Super simple wallpaper application for Wayland compositors implementing the layer-shell protocol.
Wbg takes a single command line argument: a path to an image file. This image is displayed scaled-to-fit on all monitors.
More display options, and/or the ability to set a per-monitor wallpaper may be added in the future.
- pixman
- wayland (client and cursor libraries)
- libpng (optional)
- libjpeg (optional)
- libwebp (optional)
- libjxl (optional)
- libjxl_threads (optional)
Note that if SVG support is disabled at least one of libpng, libjpeg, libwebp and libjxl is required.
libjxl_threads is recommended for better performance decoding JPEG XL images
- Development packages for all the libraries listed under runtime.
- wayland-protocols
- tllist
meson --buildtype=release build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install
By default, PNG, JPEG, JPEG XL and WebP support is auto-detected. You can force
disable/enable them with the meson command line options
, -Djpeg=disabled|enabled
SVG support is enabled by default (as it does not require additional
dependencies). You can disable it with the meson command line option
- - adds support for directories with images, random, timer flags.
Wbg is released under the MIT license.
Wbg (optionally) uses nanosvg, released under the Zlib license.