What's Changed
- README updates by @mattldawson in #252
- 242 add tutorial for rate constant types except custom ones by @K20shores in #251
- Config parser by @dwfncar in #255
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #262
- adding timing functions by @K20shores in #265
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #266
- 260 add tutorial for multiple grid cells by @K20shores in #263
- 253 add tutorial for custom rate constants by @K20shores in #254
- Develop windows tutorial by @mattldawson in #267
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #274
- Update README.md by @K20shores in #275
- 278 add tutorial for use with openmp by @K20shores in #280
- only create the formatting branch if changes are detected by @K20shores in #282
- 157 steal the tests from the json library to test xcode builds by @K20shores in #283
- 264 add tutorial on timing the solver and investigating solver statistics by @K20shores in #270
- Decompose cuda by @qinatan in #257
- 271 add tutorial on configuring the solver for with different parameters by @K20shores in #277
- adding time to hello world example by @K20shores in #281
- adding code of conduct and contributors guide by @K20shores in #284
- hopefully copying the switcher by @K20shores in #285
- Enable openmp by @K20shores in #286
integration and regression tests by @mattldawson in #287- removing documentation dependencies from readme by @K20shores in #288
- putting docker files into their own folder by @K20shores in #289
- Switcher again by @K20shores in #291
- 292 add a docker image publish by @K20shores in #294
- Fix set concentrations mapping error by @mattldawson in #297
- Test kpp micm by @dwfncar in #295
- adding micm optional dependency pictures by @K20shores in #311
- Actions by @K20shores in #307
- update README example with time output by @mattldawson in #312
- update README by @mattldawson in #313
- adding icon to readme and favicon to docs by @K20shores in #298
- Update README.md by @K20shores in #316
- Develop 245 terminator by @mattldawson in #314
- 299 install micm and use in a new project by @K20shores in #306
- Validation checks by @K20shores in #318
- Bug fix build by @mattldawson in #319
- Develop 82 singular matrix by @mattldawson in #321
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #323
- 164 prevent non standard keys in json by @K20shores in #317
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #328
- 279 make solve function for ode solvers thread safe by @K20shores in #322
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #334
- 256 config parser by @dwfncar in #325
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #335
- 309 add tutorial for jit solver by @K20shores in #332
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #336
- Allow multiple JIT functions with the same name by @mattldawson in #341
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #342
- Develop jit tutorial edits by @mattldawson in #343
- adding jit process set in openmp example by @K20shores in #344
- update line numbers in JIT tutorial by @mattldawson in #345
- Develop 272 ts1 by @K20shores in #340
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #346
- Check for unused species in solver constructor by @mattldawson in #347
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #348
- Parse scaling factors by @mattldawson in #351
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #353
- Changed rate constant expression to allow for N = 0. by @dwfncar in #354
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #355
- 350 rm kpp to micm by @dwfncar in #357
- Develop 337 non si units by @mattldawson in #359
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #360
- Changed reactions.json units to non-SI. by @dwfncar in #361
- 310 add tutorial for the vectorized matrix solver by @K20shores in #362
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #364
- 153 config parser by @dwfncar in #369
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #370
- Cuda solver by @qinatan in #358
- 182 surface reaction example by @dwfncar in #356
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #371
- Command-line driver for MICM by @boulderdaze in #326
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #372
- Update Boltzmann constant by @mattldawson in #375
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #376
- Update CMakeLists.txt by @mattldawson in #377
- 374 tutorial for each example in the examples folder by @K20shores in #378
- using the new state in the tutorials, correcting line numbers, doxyge… by @K20shores in #379
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #380
- trying a different filter by @K20shores in #382
- Develop 374 examples by @mattldawson in #381
- Cuda alpha by @qinatan in #384
- Auto-format code changes by @github-actions in #385
- Happy new year! by @boulderdaze in #386
- v3.3.0 Release by @boulderdaze in #396
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v.3.3.0