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Mica Minecraft Launcher

A simple-to-use launcher for Minecraft Forge, built on the Java and JavaFX platforms. Compatible with Windows, macOS and Linux.

General Information

The Mica Minecraft Launcher is a cross-platform, easy-to-use modpack launcher that uses modpacks defined in JSON files that are hosted on the internet.

All versions (macOS, Windows, Linux) support client mode and server mode. Client mode is the default mode, unless a graphic interface is not supported.

  • Client mode is the mode for those looking to play a Minecraft game (Minecraft Client).
  • Server mode is the mode for those looking to host a Minecraft server (Minecraft Server).

Opening the Launcher (Switches)

If you're using the native Windows or macOS application (exe, dmg, app), only client mode is supported, and these switches will not work.

To force server mode: launcher-file-name.jar -s

To force client mode: launcher-file-name.jar -c

To specify mod pack: launcher-file-name.jar [modpack name] where [modpack name] is the name of the installed modpack. For example, launcher-file-name.jar Alto would run the launcher with the Alto mod pack selected.

To force server mode with specified mod pack: launcher-file-name.jar -s [modpack name]

To force client mode with specified mod pack: launcher-file-name.jar -c [modpack name]

Adding a Mod pack to the Launcher

Adding a modpack to the Mica Minecraft Launcher is simple and easy! All you have to do is:

  1. Open the launcher settings window

    1. If not already done, login to the launcher with your Minecraft/Mojang account
    2. On the modpack selection screen, click the "Edit Mod Packs" (Pencil Icon) button
  2. Enter the URL of a mod pack, or choose one from the list of available mod packs

  3. Click the "Save" button, and then "Return"

Creating a Mod pack for the Launcher

Just like adding a modpack, creating one yourself is just as easy! All you have to do is:

  1. Create a new JSON modpack definition, or download the example one HERE

  2. Edit the required fields in the modpack definition to fit your modpack

  3. Add mods you'd like in your modpack to the packMods field

  4. Add optional fields such as packConfigs, packResourcePacks, packShaderPacks and packInitialFiles

  5. Upload the completed JSON modpack definition to an internet location, and get the download URL

  6. Share the download URL with anyone who would like to use the modpack

Basic Example:

    "packName": "Example Modpack",
    "packVersion": "1.3.5",
    "packURL": "",
    "packLogoURL": "",
    "packMinRAMGB": "4",
    "packForgeURL": "",
    "packForgeHash": "c15dbf708064a9db9a9d66dd84688b9f31b6006e",
    "packMods": [{
            "name": "Journey Map",
            "remote": "",
            "local": "journey-map.jar",
            "sha1": "29875c4d6c543562066f44b727eb020d4fd062c3",
            "clientReq": true,
            "serverReq": true
            "name": "Foam Fix",
            "remote": "",
            "local": "foam-fix.jar",
            "sha1": "1ee4134a48f84d8a0122bc4efc18a49620b588ab",
            "clientReq": true,
            "serverReq": true

Full Example:

    "packName": "Example Modpack",
    "packVersion": "1.3.5",
    "packURL": "",
    "packLogoURL": "",
    "packBackgroundURL": "",
    "packMinRAMGB": "4",
    "packForgeURL": "",
    "packForgeHash": "c15dbf708064a9db9a9d66dd84688b9f31b6006e",
    "packScanExclusions": ["config", "dynmap"],
    "packMods": [{
            "name": "Journey Map",
            "remote": "",
            "local": "journey-map.jar",
            "sha1": "29875c4d6c543562066f44b727eb020d4fd062c3",
            "clientReq": true,
            "serverReq": true
            "name": "Foam Fix",
            "remote": "",
            "local": "foam-fix.jar",
            "sha1": "1ee4134a48f84d8a0122bc4efc18a49620b588ab",
            "clientReq": true,
            "serverReq": true
    "packConfigs": [{
        "remote": "",
        "local": "example.csv",
        "sha1": "314ccdfe54b570ab4f3cf09bedb5ae5f0ee01cd8",
        "clientReq": true,
        "serverReq": true
    "packResourcePacks": [{
        "remote": "",
        "local": "",
        "sha1": "0a81e8ce46a60629114ae9a55d6427b2150d14bf"
    "packShaderPacks": [{
        "remote": "",
        "local": "",
        "sha1": "0a81e8ce46a60629114ae9a55d6427b2150d14bf"
    "packInitialFiles": [{
        "remote": "",
        "local": "",
        "sha1": "",
        "clientReq": true,
        "serverReq": false

