Skosmos 1.9
16 commits
to v1.9-maintenance
since this release
This release includes better support for PHP 7, minor layout & translation improvements, and many bug fixes. Software improvements include: improved spam detection in the feedback form, a faster turtle parser, support for displaying HTML inside notes and definitions, debug logging of SPARQL queries, and many other small improvements.
Translation updates:
- #560 Added translations for dc:spatial and dc:temporal
- #602 Inconsistent translations for broadMatch/narrowMatch
Improvements and new features:
- #539 Handle HTML code within notes and definitions
- #549 Support search with empty search term
- #564 Run tests also against current Fuseki snapshot
- #566 Debug logging of SPARQL queries
- #571 Support for APCu cache
- #594 & #604 Improve spam detection (thanks @kinow !)
Usability / UI improvements
- #550 Adjust front page layout when left/right boxes are not used
- #565 Ontology header not visible on smart phones
Bug fixes:
- #555 vocabularies.ttl world readable
- #556 Sort narrower concepts by notation on concept page
- #557 Invalid alphabetical sorting of group members
- #558 Wrong @base URI returned in /vocabularies API method
- #561 Text query fails with Jena 3.1.1 / Fuseki 1.4.1 / 2.4.1
- #562 Concept info query is slow with Jena 3.1.1 / Fuseki 1.4.1 / 2.4.1
- #567 empty FROM clause causes errors on Stardog
- #569 Backslashes in URL parameters break REST queries
- #570 Call to undefined method Twig_Node_Text::getTemplateLine()
- #572 URIs from other vocabularies not resolved in concept property values
- #576 Top concepts without label in current language not visible in hierarchy
- #577 Unnecessary language subtag shown in hierarchy
- #578 "no term for this concept" shown even though a term exists in a variant language
- #579 Breadcrumbs show labels in wrong language even if a subtag label would be available
- #580 Invalid concept links from hierarchy when concept localname contains special characters
- #581 broadMatch relationships not shown when using English UI language
- #584 different type of fonts in concept page
- #585 Switching to hierarchy view broken in IPTC
- #589 Search by English term broken in IPTC
- #590 Setting default tab to "hierarchy" breaks page loads
- #592 Concept search shows empty results when the labels have no language tag
- #595 Empty parenthesis in search results for concepts with altLabels that have no language code
- #601 Matched altLabel not shown when it has no language tag
- #606 The new concept listing doesn't always load more results
- #610 Rest lookup for term containing single quote fails
Code quality:
- Unit test coverage 85%, down from 87% in 1.8
- Code Climate score 1.89 of 4, up from 1.84 in 1.8
- Scrutinizer score 5.99 "satisfactory", up from 5.94 in 1.8
- SensioLabs Insight score 88/100 "silver medal", up from 87/100 in 1.8
- Codacy overall score A (212 issues), an improvement over the 1.8 score B (202 issues)
For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.9 milestone.
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions.