binary cancer detection based on resnet50.
input: openslide compatible WSI
output: qupath json, probability map
[required] users should pass one of the following arguments:
--by_csv "/path/to/file.csv" containing full filepaths to WSI (see example)
--by_folder "/path/to/folder" folder path to WSI files, does not search recursively
--single_image "/path/to/image.tif" full filepath for openslide compatible WSI
--save_location "/path/to/save/outputs" will default to "./output"
conda create -n mpca_detect python=3.6 numpy scipy
conda install -c bioconda openslide
pip install openslide-python
conda install -c fastchan fastai
conda install scikit-image
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
pip install Shapely
pip install geojson