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App for Creating Animated Gifs


Use it

Develop it locally

  1. yarn to install dependencies
  2. yarn start to run a local debug version at http://localhost:3000/partymoji
  3. yarn test-prod to run a prod build at http://localhost:3000


  • Custom bezier library -> more points?
    • Would be nice to have start and end points instead of always [0,0],[1,1]. For instance, support curves that start or end at [0,0.5]
  • Bezier param does not detect mobile taps, only mouse clicks
  • Greatly optimize palette reduction effect.
    • Probably also makes sense to just set the number of colors max, which needs to be a power of 2.
  • Show tool tip in more places, that open help dialogs, instead of one big help section
  • Alter how sliders how to allow for larger ranges
    • Maybe make them exponential -- lower values on the slider are easier to select, but as you move the slider right, it starts skipping values. (Lower values typically require more precision.)
    • Could also try increasing/decreasing the slider value based on how fast the cursor is moving?
  • Rewrite (over time) the UI using styled-components, not Material UI, so we have more control over things
  • Write a gif encoder in Rust/web assembly, so creating gifs is a lot faster
    • Ideally the gif encoder is a separate open source project that this app merely uses.
    • Extra credit - GIFs can be greatly optimized by having subsequent animation frames only overwrite part of the image. Would be really cool to figure out how to do that ourselves.

Effect ideas

  • Add movement/scaling/rotation/drop-shadow to text
  • Spiraling out effect -- maybe applying opacity more as it progresses to the outer edge?
  • Sierpinski triangle effect
  • Give each pixel a randomized trajectory to give like a scatter effect? Maybe some sort of circular function that will ensure it returns to the starting point. Bezier curve to control the speed.