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Create config_model_vs_cmip.yaml
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justin-richling committed Feb 13, 2025
1 parent bbe3a4b commit 7002aee
Showing 1 changed file with 297 additions and 0 deletions.
297 changes: 297 additions & 0 deletions config_model_vs_cmip.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@

#This is the main CAM diagnostics config file
#for doing comparisons of a CAM run against
#another CAM run, or a CAM baseline simulation.

#Currently, if one is on NCAR's Casper or
#Cheyenne machine, then only the diagnostic output
#paths are needed, at least to perform a quick test
#run (these are indicated with "MUST EDIT" comments).
#Running these diagnostics on a different machine,
#or with a different, non-example simulation, will
#require additional modifications.
#Config file Keywords:
#1. Using ${xxx} will substitute that text with the
# variable referenced by xxx. For example:
# cam_case_name: cool_run
# cam_climo_loc: /some/where/${cam_case_name}
# will set "cam_climo_loc" in the diagnostics package to:
# /some/where/cool_run
# Please note that currently this will only work if the
# variable only exists in one location in the file.
#2. Using ${<top_level_section>.xxx} will do the same as
# keyword 1 above, but specifies which sub-section the
# variable is coming from, which is necessary for variables
# that are repeated in different subsections. For example:
# diag_basic_info:
# cam_climo_loc: /some/where/${diag_cam_climo.start_year}
# diag_cam_climo:
# start_year: 1850
# will set "cam_climo_loc" in the diagnostics package to:
# /some/where/1850
#Finally, please note that for both 1 and 2 the keywords must be lowercase.
#This is because future developments will hopefully use other keywords
#that are uppercase. Also please avoid using periods (".") in variable
#names, as this will likely cause issues with the current file parsing


#This first set of variables specify basic info used by all diagnostic runs:
user: 'richling'
diag_loc: /glade/derecho/scratch/${user}/adf-output/${diag_cam_climo.cam_case_name}_vs_${diag_cam_baseline_climo.cam_case_name}

exp_hist_loc: /glade/work/richling/ADF/adf-tutorials/data

climo_loc: ${diag_loc/}climo
ts_loc: ${diag_loc}/timeseries

#Is this a model vs observations comparison?
#If "false" or missing, then a model-model comparison is assumed:
compare_obs: false

#Generate HTML website (assumed false if missing):
#Note: The website files themselves will be located in the path
#specified by "cam_diag_plot_loc", under the "<diag_run>/website" subdirectory,
#where "<diag_run>" is the subdirectory created for this particular diagnostics run
#(usually "case_vs_obs_XXX" or "case_vs_baseline_XXX").
create_html: true

#Location of observational datasets:
#Note: this only matters if "compare_obs" is true and the path
#isn't specified in the variable defaults file.
obs_data_loc: /glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs

#Location where re-gridded CAM climatology files are stored:
cam_regrid_loc: ${diag_loc}/regrid/

#Overwrite CAM re-gridded files?
#If false, or missing, then regridding will be skipped for regridded variables
#that already exist in "cam_regrid_loc":
cam_overwrite_regrid: true

#Location where diagnostic plots are stored:
cam_diag_plot_loc: ${diag_loc}diag-plot/

#Use default variable plot settings?
#If "true", then variable-specific plotting attributes as defined in
#ADF/lib/adf_variable_defaults.yaml will be used:
use_defaults: true

#Location of ADF variable plotting defaults YAML file:
#If left blank or missing, ADF/lib/adf_variable_defaults.yaml will be used
#Uncomment and change path for custom variable defaults file
#defaults_file: /some/path/to/defaults/file.yaml

#Vertical pressure levels (in hPa) on which to plot 3-D variables
#when using horizontal (e.g. lat/lon) map projections.
#If this config option is missing, then no 3-D variables will be plotted on
#horizontal maps. Please note too that pressure levels must currently match
#what is available in the observations file in order to be plotted in a
#model vs obs run:
plot_press_levels: [200,850]

#Longitude line on which to center all lat/lon maps.
#If this config option is missing then the central
#longitude will default to 180 degrees E.
central_longitude: 180

#Number of processors on which to run the ADF.
#If this config variable isn't present then
#the ADF defaults to one processor. Also, if
#you set it to "*" then it will default
#to all of the processors available on a
#single node/machine:
num_procs: 8

#If set to true, then redo all plots even if they already exist.
#If set to false, then if a plot is found it will be skipped:
redo_plot: false

#This second set of variables provides info for the CAM simulation(s) being diagnosed:
hist_str: cam.h0a

#Calculate climatologies?
#If false, neither the climatology or time-series files will be created:
calc_cam_climo: true

