Fairly partition training/test sets with respect to several counting-based criteria. Fairly partition a data set for F-fold cross validation.
In medical image learning tasks, a single image can have several annotated types of pathology present. This contrasts with learning tasks where each example is paired with a single annotation (e.g. class label) where a method like sklearn's train_test_split
can fairly partition training and test splits. Carelessly partitioning medical images into a training and test set may result in an unbalanced distribution of the pathology. This repository hosts a simple method to fairly partition training and test sets considering counts of pathology present in an image. You can even extend this problem to include a fair partitioning with respect to more counting-based criteria like ISUP grades, tumor volumes, multi-label counts, etc...
Suppose you want to sample p% of the images to be your training set so that you have about p% of each kind of pathology/ISUP grade/tumor burden volume/label count/etc...
Given a KxN weight matrix W with non-zero rows where N is the number of images and K the number of counting-based criteria, the method proceeds as follows
- Compute D = inv(diag(W1)), Z = I - 1/K. Here 1 is a vector of 1s.
- Compute SVD: USV^T = ZDW
- Take Q to be the last N-K+1 column vector of V (the null space of ZDW)
- Sample u ~ N(0,1) where u is an N-K+1 dimensional real vector.
- Compute x = Qu
- Take the largest pN components of x to be your training set.
- Optional: A goodness-of-fit can be computed from the indicator vector x_train with 1s in place of the largest pN components and 0s elsewhere. Residual = |ZDWx_train| where |.| is a norm.
NOTE: A weight matrix W with some zero rows can be modified into a new weight matrix W' with non-zero rows by simply discarding the zero rows of W. The script in this repository automatically performs this check and modification.
NOTE: Columns should ideally be non-zero too. A zero column would seem to suggest no annotation is associated with some instance. If you somehow find yourself in this strange situation, add a self count row where each instance counts as 1. See the Benchmarks section below for an example.
Each column of the weight matrix W represents one image. The rows represent some kind of count of pathology, ISUP grades, tumor volume, label count, etc... The vector W1 gives a total count/sum of all pathologies, ISUP grades, tumor volumes, etc... The matrix DW gives weighted columns so that DW1 = 1. You want to sample p% of the images so that you also have about p% of each pathology, ISUP grade, total tumor volume, etc... In other words, you want an indicator vector x_train with pN 1s that gives
DWx_train = p1
The matrix Z is a rank K-1 orthogonal projection matrix with null space being c1. So we can instead solve this problem
ZDWx_train = 0
DW is probably rank K but it does not matter. We'll assume that ZDW is rank K-1. We can compute the null space with SVD
And take Q to be the last N-K+1 column vectors of V to be the null space. We can sample a random null space vector x which will always be a solution to ZDWx = 0
Sample u ~ N(0,1) and calculate x = Qu
Now this solution x is not an indicator vector! But that's OK. We can always find a linear combination x_train = ax + b1 for a soft form of an indicator vector with 0 <= x_train <= 1 and sum(x_train) = pN for real numbers a, b. And what do you know, this linear combination remains a solution since DW1 = 1 and Z1 = 0. Thus, picking the top pN components of x_train is the same as picking the top pN components of x. Hence, you can safely ignore the indicator vector issue and just take x_train to have 1s for the top pN components of x. The residual |ZDWx_train| gives a measurement of how close you are to having the same proportion of everything in your training set (0 being perfect).
We can partition the F folds in a balanced way using the sorted x values generated by SVD. The sorted indices are partitioned into F evenly sized pieces. Each piece forms a validation set indicator vector for one experiment and its complement is the corresponding training set. To see this, let X be the sorted indices of x. The f'th validation set in F-fold cross validation is then
val_f = X_{floor(f*N/F) <= n < floor((f+1)*N/F)} where f = 0, 1, 2, ..., F-1
And the training set is its complement
training_f = val_f^c = X_{0 <= n < floor(f*N/F)} union X_{floor((f+1)*N/F) <= n < N}
Because X represents sorted indices, this partitioning of X can be thought of in terms of disjoint X_top, X_mid and X_bottom largest x values. In this case, the f'th fold can be thought of as below
val_f = X_mid
training_f = X_top union X_bottom
From random splitting, we saw that the top p% and bottom (1-p)% of sorted values gives DWx_train ~ p1 and DWx_test ~ (1-p)1. So if we divide this into the top p%, middle q% and bottom r% with p+q+r = 1, this gives DWx_mid ~ q1 since DW(x_top + x_mid + x_bottom) = DW1 = 1. Although we do not actually need to concern ourselves with the values of p, q and r. Conventional cross validation folds of such X remain theoretically balanced.
