Skosmos 2.14
2 commits
to v2.14-maintenance
since this release
This is a minor version release (2.14) of Skosmos. This release brings support for PHP 8.0, improves handling of plugins and improves logging when running under Docker. There are bugfixes related to the handling of "0" as a search string and to the display of concept types in search results. Some dependencies are upgraded, including the Twig template engine and the Jena Fuseki triple store used for unit tests.
- #1148/#1285/#1287 Call plugin callbacks in the order they are configured
- #1243/#1266 Support PHP 8.0
- #1251 Redirect error log to stderr for docker logs (credit: @pulquero)
Bug fixes
- #1254/#1284 Concept types in the search box are shown as URIs, not labels
- #1260/#1261/#1267 Fix vocabulary search using "0" as the search string (credit: @kinow)
- #1275/#1276 Searching via API using the search term '0' without asterisk (0*) fails (credit: @kinow)
- #1262/#1271/#1280 Allow plugin robloach/component-installer and update Twig to 2.14 (credit: @janvanmansum)
- #1278 Added the possibility to define parameter plugins outside of the ordered plugin list
Code quality and tests
- #1273 Upgrade to newest Fuseki 4.4.0 for running unit tests
- #1277 Enable GitHub Actions CI runs for pull requests from forks
- #1282/#1283 Reformat JSON strings in RestControllerTest
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions.