assessment-control project
- Cut your own branch from master locally, typing: git checkout -b name_of_your_branch and create remote copy git push --set-upstream origin name_of_your_branch The name of your local b ranch must match the name of your remote branch. Example (You can see in terminal): * [new branch] nik -> nik
- Type git branch to verify that you created the branch (your currently branch will appear in green)
- Make your changes
- Run git status - your changes will appear in red
- Add ALL your changes to staging by typing git add . OR To add some of the changes, instead git add . you can assign path to the file you want to commit after adding Example: git add /Users/galina/IdeaProjects/ask/src/test/resources/features/1.ObjectsPropertiesMethods/firstTest.feature
- Type git status to check that you added all the changes (they will be shown in green)
- To add your changes from stage to your branch, type git commit -m "[ADDED] your_message_explaining_what_you_modified" Use different labels [ADDED] [CHANGED] [IMPROVED] [FIXED] [DELETED] to better understand what you did on branch
- Switch to master to update code on master branch Type: git checkout master And then: git pull
- Switch to your branch again Type git checkout name_of_your_branch
- Type git merge master to make sure there won't be any conflicts in your future PR.
- If there is no conflicts, you can push to github. Being on your branch, type git push
- Once you collected all the changes on your remote branch, you can go ahead and create Pull request in GitHub.
- Repeat steps 3-12 for each complete task