Form the weight matrix W
as a KxN numpy
array. Be sure to create a list or dictionary column_map
that maps column indices of W
to image/patient identifiers. The column_map
may map to single elements or lists of elements. The latter is useful if your columns represent patients but patients were imaged multiple times. Then column_map
might map to a list of scans for a patient. This prevents contamination of different scans from the same patient across training, validation and test sets. Then just call MakeRandomSplit
as follows to create a fair (p,q,r)% training, testing and validation set (e.g. p=0.65, q=0.25 and r=0.1 for 65/25/10 training, testing, validation split).
from RandomSplit import MakeRandomSplit
train_list, test_list, val_list, res_train, res_test = MakeRandomSplit(W, p_train, p_test, column_map, tries=10)
The resulting lists can then be directly used or saved to file for training. The res_train
and res_test
returns are the goodness-of-fit residuals for the two splitting operations.
You may optionally pass in integer sizes in place of p_train
and p_test
. For example if N=200, this would give similar results as the previous example
from RandomSplit import MakeRandomSplit
train_list, test_list, val_list, res_train, res_test = MakeRandomSplit(W, N_train, N_test, column_map)
NOTE: If your column map maps to lists of identifiers, it would be a good idea to have self count row where each column is the length of the list.
Form the weight matrix W
as a KxN numpy
array. Be sure to create a list or dictionary column_map
that maps column indices of W
to image/patient identifiers. The column_map
may map to single elements or lists of elements. The latter is useful if your columns represent patients but patients were imaged multiple times. Then column_map
might map to a list of scans for a patient. This prevents contamination of different scans from the same patient across training, validation and test sets. Then just call MakeBalancedCrossValidation
as follows to create a single fair p% test list (optional) and then balanced F
-fold cross validation lists from the remainder of the data set.
from RandomSplit import MakeBalancedCrossValidation
training_lists, validation_lists, test_list, res, res_test = MakeBalancedCrossValidation(W, F, column_map, testing_size=p_test, tries=10)
In this example, there will be 5 training and validation lists and a single test list comprised of 25% of the total data set. The res
variable will hold a list of goodness-of-fits for each fold while res_test
will be the goodness-of-fit for the test list partition (if any). You may choose not to create a separate test set and set p_test=0.0
NOTE: By default, the best cross validation partitioning is determined by the maximum residual over the individual folds. You may change what is considered best by setting the aggregator
argument in MakeBalancedCrossValidation
(by default aggregator=np.max
You may optionally pass in an integer size in place of p_test
. For example if N=200, this would give similar results as the previous example
from RandomSplit import MakeBalancedCrossValidation
training_lists, validation_lists, test_list, res, res_test = MakeBalancedCrossValidation(W, F, column_map, testing_size=N_test, tries=10)
NOTE: If your column map maps to lists of identifiers, it would be a good idea to have self count row where each column is the length of the list.
Form the weight matrix W
as a KxN numpy
array. Be sure to map columns of W
to your images in your data set somehow. Then just call RandomSplit
as follows to create a fair p% training set (e.g. p=0.75 for 75/25 split)
from RandomSplit import RandomSplit
xtrain, residual = RandomSplit(W, p)
xtest = 1-xtrain
To get better random splits, you may specify tries=#
as an argument to RandomSplit
. For example,
xtrain, residual = RandomSplit(W, p, tries=10)
will compute 10 p% splits and return the one with the lowest residual (10 is the default).
Instead of providing a ratio 0 < p < 1, you may provide an integer for the training set size. For example,
xtrain, residual = RandomSplit(W, 100)
will pick a training set to have 100 examples.
