A judge to grade all submission and collect results.
This is the judge for MP0 only. Please modify this code to create judges for other MPs and contribute.
The script is written in python 2 as the container only have python 2.
MP0 requires the submitted zip file to have the following structure:
<student_id> | +-- mp0.c | +-- Makefile
If the top directory is not named after student_id(both NTU or NTNU accepted), or file not included in a directory, a hint to deduct 10 points will appear in the student's
. -
If any error occurs during grading, the judge continue to the next students and warn you in the terminal. You may have to grade them manually.
We take MP0 as example. Please contribute and create other branches for other MPs if necessary.
unzip mp0.zip
cd mp0
# suppose you have xv6/ here
Download all submission from NTU COOL. Unzip it to mp0/submissions
mkdir submissions
unzip [downloaded_file.zip] -d submissions
The result shoud look like follows.
ls submissions
Clone judge.py
under mp0/
and prepare private testcase.
Note that we mount mp0/
in the container here, not xv6/
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/home/os_mp0/mp0 -w /home/os_mp0/mp0 ntuos/mp0
python judge.py # python 2
will be created, with each student's grading result inside.
It starts with logging look like:
Grading r12345678#_王小明 (WANG, HSIAO-MING)_xxxxxx_xxxxxxx_mp0_r12345678.zip
Score for r12345678#_王小明 (WANG, HSIAO-MING)_xxxxxx_xxxxxxx_mp0_r12345678.zip: Score: 90/100
And you can view all results and all error in results/summary.txt
and results/error.txt