#Overwrite CAM climatology files?
#If false, or not prsent, then already existing climatology files will be skipped:
cam_overwrite_climo: false

#Name of CAM case (or CAM run name):
cam_case_name: b.e30_beta04.BLT1850.ne30_t232_wgx3.121


#Location of CAM history (h0) files:
cam_hist_loc: ${exp_hist_loc}/${diag_cam_climo.cam_case_name}/

#Location of CAM climatologies:
cam_climo_loc: ${climo_loc}/${diag_cam_climo.cam_case_name}/${diag_cam_climo.yrs}/

#model year when time series files should start:
#Note: Leaving this entry blank will make time series
# start at earliest available year.
start_year: 50

#model year when time series files should end:
#Note: Leaving this entry blank will make time series
# end at latest available year.
end_year: 59

yrs: yrs_${diag_cam_climo.start_year}_${diag_cam_climo.end_year}

#Do time series files need to be generated?
#If True, then diagnostics assumes that model files are already time series.
#If False, or if simply not present, then diagnostics will attempt to create
#time series files from history (time-slice) files:
calc_cam_ts: true

#Save interim time series files?
#WARNING: This can take up a significant amount of space:
cam_ts_save: true

#Overwrite time series files, if found?
#If set to false, then time series creation will be skipped if files are found:
cam_overwrite_ts: false

#Location where time series files are (or will be) stored:
cam_ts_loc: ${ts_loc}/${diag_cam_climo.cam_case_name}/${diag_cam_climo.yrs}/


#This third set of variables provide info for the CAM baseline climatologies.
#This only matters if "compare_obs" is false:
hist_str: cam.h0

#Calculate cam baseline climatologies?
#If false, neither the climatology or time-series files will be created:
calc_cam_climo: true

#Overwrite CAM climatology files?
#If false, or not present, then already existing climatology files will be skipped:
cam_overwrite_climo: false

#Name of CAM baseline case:
cam_case_name: b.e21.B1850.f09_g17.CMIP6-piControl.001

case_nickname: CMIP6-piControl

#Location of CAM baseline history (h0) files:
#cam_hist_loc: #/glade/derecho/scratch/hannay/archive/${diag_cam_baseline_climo.cam_case_name}/atm/hist

#Location of baseline CAM climatologies:
cam_climo_loc: ${climo_loc}${diag_cam_baseline_climo.cam_case_name}/${diag_cam_baseline_climo.yrs}/

#model year when time series files should start:
#Note: Leaving this entry blank will make time series
# start at earliest available year.
start_year: 50

#model year when time series files should end:
#Note: Leaving this entry blank will make time series
# end at latest available year.
end_year: 59

yrs: yrs_${diag_cam_baseline_climo.start_year}_${diag_cam_baseline_climo.end_year}

#Do time series files need to be generated?
#If True, then diagnostics assumes that model files are already time series.
#If False, or if simply not present, then diagnostics will attempt to create
#time series files from history (time-slice) files:
calc_cam_ts: false

#Save interim time series files for baseline run?
#WARNING: This can take up a significant amount of space:
#cam_ts_save: true

#Overwrite baseline time series files, if found?
#If set to false, then time series creation will be skipped if files are found:
#cam_overwrite_ts: false

#Location where time series files are (or will be) stored:
#cam_ts_loc: ${ts_loc}${diag_cam_baseline_climo.cam_case_name}/${diag_cam_baseline_climo.yrs}/

cam_ts_loc: /glade/campaign/collections/cmip/CMIP6/timeseries-cmip6/b.e21.B1850.f09_g17.CMIP6-piControl.001/atm/proc/tseries/month_1/


#These variables below only matter if you are using
#a non-standard method, or are adding your own
#diagnostic scripts.

#Note: If you want to pass arguments to a particular script, you can
#do it like so (using the "averaging_example" script in this case):
# - {averaging_example: {kwargs: {clobber: true}}}

#Name of time-averaging scripts being used to generate climatologies.
#These scripts must be located in "scripts/averaging":
- create_climo_files
#- create_TEM_files

#Name of regridding scripts being used.
#These scripts must be located in "scripts/regridding":
- regrid_and_vert_interp

#List of analysis scripts being used.
#These scripts must be located in "scripts/analysis":
- amwg_table
#- aerosol_gas_tables

#List of plotting scripts being used.
#These scripts must be located in "scripts/plotting":
- global_latlon_map
- zonal_mean
#- meridional_mean
- polar_map
- global_latlon_vect_map
- cam_taylor_diagram
- qbo
#- tem
- tape_recorder

#List of CAM variables that will be processesd:
#If CVDP is to be run PSL, TREFHT, TS and PRECT (or PRECC and PRECL) should be listed
- Q
- U


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