Form the weight matrix W
as a KxN numpy
array. Be sure to map columns of W
to your images in your data set somehow. Then just call BalancedCrossValidation
as follows to create a balanced F
-fold cross validation indicator vectors for training.
from RandomSplit import BalancedCrossValidation
folds, residuals = BalancedCrossValidation(W, F)
for f in range(F):
xtrain = folds[f]
xtest = 1 - xtrain
fold_res = residuals[f]
# Do something here...
To get better folds, you may specify tries=#
as an argument to BalancedCrossValidation
. For example,
folds, residuals = BalancedCrossValidation(W, F, tries=10)
will compute 10 F
-fold partitions and return the one with the lowest residual (10 is the default). Here, lowest means a F
-fold partitioning that has the lowest maximum residual over the folds.
Instead of using the maximum, you can set aggregator
in BalancedCrossValidation
(by default aggregator=np.max
folds, residuals = BalancedCrossValidation(W, F, aggregator=np.mean, tries=10)
This will instead average the F
fold residuals for comparison purposes.
As a simple test, I performed 100,000 runs of 50/50 splits of N=200 cases with K=11 criteria. The baseline method is to just randomly shuffle {0,1,2,...,199} and take the first 50% of the indices as the training set. The indicator vector x_train is 1 for each of those indices. The weight matrix W is 11x200 and is randomly constructed for each run as follows
- W[0, :] = 1 -- Each column counts as 1 instance. You don't necessarily need this row, but this avoids a corner case where somehow a p% split gives some other q% of each criteria. This row encourages q=p.
- W[1-6 and 8-10, :] ~ U[1,10)
- W[7, :] = 0 -- This tests automatic removal of rows where no instance counts (effectively means K=10).
- For each row in rows 1-10, a random 90% of all columns are suppressed to 0.
Mean (standard deviation) of the residuals over the 100,000 runs are tabulated for both methods
Tries | SVD | Random |
1 | 0.20 (0.05) | 0.33 (0.08) |
10 | 0.13 (0.02) | 0.22 (0.04) |
100 | 0.09 (0.01) | 0.15 (0.02) |
1000 | 0.07 (0.01) | 0.11 (0.02) |
Here "SVD" is the proposed method and gives the best (lowest) residuals on average. The benchmark can be found in Test_RandomSplit.py
Using the same setup as above, I calculated the residuals for F=3, 5 and 10 fold cross validation for both methods.
Mean (standard deviation) of the residuals over the 100,000 runs are tabulated for both methods
Tries | SVD | Random |
1 | 0.32 (0.08) | 0.37 (0.07) |
10 | 0.21 (0.03) | 0.27 (0.03) |
100 | 0.16 (0.02) | 0.22 (0.02) |
1000 | 0.13 (0.01) | 0.18 (0.02) |
Mean (standard deviation) of the residuals over the 100,000 runs are tabulated for both methods
Tries | SVD | Random |
1 | 0.32 (0.05) | 0.34 (0.05) |
10 | 0.24 (0.02) | 0.27 (0.02) |
100 | 0.21 (0.02) | 0.23 (0.02) |
1000 | 0.18 (0.01) | 0.21 (0.01) |
Mean (standard deviation) of the residuals over the 100,000 runs are tabulated for both methods
Tries | SVD | Random |
1 | 0.28 (0.04) | 0.29 (0.04) |
10 | 0.23 (0.02) | 0.24 (0.02) |
100 | 0.20 (0.01) | 0.21 (0.01) |
1000 | 0.18 (0.01) | 0.20 (0.01) |
This method helps in cases where the weight matrix W is sparse and N is not too large. If you have a dense weight matrix or N is large, simple random shuffling will probably give a good train/test split.
NOTE This remark is hinted by the following bound:
|ZDWx_train| <= sqrt(KN) sqrt(min(p, 1-p)) sqrt(sum_{n=1}^N var((DW)_n))
where (DW)_n is the n'th column of matrix DW and p is the training sample proportion. The bound is tighter when N is small and/or DW is sparse. Sparse DW results in columns with lower variance. The bound is tighter with a small number of criteria K although more criteria would likely result in lower column variance.
Here's another bound in terms of absolute difference between binary indicator vector x_train and approximate soft indicator vector ax + b1
|ZDWx_train| = |ZDW(ax + b1 - x_train)| <= sqrt(K) sqrt(sum_{n=1}^N var((DW)_n)) |ax + b1 - x_train| <= sqrt(KN) sqrt(sum_{n=1}^N var((DW)_n))
The bound would be tight if your soft indicator vector is nearly a binary vector.