Modpack Definition Fields

packName "Example Modpack" Name of mod pack YES
packVersion "1.0.0" Version of mod pack YES
packURL "" URL of mod pack (can be blank) YES
packUnstable false True/false indicating if the pack is unstable (i.e. beta, pre-release, etc.) NO
packCustomDiscordRpc false True/false indicating if the pack implements its own custom Discord RPC patterns which should overrride the launcher's values.
packLogoURL "" URL of mod pack logo (.png only, include https if required) YES
packBackgroundURL "" URL of mod pack background image (.png only, include https if required) NO
packMinRAMGB "4" Minimum RAM (in GB) YES
packForgeURL "" URL of Forge Jar (installer) YES
packForgeHash "c91838b9f7ea97d9ace713" SHA-1 SUM of Forge Jar at packForgeURL YES
packScanExclusions ["config", "dynmap"] List of files/folders to exclude from modpack Nekodetector scanning NO
packMods [{
"name": "Mod Name",
"remote": "",
"local": "local-filename.jar",
"sha1": "71c9a720418eb9a9c",
"clientReq": true,
"serverReq": true
List of mods in mod pack (no limit)

name: Mod name
remote: Mod download URL
local: Mod local filename
sha1: Mod file sha-1 sum
clientReq: required for client
serverReq: required for server
packConfigs [{
"remote": "",
"local": "local-filename.cfg",
"sha1": "9c7274d7a7bc752013f",
"clientReq": true,
"serverReq": false
List of controlled mod configs (no limit)

remote: Config download URL
local: Config local filename
sha1: Config file sha-1 sum
clientReq: required for client
serverReq: required for server
packResourcePacks [{
"remote": "",
"local": "",
"sha1": "c381fea7137c6296a3"
List of resource packs (no limit)

remote: Resource pack (.zip) download URL
local: Resource pack local filename
sha1: Resource pack file sha-1 sum
packShaderPacks [{
"remote": "",
"local": "",
"sha1": "9a71cb24ef4c9ba2e1"
List of shader packs (no limit)

remote: Shader pack (.zip) download URL
local: Shader pack local filename
sha1: Shader pack file sha-1 sum
packInitialFiles [{
"remote": "",
"local": "initial-file.txt",
"sha1": "-1",
"clientReq": true,
"serverReq": false
List of initial files (no limit)

Initial files are files that do not fit
the existing categories. Initial files
are handled like other mod pack files,
and will be re-downloaded each time the
local file fails sha-1 verification, if
sha-1 verification is enabled.

remote: Initial file download URL
local: Initial file local filename
sha1: Initial file sha-1 sum
clientReq: required for client
serverReq: required for server



There are many ways to contribute to this project. If you have an issue or feature suggestion, please feel free to bring it to the development team's attention by adding a GitHub Issue to the project on the Issues tab of this repo. To contribute to the source code or functionality of the application, please download IntelliJ IDEA and checkout this repository as a Maven project.


The main branch is a protected branch, and pushing to it is not permitted. Development must be completed on a secondary branch, and then merged to the main project using a pull request. At least one person must review all pull requests before they may be merged, and all pull requests are automatically build tested. If the pull request is not reviewed, or the code fails to build, the pull request cannot be merged.