of 100, bronze medal)
- Started using Scrutinizer static analysis tool (score: 5.24 of 10, "satisfactory")
- Code Climate score 0.89 of 4
- Unit test coverage remains at 80%
- Most of PHP code reformatted to comply with PSR-1 and PSR-2 style
- #320, #321, #322 Rewrote code that looked fragile
- many other potential bugs and problems fixed based on analysis reports provided by the above tools
For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.3 milestone.
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions.
Skosmos 1.2.1
This is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and minor enhancements.
Usability and UI fixes:
- #211: autocomplete functionality in the search box no longer changes the entered string
- #296: updated German translation, thanks to Joachim Neubert
- #307: fix redirected links in hierarchy sidebar
- #308: HTML page title: show vocabulary name in the correct language
- #311: fix clear search button that didn't do anything
Technical fixes:
- #299: do not sanitize REST API callback parameter as it causes problems for JavaScript applications
- #300, #301: fix PHP warnings and broken REST API
method - #302: fix REST API language parameter handling
- #305: fix invalid results for
REST method - #309: fix base URI guessing when hosted on Windows platforms
- Document the BASE_HREF setting (introduced in Skosmos 1.2) in
- #298: limited support for concept groups nested using isothes:subGroup
- #306: allow concept data to be downloaded as JSON-LD
This release is based on the v1.2-maintenance branch.